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Sunday, October 24, 2004
more LOTR...
so i made some more updates to my LOTR story...the link is on the left under "Talents" so if ur interested take a look and leave comments...
PS. NE one know where i could buy the series listed above?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, October 23, 2004
u love LOTR?...i know u do...
so i'm posting a story that i worked on last summer...i'm still getting the kinks out of it so it'll make more sense but if ur interested in reading what i've fixed so far u can read it at the link below...please check back as there well be much more updates...
War of the Rings Aftermath
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, October 21, 2004
happy days...
got my mid-term exam back in History...check it out...i got a 80!!!...hell yeah!...best grade i've gotten so far in college...
in the meantime...
PS. me so proud...about the test grade not the psycho-...well i guess i can be proud about that too...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
something to chew on...
alright...the computer is not so tempramental today...this was something i wrote about a year ago when i was going thru a rough time in my life...i was hoping that it might be of some help to Kyomi who seems to be going thru his own problems...i hope it helps...
~*~Life is a Journey~*~
Life is a journey
a quest if you will. So many have used those exact same words
but I guess its with good reason. There is no better way to describe this thing you call life and the way you are forced to live it. There are many factors that contribute to how your life forms into what you know it to be. Not much is known of what you call life. There is no clear purpose or reason you are here. Perhaps that is the purpose of life
to determine why you are here. And while you discover the answer, you are taken on a journey of self-discovery as well.
Life is and will always be the most complicated aspect in the entire known universe. It is filled with roads or paths that you map out with the decisions you make and the actions you take in life. These roads are filled with obstacles and trials that you must tread in order to reach the road you walk down. Most of all, they determine what kind of person you end up becoming. Its hard to understand how such small things like making a decision between this or that changes the course of life in a split second but somehow it works.
There are many things that influence and affect our lives in the littlest ways. The decisions that you make, the actions you take, the changes you endure, the way you handle hard or tough situations. But possibly the most important and effective influence on determining who you are and who you become ate the changes you endure throughout your life. These changes are meant to test your will and help you grow in your experiences. But there is no way of knowing if you can possibly handle these changes. Sometimes you are not ready for such tests and challenges. But the only way to be sure is to take the chance.
Life is bursting with changes that will give you clarification and revelation. To avoid these inevitable changes would mean to never take the risk of becoming better and stronger. Sometimes it takes more than one trial to really change for the better and so we endure the same change over and over again until we learn the lesson that needs to be taught.
These changes can happen at any given time never giving us a chance to prepare. But you can never be fully prepared with these challenges to life. They challenge what you believe and what you know. How you handle these challenges when they come will make you all the more stronger for it.
Much like a quest, life is full of difficulties as well that everyone must endure. Its hard to know what to do in these situations. There is no clear way of knowing how things will turn out or how it will affect the course of your life. So these will often times be the hardest decisions you make. And its because of that fact that these decisions you make will also have the most effect on your life.
There will be many people in your life also. Some will leave others will stay. All will leave a part of themselves with you. That is another factor or influence that dictates who you become later in life. Your personality is compiled of each and every person that you have met throughout your life. Those that stay for a longer duration of time will have more on an impact on your personality than those who come and go in a short period of time.
Life is also filled with emotion. The heart is a complicated organ to master and will go form one emotion to another without missing a beat. Often times these emotions are more trouble than theyre worth. You spend the majority of your life trying to achieve happiness but as you grow older you discover that no one can be completely happy. Life is filled with hardships that prevent the possibility of complete happiness and content. When it comes to love, its both the greatest feeling in the world and the most spiteful. The feeling of being loved is most likely the single most greatest feeling in in the world. But to love someone and be rejected or lose that love could very well break your spirit and the will to live forever.
All these factors contribute to who you are and who you become. Any slight change to that so called formula would risk changing the person you are. And that little change will be the beginning in a chain of events that would ultimately result in the change of and entire world
and entire galaxy
an entire universe
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, October 18, 2004
stupid computer...
so i was gonna copy and paste something from my Yahoo Briefcase but the stupid school computer won't let me open it...so i guess i'll post it tomorrow...i'll see u guys then...
the post was especially for Kyomi...so hopefully the computer will be working then...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, October 17, 2004
...my cuzn says pplz like to talk about themselves...methinks she's right...
