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Friday, May 5, 2006
finally it ends...
DS Time - 10:03 AM
well it's official, my semester is done. took my last final yesterday morning at the early hour of 8. of all my finals I'm most confident on my Creative Writing final...mostly because there wasn't one. -winky-
but seriously, I think I did really good on my Arthurian Legends final. maybe there is something to what they say about blowing things out of proportion. well, I was most concerned about the essay portion of it because we would have to reference the books taht we read. but I had only read half of one and didn't even read the other book the class had read. but I think I did pretty good, sort of breezed through it and found myself writing on the thrid page before I realized it. so I guess I knew enough. perhaps I'm smarter than I thought...or perhaps everything I wrote was completely wrong. we'll see I suppose. ^-^
still a little sick at the moment. but at least I don't feel so terrible. just a scratchy throat and some coughing. nothing major and enough to make me miserable. and that's all I could ask for from having a cold [I'm in such a positive mood aren't I?].
so what are my plans for now? I have no clue. only plans I have so far is a two week trip to Cali in July. so if you wanna hang out this summer just call. most likely I'll be at home typing/writing. for now...I've got some writing to catch up with. oh how I missed it so.
PS. -huggums to the max!-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, April 24, 2006
-sighs- ...arg....
DS Time - 6:36 AM
-groans- ...hello... -waves- you probably can't tell but I'm a little under the weather right now. you can thank my dear brother for that. it was kind of funny though. I could actually feel the moment when I started getting sick. it was yesterday an hour or so after noon when I was sitting at my desk in my room. meh, figures fate would have me sick the last week of school...and right before finals week starts. IT'S NOT FAIR!!! -sighs again-
-sniffles and clears throat- I can't stay home from school today either. I have an exam to take in French and a movie I need to watch in Philosophy so that I can be ready for the final. but those are my morning classes so I might just go to those classes and then go home after lunch. I don't think they need my presence in Arthurian Legends or Creative Writing. but I guess we'll see how I feel.
so what's been going on with me? well as I said it's the last week of classes so I've been busting my azz trying to finish all my assignments by Wednesday [that's when they're all due]. so no fun and games for me as of late. pretty much all I have left is to finish my paper for Arthurian Legends. -coughs- it's going to be a piece of crap but at least I'm going to finish it. turing in crap is better than turning in nothing at all [especially with the way I'm feeling right now].
PS. off to take some medicine... -sterilized huggums- we wouldn't want you guys getting sick too...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
oiy...my head...
DS Time - 8:39 AM
...-sighs-...it's been a long weekend.
but first, let's start of by asking, how was your weekend? good I hope. how did I spend mine? writing an annotated bibliography for Arthurian Legend. see our assignment for the semester was to find items that had an Arthurian theme like action figures, places of business named after characters from the myth, that kind of stuff. what I forgot was that we had to write a 3-page intro to the annotated bibliography. that was fun [NOT!]. but that's over.
now I have a personal ethics statement to write for Philosophy. it's due tomrrow but it should be easy enough. she said it only had to be a page and a half. piece of cake. I'm actually kind of sad to see the class end. I really liked taking Philosophy this semester. perhaps I'll decide to minor in it...maybe not. -shrugs-
talked to my major advisor yesterday. seems I might have to say at school until 7 next semester cuz some of the English classes I need to take for my major are scheduled that late in the day. it's either that or I start taking night classes. and that is NOT an option. I guess I don't mind that much. but we'll see. I have until Friday to decide [that's when I meet with the Gen Ed advisors and finalize my schedule for Fall 2006].
PS. hollah at yo' girl and tell me what's up! -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, April 7, 2006
almost crunch time...
DS Time - 9:44 AM
NE ways, what's been going on with me? um, friend convinced me to skip French on Monday. his excuse was "you just took a Philosophy Exam, you should skip and rest your brain." I'm not complaining here. truthfully just about anything would have convinced me to skip on Monday. it was just that kind of day. he didn't feel like going to his Calculus class either so it was about...2 hours of just hanging out in the food court in Royalle Hall. that was nice.
speaking of nice, it's a nice spring day. makes me sad that I have to spend it at school. then again if I were at home I'd probably be inside doing my writing or reading my homework. meh, tis how the cookie crumbles my friend.
oh yeah, the baby shower was on Saturday. it was nice seeing the old crew. Thu was looking especially adorable with her pregnant belly. I brought a camera and yet I forgot to take pictures. silly me. then again all I could think about was how cold it got all of a sudden from the time we left the house to the time we got to the party. someone up there likes to screw with me I swear.
nothing much planned this week. mostly it's just the start of turning in final projects and papers. oh what fun that will be. my first paper would be due on Monday. guess I should be making the final touches on that. meh, maybe later. for now, I'm off to take care of some online assignments.
You Are a Visionary Soul | You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.
You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul |
PS. hollah at yo girl and tell me what's up! -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
quick reality break...
DS Time - 12: 39 PM
hey there pplz. well, all seems quiet on the school front. still a bit fuming over the whole religion rant I posted last week but I'd like to think I'm not the type of person to dwell on idiocy. karma states that you get what's coming to you so I'll just let karma take care of them.
meanwhile, I just got done taking a small French quiz to make up for the one I missed before Spring Break [dear Tao wanted to start her vacation a little early, so sue me]. seemed easy enough. I'm starting to think I'm a skeptic at heart though cuz I'm a bit suspicious at how easy it seemed. we'll see when I get it back. in the meantime I need to study for the French Exam that I have on Friday. a nice way to spend my day off tomorrow, no?
but as I said, all's quiet around here. had a repair man over at the yesterday to fix our fridge. it stopped working...Saturday I wanna say but me and Okaasan didn't find out until Sunday morning...when everything in the freezer was already melted and dripping on the kitchen floor. wonderful no? luckily most of the food was saved, though we had to throw some eggs and vegetables as well as the milk away because they spoiled. meh, the minor set-backs in life.
so NE ways, for those of you who are sick and tired of hearing about my boring weekends spent at home, I'll be attending a baby shower on Saturday and hanging out with the old crew [and I mean my nice group of asian friends that nobody hears about, but whom I've known since I was...I wanna say five]. can't believe we're old enough to be poppin' out babies. then again I said the same thing when they started getting engaged and married. man, I feel old [as if my creeking joints weren't a sign].
well I have some reviews to type up for Creative Writing so I'll catch you guys later. hollah at yo girl and tell me what's up with you. much love to you!
