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sitting on a branch of a tree • quietly watching the stars and moon
Member Since
quiet protector of all that is innocent
Real Name
DragonStorm (duh!) • TenTen (not really but I like it) • Tao (lotta pplz call me that) • Empress ^^ (really like the sound of that) • Lienan Knight (copyrighted by me) • other aliases that you don't know of yet *winky*
Anime Fan Since
my first episode of DragonBall at 6:30 in the morning (yeah it was on that early where I'm located)
Favorite Anime
Shaman King • DBZ • Naruto • Digimon • Yu-Gi-Oh! • CardCaptors
to write a good fanfic...and finish it • three writing projects down, sixteen more projects to go (darn those plot bunnies!!!)
anime (of course!) • reading • writing (mostly fanficing) • drawing • hanging out with friends • listening to music • smiling
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Second day of school...
DS Time - 10:30 AM
Rockin' to the sounds of - Silence
I meant to post about my first day of school but things were just...a little unorganized so I didn't have the chance. But now I have about 15 minutes before I have to head off to my next class so I'll try to make this brief (though I wouldn't count on it).
The first day went well though I all I wanted to do was go to bed after I got home. Staying at school from 9 to 7 is not fun peoples. I don't recommend it. But that's the way my schedule turned out this semester. At least I only have to go three days a week. And I get out early on Friday. Like my friend said, getting out at 7 on a Friday would be no fun at all.
So basically the week is half way done and it's only been my second day of school. I guess the schedule isn't that bad. It's a trade off of sorts I suppose. I don't have to go every day but when I do I stay longer than most people. I can deal with that. As long as I have breaks in between I think I can handle it.
I also got to see and old friend of mine, one whom I've liked since...forever I guess. He knows I like him but he's made it clear that we're just friends. I'm cool with that. As long as I still get to still look I'm fine. And he was looking all kinds of hotness on Monday. -winky-
PS. I'm going to print off some stuff that has nothing to do with school now. -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006
DS Time - 11:20 AM
Rockin' to the sounds of - 'Far Away' by Nickelback
I spent the better part of 4 hours last night at the movie theater. Last minute planning can be a wonderful thing, but never opt to see a double feature. My neck was killing me and I had this monster headache. But the two movies I saw were pretty good so I guess the pain I could endure the momentary pain that came with it...with some help from good old aspirin of course.
Man, do I love a good dance movie. Yeah, I went to go see 'Step Up' today. It was everything I expected it to be and more. The moves were awesome, incorporating interpretive dance with street. The acting was...average. But who's really going to see the acting, right? The music was GREAT and made me wanna go hit the club to get out my dancing itch. Most definately will buy the soundtrack the next time I take a trip to Best Buys.
Also saw 'John Tucker Must Die'. It was alright for a teen movie. I gave a chuckle here and there but there really weren't any bust a gut moments. They just don't make comedies like they used to anymore. But oh well. It served it's purpose and kept me entertained enough until it was time to go see 'Step Up'.
All in all it was a good night spent. Though the next time my friend suggests we go see two movies, I'll say pass. Save my neck this repeat performance of pain.
PS. Heh, I didn't realize that I hadn't eatten dinner until I was getting ready for bed. ^^; -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
DS Time - 11:47 AM
Rockin' to the sounds of - "Buttons" by The Pussycat Dolls
Well my lil duckies I said I'd link pictures so gosh darn it I'm going to give them to you. They can be found HERE and HERE. That's really all I have to say. Short and sweet, the best way to go. ^-^
PS. I hope you enjoy! -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, August 4, 2006
keep on truckin'...
DS Time - 10:00 AM
Rockin' to the sounds of - Silence!
Well, I seem to have a bit of the upset stomach. Oh the price of being a woman. -_-' Meh...I can handle it. Not like it's anything new I have to deal with. I'm a trooper. ^-^
Meanwhile I've seem to have neglected to post pictures from my trip to Cali. My bad but most of them didn't turn out so well. I do have quite a few of lil old me looking all nice and cleaned up for the camera. I'll link them as soon as I get the other batch of photos I just dropped off at Osco's. That way I may bombard you with images of me and you guys can finally see how asian I really am.
Until then I suppose I'll just continue to enjoy my new access to anime on the Cartoon Network... -loves on it like whoa- well as roleplaying with my buddies on LJ. I don't know why I never tried this sooner. Roleplaying is so much fun! -beams-
On a more serious note my weight has been see-sawing back and forth a lot as of late. Within a month's time I've lost 10 lbs., gained back 7, and then lost 6. Currently I stand at a decent 5'3" and weigh 120 lbs. But mom says that I still need to go on a diet. -_-' -sighs- Do I really need to comment on that statement?
PS. Yay, tummy feels a little better! -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, July 28, 2006
I'm terrible...
DS Time - 7:06 PM
Rockin' to the sounds of "Listen to Your Heart" by DHT
Ugh, I know, I'm having a hard time keeping up with this site and I apologize greatly my little duckies. But traffic around here has been...I don't know. Stagnant? It's just not the same around here. BUT FEAR NOT!!! I'll do my best to keep you guys up to date and give you all my love [cuz I have so much of it].
