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Friday, February 25, 2005
that's me...
well...i didn't get that many comments on the story from yesterday...that doesn't help me much...o well... *shrugs* ...i thank all of you who did take a look at it and commented...hopefully i'll get a better outcome when i start posting the real story i've been working on... *crosses fingers* ...here's hoping!!!...
ok, how idiotic does this sound?...i bought a sketch book today...all nice & new with fresh white paper just waiting to be drawn on...but when i was waiting for class to start i drew a picture...on my lined notebook paper...it wasn't until i was almost finished with the picture that i remembered about my nice new sketch book...go figure...
PS. i'm so darn...weird aren't i?
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, February 24, 2005
u ever notice how painful and annoying it is when food or water goes down the wrong pipe?...not fun...it's happened to me more than i'd like...
i got bored...so i typed this (tis a link) up...u might have to highlight it to read...i think it's crap but whatever...tell me what u think...it has nothing to do with the story (ok maybe the sequel)...one of these days i'll actually start posting the story...
speaking of which...haven't edited for a few days...why?...been trying to focus more on doing my school work during my free time (at the apartment NE ways)...yeah i know...good luck with that...but we'll see what happens...i have to try for at least one day right?...
on a positive note i've deleted my Yahoo! Personals profile...i was getting tired of creepy (and might i add, older) guys trying to hollah at me...the world is full of perves...
PS. i guess priorities go out the window when i'm at school...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
tis quiz day!!!...
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
i'm old...
first of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONIICHAN!!!...whatever u do today i hope u have fun...
meanwhile, i'm still feeling a little icky...perhaps some soup will do something about it...i'll have to remember to eat some when i get back to the apartment...
editing report: on page 43 out of 53...81% done...only 10 more pages of editing left...unless i decided to add more into the story...let's hope not...it's taking my lazy butt long enough already...
PS. what do i do now?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, February 21, 2005
nothing to report...
...i shouldn't be here...
i shouldn't have to go to school today...but i guess i just gotta deal...like my teacher told me...there's no such thing as a democracy in the school system...
but aside from that, i woke up with a monster headache today...and on the way back to the apartment my left shoulder started to hurt...there's a kink in my neck right now...last week my knee was giving out on me and something was up with my ankle...i'm not even 20 yet and my body's already starting to give up on me...reminds me of Ren...don't ask why...u'd understand if u knew Ren...
editing report (i guess i did have something to report): on page 42 out of 55...76% done...wow...i didn't think i was that far...
PS. time to rest these old bones... -_-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, February 20, 2005
...ah, sweet coffee...
"An 18 year old, non college attending black man crying into his tea while watching inuyasha"... -_-' ...don't ask...this was for u Ryoko...
i had another dream...i was in a classroom...and it looked like my old English teacher's classroom...it was a new semseter...and all these pplz from my graduating class were there (not everyone but a lot of pplz)...it was very crowded...and horrors upon horrors our teacher was...Mrs. Newton (the substitute teacher from hell)...yeah that was a nightmare...
well...i tried to edit some more of the story...when that failed i tried to write some more in the sequal...did a little better but still not up to par...just one of those days i guess...
meanwhile i'm tempted to smack my computer like Ryoko-san is always telling me to do...stupid piece o' crap!!!...
PS. i need a holiday...a very long holiday...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, February 19, 2005
old times...
had a nice talk with Okaasan about Big Bro (after she had one with Oniichan)...i guess we're all a little worried about Big Bro being stuck in the teenage "i hate my parents" stage...i never had that stage did it?...
i re-organized Okaasan's tupperware (sp?) too...only cuz every time i went to put something up more stuff would fall out on my foot...not fun for my foot...
reminiced with her about old times...remembering how the family used to have the typical "family game nite"...but we actually had fun...Sorry, Monopoly, & Dominos seemed to be our favorites...i still have the Sorry game in my room...
meanwhile something's wrong with my computer again...the scren goes blank at random times for no reason...so i might go back to my original plan the last time it went screwy and not update during the weekend...not like i have NE thing exciting to talk about NE ways...
PS. i'm hungry...so i shall go eat... ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, February 18, 2005
what happened to being patriotic?...
so Monday is a holiday...tis President's Day...but i still have school...my American Government teacher won't even end the class a little early...non-patriotic loser school... *glare*
edited a little bit...haven't done that in a while...i only got to page 35 though...tis sad i know...just not feeling it this week...perhaps next week shall be better...
other than that...nothing to say...not much ever happens to me...u should know that by now...i have no life...
PS. i miss long weekends don't u?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, February 17, 2005
...so bored...
nothing much to talk about today...just the usual stuff...i didn't have a weird dream last nite...apparently i was moving in with my friend and her dysfunctional family...then i was in an apartment trying to fix the front door...a lot of good that did...
then this boy half my age not only fixes it but he painted beautiful anime pictures on it (Shaman King & DBZ included)...but what caught me off guard was when the little boy ran outside in the rain screaming at the top of his lungs with a gun in his hand and shot this dude who was running away from him...at this point i woke up...strange no?...tis one of those things u have a hard time forgetting...
PS. i have nothing to do...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Broken Dreams & confusion...
believe it or not..."Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day...a good song to listen to when u have an essay to revise...it did well to get my creative juices flowing when i was redoing my essay last nite...helped me when i was working on my Sociology take home exam too (speaking of which i need to finish that)...all around great song!...rock on!...
and apparently what was 55 pages on my home computer is 53 pages on Oniichan's...and if i was on page 33 on my home computer...i'm now on page 28 on Oniichan's...this is confusing...me no understand how that's possible...aren't all word documents the same?...o well i'm up to page 33 on Oniichan's computer...out of...53...how confusing is this?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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