? " I N F O R M A T I O N " ? "
Name: how many times i gotta tell u?...Spawn of Satan......
Single or taken: for the moment, single......hopefully not for long...
Sex: i wish...oh!...Female...
Birthday: July 3...
Sign: Cancer, sickly...not!...i guess sensitive...
Siblings: 2 older bros...
Hair color: dark brown...
Eye color: brown...
Height: 5'3" on a good day...
" ? " R E L A T I O N S H I P S " ? "
Who are your best friends?: Washu, Ryoko, Fireball, & Skate...
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Okaasan says I should focus on school......
" ? " F A S H I O N | S T U F F " ? "
Where is your favorite place to shop: HOT TOPIC!!!...
Any tattoos or piercings: none yet...Okaasan's gonna kill me when i do...
" ? " S P E C I F I C S " ? "
Do you do drugs?: yeah all the time...NOT!...
What kind of shampoo do you use?: that good pro-V shiet...
What are you most scared of?: not being loved...being alone...
What are you listening to right now? "Heartbreak Lullaby" by DreamNote...
Who is the last person that called you?: Okaasan...
Where do you want to get married?: at one of those drive thru chapels in Las Vegas...
How many buddies are online right now?: 9 (me likes that number)...
What would you change about yourself?: more confidence, a little bit more spontaneous...
" ? " F A V O R I T E S " ? "
Color: shades of blue, black, white, & grey (so basic, ne?)...
Food: whatever fills my tummy...
Boys names: Marek...
Girls names: Avalon...
Subjects in school: music...
Animals: dragon (as if u couldn't tell)...
" ? " H A V E | Y O U | E V E R " ? "
Given anyone a bath?: i wish...
Smoked?: never...though i always seem to be around pplz who do...the irony of it...
Bungee jumped?: not NE time soon...
Made yourself throw up?: only cuz i felt like throwing up and couldn't get it started...
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: when i was little...sneaky little devil aren't i?...
Pictured your crush naked?: half naked yeah but never fully naked...
Actually seen your crush naked?: i think i'd run if i did...
Cried when someone died?: of course...
Lied: i'd like to see a person who's never lied in their life...
Been rejected?: more than i like...
Rejected someone?: and not too soon either...
Used someone?: not that i'm aware of...
Done something you regret?: just one (there's always that one regret almost everyone has)...
" ? " C U R R E N T " ? "
Clothes: shorts & tank top (don't worry the heater's on)...
Music: for now rock & techno...
Make-up: um...does lipgloss count?...
Annoyance: college...
Smell: air?...
Desktop picture: for some reason we can't put pictures on our desktop NE more...
Book you're reading: Emeror: The Gates of Rome (at this rate i'm never gonna finish that book)...
CD in player: a whole mess of CD mixes...
DVD in player: currently nothing, but recently "The Italian Job"...
" ? " L A S T | P E R S O N " ? "
You touched: Okaasan...
Hugged: Ryoko...
You imed: Ryoko (do i hear an echo?)...
You yelled at: um...no one i can think of...
You kissed: *sigh*...Skate......
" ? " A R E | Y O U " ? "
Understanding?: i think so...
Open-minded: i'm pretty sure i am...
Arrogant: i can be...
Insecure: sometimes...
Random: not as much as i should be...
Hungry: all the time...
Smart: i thought i was...
Moody: i think i am all the time...
Hard working: methinks yes...
Organized: when i want to be...
Healthy: not as much as i'd like to be...
Shy: when i'm around new pplz...
Difficult: hell yeah!!!...tis a joy in my life...
Attractive: sometimes i think so...
Bored easily: oh Kami, YES!!!...
Responsible?: when i feel like it...
Obsessed: depends on what...
Angry: it takes a lot to get me really pissed...
Sad: more than i'd like to be...
Happy: less than i should be...
Hyper: all the freaking time (i gotta entertain myself somehow)...
Trusting: a little too much i'm afraid...
" ? " W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A " ? "
Kill?: wouldn't u like to know?......
Slap: i have my list...
Get really wasted with?: Washu & Ryoko...
Get high with?: see above...
Talk to offline: Skate, Washu, Ryoko...and some other pplz i can't remeber right now...
Talk to online: truthfully i'd rather talk to everyone in person...
Sex it up with: methinks i'll keep all that to myself (me list is long)...
