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Thursday, December 16, 2004
so i took my last final yesterday...so now i have a month of freedom and i'm happily sitting at home again...can u say "yay!!!"...
 You are a LAID-BACK VIRGIN. What Kind of Virgin Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
on another note, today's my Okaasan's birthday...so a big shout out ot her on her special day..."i love u!!!"...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
trip down memory lane...
so i went back to visit my high school Monday...and that was nice...course i spent an hour in the office cuz there was a misunderstanding...so i didn't get to spend as much time catching up with all my underclassmate friends as i wanted...but i guess i can try again next semester...it'll be a lot warmer that's for sure...
u don't know how much u miss someone until u:
see their smile...
hear their laugh...
feel their embrace...
PS. i didn't realize how much i missed them...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, December 12, 2004
LOTR bliss...and the Shamans...
so x-mas came early for me...Big Bro got tme the LOTR Trilogy...he said that it was from both him & Oniichan...either way i love it (though i'd prefer the Trilogy Special Extended DVD Edition but that's just me)...
makes sense if u asked me...did yesterday's episode of Shaman King rock or what?...the parts with Faust & Manta (aka Morty) were hilarious!!!..."Morty, would you like to join me?"...hehe...poor guy...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, December 11, 2004
...hehe...gotta love those Shamans...
finished all my X-mas shopping in one day...yay for me...course i was tempted several times to get stuff for me...but the X-Mas spirit was working hard to keep me in a giving mood...
meanwhile, take a look at these beauties...o yeah!...
(NOTE: pictures resized for my convienence...)
PS. can u say "HELL YEAH!!!"...me happy... ...i feel so loved... ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, December 10, 2004
anime...it's a way of life...
so i've been off from school these past 2 days...and it's been nice...but finals start on Monday so the break is short lived...wish me luck guys...
meanwhile i took a nice trip to Barnes & Nobels to at least start on my X-Mas shopping...i didn't find what i was looking for...but i think i got something that my friend would like even better...great how things work out that way huh?...
aww...doesn't that sound like a cute Anime character?...i mean if u look past all the being "pure evil and killing anything you see" part...but evil beings can be cute too...
me go watch "Dogma" now...funny azz movie if u ask me...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
creature of the nite...2...
nothing much going on...just thought i'd post this...i have one final that i don't have to take...won't do me NE good NE ways...if i fail then my grade lowers...if i pass with flying colors i'll still have the same grade i have now...so i think i won't take it...
apparently i'm a vampire...2 quizzes tell me so...and that i'm insane as well...me liketh being crazy...tis fun...*smiles*...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, December 6, 2004
creature of the nite...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, December 5, 2004
so i didn't get to see Yu-Gi-Oh this week cuz i had to go take an exam for my Chem Lab...me sad cuz i didn't get to see it...*sad face*...hopefully i'll be able to watch the Yu-Gi-Oh episodes i missed when they rerun them this Friday...here's hoping!!!...
at least i got to see my Shaman King...*happy face*...funny episode too...but dubbing Choclove as Jaco?...WTF?...dude's got a funny voice too...looking forward to a lot of comedy relief in the upcoming episodes...especially at the fact that Cho-i mean "Jaco" is only funny when he fails to make a joke...the irony of it...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, December 3, 2004
so i tried to donate some blood yesterday...but apparently my veins were too small so they had to turn me down...darn it!...o well...i still got some pizza out of it...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
i think too much...
this came to me when i was...well when i was doing what the poem said...it started out as just thoughts running thru my head...and some how it became this...it's free verse by the way...
silently i stare at the wall or the ceiling at nite...
thinking about life and where it's brought me...
and before i know it, hours has passed...
and i'm nowhere closer...to an answer...
and yet every nite it's the same thing...
i lie awake in bed for hours until i lose all consciousness...
and the ring of my alarm tells me that it's another day...
another 4 hours of sleep...wasted...
i'm nowhere near ready for the next day...
but i face the new day with courage...
hoping it'll give me something to keep me moving...
because i have nothing to motivate me...i'm restless...
PS. i'll stop now before i get phylosophical...
I love Ren & Hao.

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