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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
what's up...just stuff...
now i realize that it's been a while...but in all honesty there really hasn't been much to tell about...
college has been...fine i suppose...nothing especial to speak of...had my first college sub on Monday...and i think he did nothing but confuse us...course it didn't help that he was subing for Chem Class...
on a lighter note i have come up with a system of time management...i figure if i'm gonna wait for my friend to get out of class i might as well study while i wait...so i've learned to bring my homework for other classes with me to school...
had a few weird dreams last week...can't exactly remember NE of them at the moment...all i know is that they were about certain pplz who i thought (and was kinda hoping) i would never have dreams about again...
well all my hopes were dashed...it's heartbreaking to be reminded of what u can't have...maybe that will be the last time...here's hoping!!!...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, September 10, 2004
friends equal fun...
so i've come to the conclusion that it's just no fun without ur friends...today was especially fun (tis Friday...what do u expect?)...
for the past few days i've been sitting in my friend's class just cuz i had no where to go...the last time i was in there the teacher gave a quiz at the end of class over what they learned that day...and i was forced to take it too or be caught...
they got their tests back today (good thing i decided not to "attend" class NE more)...and surprisingly i did better than my friend...but the funny part is that the teacher left a message on my paper saying that i should see her as soon as i can cuz i wasn't on her roster (i used an alias...like i'd be dumb enough to use my real name)...and she had gave a little speech about it to her class...
that was most humorous...and then on the way to the University Center me & my friend tripped over some crack or step in the sidewalk...what was funny was that i tripped over it a spit second after she did...sorta a domino effect...that had us laughing for a good 5 minutes...
so i guess the key to making this whole college experiece worth wild is to have friends u can act stupid with...works with me...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Advent Children...
does NE one know when Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (apologies if i spelled that wrong) comes out in theaters? i know they said the summer but the summer is almost over...and i coulda sworn that the movie was supposed to come out in August...well there's only one more day left in August and i see no advertisements for the movie...does NE one know what's going on with that?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, August 29, 2004
short break...
i go back to my Oniichan's apartment today...which means it's back to college tomorrow...o goody...
on the plus side at least i don't have to listen to my mom yell at me for making one tiny mistake...or for no apparent reason...she's been doing that a lot and making me wanna just move out on my own and just not go to college...why not?...she's been disappointed by her "precious boys"...why not her "darling girl" too?...
whatever...being in a bad mood isn't who i am...so let's look on the bright side...does NE one know where the bright side is?...
well an old friend stopped by the house the other day...too bad i was still at Oniichan's house...it figures...the one time he does decide to show up and visit me i'n not home...i told him i wouldn't be home during the week...i really miss him too...*tear*...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, August 28, 2004
one down...several weeks to go...
well my first week of college is over...and the minute i come home mom yells at me...making up for lost time i guess...leave it to mom to make me wanna leave home so badly...
but it's only for another day...then it's back to Oniichan's apartment for another week of school...in which i'll forget how badly we argue all the time and i'll start to miss her...tis a vicious cycle...
school's been cool though...haven't really made NE friends...too busy trying to get to all my classes on time...also trying not to fry in the summer sun while i walk back & forth between the school & Oniichan's apartment...
why do i need to go to college again?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, August 23, 2004
first day of college...
well i just got back from my first class and i'm eatting lunch til it's time for my next class...i'm getting nervous again...
i don't think i was nervous last nite cuz i did some rest...but it was that kind of rest where ur half awake and half asleep...so i don't know...it's weird...i don't feel NE different...but everything's changed...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, August 19, 2004
a lot of fun...
last nite was a blast...my dear friend Washu-chan took me over to her boi's house and we just chilled for a while...she convinced me to go to Liberty with this guy Mike (though she likes to call him Mitch) who's been asking about me...
so i go with him...and the place we were supposed to go didn't turn out as planned...so we left and drove around a bit...we had no clue what to do...
so he takes me to this fountain where u can run thru it and the water shoots up over ur head...
he grabs me and pulls me over to the squirting water and i got soaked...practically to the bone...i think my clothes r still we from last nite...
yeah that was a nice thing to explain to mom...i told her instead that my friend & her sis threw me into the pool...i got wet either way...
but despite the shivering i did afterwards, i had fun...and he seemed to enjoy it too...i don't have a lot of time left to have a little fun before school starts and my busy schedule takes over...so i'll take whatever i can get...
she wants to go out again tonite...now that shall be interesting...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, August 16, 2004
class schedule...
so during Orientation i was able to register for classes...and since i'm pre-dental they decided to give me 14 credit hours...yay (not!!!)...
so here's my schedule for the week...
Monday | 7:40 - 8:50 | CHEM 211 | General Chemistry I |
1:00 - 1:50 | THEAT 130 | Foundation of Fine Arts Theater |
Tuesday | 9:30 - 10:45 | AS 100 | Methodologies in the Liberal Arts & Science |
11:00 - 12:15 | HIS 202 | Western Civilization Since 1600 |
Wednesday | 7:40 - 8:50 | CHEM 211 | General Chemistry I |
1:00 - 1:50 | THEAT 130 | Foundation of Fine Arts Theater |
2:00 - 4:50 | CHEM 211L | Experimental General Chemistry I |
Thursday | 9:30 - 10:45 | AS 100 | Methodologies in the Liberal Arts & Science |
11:00 - 12:15 | HIS 202 | Western Civilization Since 1600 |
Friday | 7:40 - 8:50 | CHEM 211 | General Chemistry I |
1:00 - 1:50 | THEAT 130 | Foundation of Fine Arts Theater |
*sigh*...this is gonna be a hard year, huh?...wish me luck...ja ne...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, August 14, 2004
a long day...
yesterday was nerve wracking and all too long...
Orientation went fine...it was the fact that during Orientation i found out one of my friends got into a car accident the day before...so after all the college crap was done it was off to the hospital...they let her go home that day so we followed her home...
i guess she's fine physically but she's having problems sleeping...everytime she falls asleep she jerks awake a few minutes later cuz she's having nite mares about the accident...i almost stayed the nite cuz i didn't wanna leave her...but mom i knew mom was worried about me cuz all i told her was that my friend was in the hospital and that i was gonna go see her...
i was so tired when i got home...i thought i was gonna sleep all day...i should've known i wouldn't be able to do that...
so NE ways, everyone out there pray for my friend...pray that she can get past these nitemares and get a nite's sleep...then we'll move on to actually getting her to drive again...this isn't an easy thing to get over...i know cuz my mom went through it a few years back...but yeah...i would much appreciate it if u could show ur support to my friend...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, August 13, 2004
Freshman Orientation...
i must go to Freshman Orientation today...kinda nervous about it...i shall tell u how it goes...hopefully tomorrow...
in the meantime last nite was fun...my friend Washu came over and took me to Tim's appartment where Mike happened to be...apparently Mike's been asking about me all week since the last time i was there...even asked for my number...very interesting, ne?...Mike asked me what i was planning on doing last nite...i told him i had to be home early for Orientation...he kinda looked sad...i felt bad...
we shall see where this goes, ne?...
in the meantime...the Yu-Gi-Oh Movie comes out today...GO WATCH IT!!!...
I love Ren & Hao.

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