Things have been mellow as of late which is a good thing I suppose cuz...I'd be out of my mind of it all went chaotic. Um...big surprise: after spending a good 21 years with nothing but basic TV [meaning only like 10 channels dears] brother has installed cable. -is shocked-
The guy came this morning and installed it. Not that my years sans access to 100 channels was depressing. It gave my imagination a chance to develop into the budding beauty that it is today. that I've gotten used to only having 10 channels to watch I don't know what to do with the 90 other ones that were just added today.
PS. Well I can tell you one thing...I damn well know what to do with Cartoon Network. -loves on it like whoa- HELLO ANIME AND ADULT SWIM!!! ^-^ -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, July 23, 2006
I return!...
DS Time - 7:45 PM
Rockin' to the sounds of "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden
Apologies dear hearts. I've been on vacation in sunny California since the 5th. I return with sunburnt legs but still a bit darker than I was before I left. Nothing much to say really aside from me pouting because my pictures are taking forever to be processed. It makes me sad. -pouts-
Special shout out goes to my dear Jangalian because upon my return I find that she's been in a car accident. I hope you're alright and I want details dearest! <333
PS. Love you all! -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
late to the party...
DS Time - 2:28 PM
Rockin' to the sounds of - Time of Your Life by Green Day
Hehe, leave it to me to forget to tell you that it was my birthday yesterday. As of 11:57 AM on July 3, 2006 I officially turned 21. Damn I feel old saying that. But hey, as one of my friends so eloquently said to me "The term 'age limit' will not longer be part of your dictionary." Hehe, I love my friends. ^-^
So what did I do for the special day? Mom took me shopping. Didn't see much I liked but I did manage to get two Shaman King mangas and that was good enough for me. A friend of her's who is visiting from California kept making comments about my nice skin and long hair. She also said that I look Japanese despite the fact that I'm 100% Viet. Go figure. Hehe, I guess the otaku in me is screaming to get out.
Anyways, I'll be going on a trip to California early morning on the 5th of July (yes tomrrow) so there will be a stall in my updating (as if I haven't stalled my updating enough). I'll be back the 14th and tell you all about my trip!
PS. All you other Americans have a wonderful 4th! -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, June 29, 2006
man, it itches...
DS Time - 8:22 AM
Rockin' to the sounds of - Paper Lantern Nigh by Trish Thuy Trang
For the love of all that is pure and innocent SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP!!! It itches so freakin' much! ;_;
...Ok I'm done with that. Note to self: spray repellent even when you're just taking out the trash. The mosquitoes love them some Asian blood. -_-'
NE ways, all scratching aside I've been ok. Still dealing with some sporadic sleeping schedules but that's fine. Gives me time to lay awake at night thinking about things while I listen to my iPod shuffle. Did I forget to mention that my brother bought that for me as an early birthday present? Makes me a bit suspisious of his motives...
Speaking of birthdays...mine's next week...Monday to be exact. I feel so old when I say this but I'll be turning 21...and my brother told me he was going to take me out and get me drunk. Doesn't he sound like just a wonderful older brother? Heh, pray for me and my brain for the hangover that is to come.
PS. -scratch scratch- MAKE IT STOP!!!...please? -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
DS Time - 6:42 PM
Rockin' to the sounds of - Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
Wow, odd time for me to be updating huh? I'm so used to doing this in the morning hours. But because of my laying awake at night, I seem to be waking up later as well. So, not that much time for early morning updates and what not.
Not really that much to update on really. Still working on some personal things. But it's all good so don't worry about me. Just gotta keep moving despite all the things happening around me.
Case in point: daddy dearest of which I just...don't wanna see brought his wife over to the house the other day. I think they've been married for a good two years or so...and I haven't seen her til now. Never wanted to. We'll just leave it at that for now cuz I don't want to write much.
Well, that's my life in a nutshell for now. So hollah at yo girl and tell me what's up!
PS. Excuse my change in speech, I'm just in a goofy mood. -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, June 17, 2006
deja vu...
DS Time - 9:00 AM
Rockin' to the sounds of - Yuna's Ballad from the FFX game, I guess
I seem to be doing this a lot today, updating after a long period of absence. I assure you it was unintentional. I was actually going to update last week but the system wouldn't let me sign in to my account.
so it's been over a month since my last update and the start of my summer. what's been going on with me? just trying to get some things done before my trip to California in July. nothing major. some hang out time with old friends is pretty much the highlight of my days.
I did however buy an interesting item on one of my outtings to the mall: a dragon goblet from Spencer's, only $10. alright, so I unnecessarily spoiled myself. if you know me well then you'll know of my obsession with all things dragon so for me it was a must.
plans for next week entail me going to an outdoor concert called Red, White, and Boom. should be interesting. I'm hoping that a lot of the old gang can go. it's been a while since I've seen them. I realized yesterday that I've been extremely nostalgic as of late. hehe, clear signs of me getting old I suppose.
I've gotten into the old habit of laying awake in bed for hours just thinking about things. sporadic sleeping schedules will do that to you I suppose. meh, as long as I still function on the few hours of sleep I do manage to get it should be all good. I'm a trooper. ^-^
well I think I'll be off now. I'm thinking of watching my Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children DVD again. I SO LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! I can't seem to go a week without watching the battle in Midgar or at least the last fight scene in the movie. battle on my brooding heroes.
PS. this was for you, Jangalian. <3 -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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