" ? " R A N D O M " ? "
In the morning I am: wishing i could go back to sleep...
All you need is: some one to love me back...
Love is: something that's always just out of my reach...
I dream about: boys...
Sexual preference: hot, slicked up, sexy men...oh yeah!......
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: face (that's usually the first thing u see when u get the hots for them)...
" ? " W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R " ? "
Coke or Pepsi: it don't matter to me...
Flowers or candy: a little of both...
Tall or short: as long as they're not shorter than me it don't matter...
" ? " D O | Y O U | E V E R " ? "
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: i have someone special?...
Save conversations: i've made that into a habit i'm afraid...
Wish you were younger: all the freakin' time!!!...
Cry because someone said something to you?: after i get home...i don't usually let pplz see me cry...
" ? " N U M B E R " ? "
Of times I have had my heart broken: at least twice...
Of hearts i have broken: i doubt i've ever broken someone's heart...
Guys ive kissed: just one...
Girls ive kissed: not on the lips...
Of cds i own: last i counted it was at least 80...
Of scars on my body: i don't remember where all of them r...
i know: that there's someone out there for everyone...
i want: to finally find peace...
i have: a broken heart...
i wish: that life was easier...
i hate: putting on a face for the world...
i fear: of dying alone and unloved...
i hear: nothing...
i search: for my purpose...
i wonder: how long it will be til i find him...
i love: my friends...
PS. see what i mean?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
any LOTR fans out there?...
my friend has this LOTR site where u can submit poems & drawings...and she needs a little help getting members (there's a total of 3)...so if ur interested go here and check it out...it's not much but maybe with a few more members she'll get some ideas from u guys...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, October 3, 2004
...i want some scrambled eggs & sausages...
man i'm hungry!!!...
NE ways...i watched "Kings of Comedy"...funny azz movie...didn't quite get to finish the extra stuff at the end of the movie so i'll have to make sure i take another look at that...watched "The Last Samurai" with Okaasan too...she seemed to like it though i don't think she understood why the soldiers were on there hands & knees & bowing at the end...
spent a lot of the afternoon hours making stationaries yesterday too...it's actually easier than i thought...the main problem is finding pictures to make them out of...most of mine were anime related of course...methinks i'm gonna make some more..it's actually kinda fun...
other than that nothing to report...
PS. i guess cereal will do...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, September 30, 2004
...i like the movie
-- Name: SOS (Spawn of Satan)...
-- Birth date:July 3, 1985 (hehe...me likes fire)...
-- Birthplace: Hell...
-- Current Location: Oniichan's...
-- Eye Color: brown...
-- Hair Color: dark brown...
-- Height: 5'3" (on a good day)...
-- Righty or Lefty: i wish i was both...
-- Zodiac Sign: Cancer (i hate that it's called that)...
-- Your heritage: Azn...
-- The shoes you wore today: Sketchers...
-- Your Weakness: wouldn't u like to know?...
-- Your fears: i'm not exactly sure...
-- Your perfect pizza: meat & cheese galore...
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: graduate college...not looking too good right now though...
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: "i see"...
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "PLZ tell me i don't have to get up yet"...
-- Your best physical feature: my azz...
-- Your bedtime: sometime before Tuan gets home...
-- Your most missed memory: the easy life...
-- Pepsi or Coke: either one...
-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's...
-- Single or group dates: Group (there'd be too many ackward silences)...
-- Adidas or Nike: to tell the truth it doesn't matter to me...
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither...
-- Chocolate or vanilla: both...
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappucino i suppose...
-- Smoke: second hand...
-- Cuss: all the fuckin time ...
-- Sing: pretty good...it better be after 7 years in choir...
-- Take a shower everyday: depends on what day of the week it is...
-- Do you think you've been in love: i don't think, i know i have!!!
-- Want to go to college: ...no!!!...but i'm stuck here so i might as well...
-- Like(d) high school: some aspects of it (i.e. my friends, the fun we had, the easy classes, etc.)
-- Want to get married: who doesn't?...
-- Believe in yourself: most of the time (we all have our dark moments)...
-- Get motion sickness: not that i know of...
-- Think you're attractive: most of the time...
-- Think you're a health freak: hehe...that's funny...
-- Get along with your parent(s): most of the time with my mom...dad can go screw himself...
-- Like thunderstorms: if i'm indoors looking out...
-- Play an instrument: basic beginner on the piano...
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: not since June...
-- Smoked: second hand smoke
-- Done a drug: does asprin count?...
-- Had Sex: hell no...
-- Made Out: never did that...
-- Gone on a date: i'm not sure u would call it a date...but i guess so...
-- Gone to the mall: not this month...
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: haven't had one of those in a while...
-- Eaten sushi: never!!!
-- Been on stage: not since May
-- Gone skating: i don't know how...
-- Made homemade cookies: hehe...good one...
-- Gone skinny dipping: i can't stand the sight of me naked...what makes u think ima take it out in public and swim?...
-- Dyed your hair: only temporary and i washed it out as soon as i was done...
-- Stolen anything: um...i plead the 5th...
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: i don't think so...
-- If so, was it mixed company:
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: that's a no
-- Been caught "doing something": doing what?
-- Been called a tease: i don't think a guy's even talked to me aside for some assignment for school...
-- Gotten beaten up: does it count if i did it myself (i have weird sleeping habits)?...
-- Shoplifted: what's the difference between that and stealing?...
-- Changed who you were to fit in: yeah right...i like me just the way i am...
-- Age you hope to be married: 25
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 4 (hopefully 2 boys & 2 girls but i'm prepared if it doesn't work out that way...sorta); Boys - Luke, Marek, Mason, Elijah; Girls - Madison, Avalon, Danielle
-- How do you want to die: having sex...or in my sleep...either way i want it to be painless...
-- Where you want to go to college: ...i thought i established that already...
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: that's a good question...
-- What country would you most like to visit: England & Japan...
In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color? i always had a thing for blue
-- Best hair color?: i'm leaning towards the darker colors
-- Height: they should be taller than me (and believe me that's not hard to do)
-- Best weight: average for their height...
-- Best articles of clothing: hell if i know...though i'm starting to get a thing for hoodies...
-- Best first date location: traditional dinner & movies i guess...but i'd befun with NE thing as long as we were having fun...
-- Best first kiss location: i'm not sure how to answer this...
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: none to speak of...
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: um...less than how many fingers i have...
-- Number of CDs that I own: last time i counted...80...
-- Number of piercings: one in each ear
-- Number of tattoos: none yet (Okaasan's gonna freak out when i do get one)...
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: hehe never...
-- Number of scars on my body: too many to count...
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: just one...but i'm working on getting over that...
PS. "Ogres are like onions...they have layers!!!"
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
so Okaasan came by the apartment yesterday afternoon before her dental appointment...she told me that one of her friends saw me with a girl & a guy at the mall once...her friend said that me & the guy were "all over each other" and crap...so Okaasan was starting to get on my case cuz she thought i had this secret boyfriend...
well the only occasion that i can think of where i was at the mall with a guy & a girl was...when me, Fireball, & Skate saw "Shrek 2" and went to the mall afterwards...and that was at the beginning of the summer (June 2nd to be exact)...obvioulsy nothing happened during the summer since i was home 24/7...so i don't know shy Okaasan was jumping to conclusions...again (i've noticed she does that a lot when it comes to her kids and it pisses me off!!!)...
after Okaasn found out that Skate was involved she got on me again about being careful with his girlfriend becoming jealous...i don't give a shiet if his girl is jealous of me hanging out with him...she needs to deal with it...we're just friends and i'm tired of her & Okaasan (and some other pplz who will remain nameless) thinking more of it...i'm freakin' tired of that old subject...
and then we continued on to the subject of love and the different kinds there are...it seems she doesn't understand the concept of "love" and it's many meanings in the American sense...she doesn't know the difference between love as a friend and love as a boyfriend (or whatever)...and frankly i was starting to get frustrated explaining it to her...which is why i was kinda glad that she had to go to her appointment in the middle of our "discussion"...
wow...that was the last thing i wanted to talk about (and frankly the last thing i needed to think about)...and cuz of Okaasan's stupid friend trying to start crap i had to discuss it with her...
see that's why i hate pplz (more importantly my mom's friends)...they freakin gossip too much...and it makes me feel like i'm being watched everywhere i go...like i can't do NE thing in this stupid city without it coming back to Okaasan no matter how freaking innocent the action was...where's the privacy in that?...and i'm tired of having to defend myself to her...
PS. yes i'm in a bad mood...
I love Ren & Hao.

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