PS. ...um... -huggums- ^-^
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
long time, no post...
DS Time - 6:43 AM
the official first day of spring...and it snowed. hehe, gotta love the weather in the mid-west. nothing worthy to close school and the snow melted by the afternoon. either way I didn't have class so I didn't have to deal with it.
the week's been ok so far, I guess. I don't know, something about Monday. seemed like half the campus just got up, looked outside, saw that it was raining, and said "Fuck it, I'm going back to bed." it was nice and quite for once. don't count on many more days of that. this is college after all, where most exams are based on lectures given by the professors. what the hell is the point of text books then if we're just going to be tested on what comes out your mouth? shiet, save me some money so that I can use it to pay my tuition.
but enough of that. to the matter concerning the subject of this post. Monday morning while I was waiting for my carpool to come, I managed to catch Good Morning America as they were discussing this funeral protesting that seems to be going on. apparently, this small church is going around to funerals for soldiers who have been killed in Iraq protesting with signs and crap. but get this, they're not protesting about the war. they're protesting about the gays of the world. it is their belief that these brave soldiers died because of our acceptance of the homosexual citizens of the populace.
-sighs- where do I begin?
and pplz wonder why I make fun of the religious deities all the time. it's because their followers always pull this kind of crap. "I do this in the name of _________". BULL SHIT! I don't know about all of you, but it is my belief that the almighty beings that reside up there only want peace. the only thing these so called "religious freaks" are doing is creating more unnecessary conflict.
and to those idiotic protestors, if God was so against homosexuality, why would he allow it to carry on? isn't he all powerful? wouldn't he have the power to take care of the problem himself instead of letting his "minions" take care of it for him? he supposedly created the universe in a week so don't you think he'd be able to take care of a small number of people on this measily planet called Earth?
whatever. makes me glad to say I'm a Buddhist. sure I don't know much about the religion and I'm a very bad example of one [they're pacifists and I...get violent on occasion] but at least they don't persecute others for having a different belief system [at least I hope not]. makes me wonder why Christianity is so popular when it's the center of most of the wars that have been waged in the history of mankind. all that these stupid "Holy Wars" do is promote more hatred. I'm starting to think Ryoko-sama had a good idea when she decided to become an atheist.
PS. this is why I don't like talking about religion... -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, March 13, 2006
DS Time - 1:06 PM
well my lovelies, today would be first day back from Spring Break. it's back to classes and what not. it's not fair that we were the only ones to have ours so early. but oh well, what can you do? it's not that bad. I only have classes three days out of the week NE ways so it's not big change. just two less days to goof off.
the week was a little...uneventful but what do you expect when I had to spend the entire week recovering from oral surgery? man, that was fun waking up. the nurse actually had to help my Okaasan get me out to the car. I remember it all too...only I thought it was all a dream at the time. oh yeah, that was a blackmail worthy moment there when I was still hopped up on the sleep drugs. I think I tried to talk but all that came out were jiberish. didn't help that I had two pieces of gauze in my mouth. hehe, good times!
NE ways, the temporary stitches in my mouth are starting to itch now. but of course I can't touch them. still hurts to eat so I have to chew with my front teeth. hehe, can you say beaver face? but hey, it's better than eating soup like I had to do for the first three days. I can't wait until it's all healed up.
meanwhile, hopefully I'll have my workshop Ryoko-sama's been waiting so long for sometime this week. -crosses fingers- I'm actually a little interested in hearing what the class had to say about it. comedy's not my best genre especially since I have such a...off-beat sense. meh, we'll see eventually I suppose.
PS. watched X:2 on Saturday. Nightcrawler is so awesome! ^-^ -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
le weekend...
DS Time - 6:38 AM
well my lovelies, it's official: I have less teeth in my mouth. explanation? I had oral surgery yesterday to remove my wisdom teeth. an hour's wait at the dental office because they were running late that day. but once they put that IV in my arm filled with the sweet anestetic, I was out like a light; off to my dreamless nirvana. didn't really take that long for me to clunk out. the benefit of having small veins I suppose. because of them they had to put the IV in a vein located in my hand instead of above the elbow like they usually do. I could actually feel the liquid going up my arm. it was weird but cool at the same time. -shrugs- go figure.
so aside from that, how did the rest of my weekend go? pretty basic really [at least by my standerds]. Friday went to the movies with Oneesan Kayla and Okaasan to see "Ultraviolet". not as good as I had hoped it would be but it was only an hour and a half long so I didn't suffer that much. there was one amusing point [at least amusing to me]. Violet [the main character] was running away from these guys and ended up on the roof with a gang of asians [cuz apparently an action movie isn't complete without the asian mafia].
so there she was talking in the usual orient language that they always use for these films. but then the leader of the asian gang busts out with some Vietnamese. I was like "WTF?!?!" what made even more funny was that we had ran into a group of asian aquaintance in the theater. and every Viet in there was laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. I'm sure everyone else was staring at us like we were crazy thinking "What's so funny?" I'm sorry I just think that's funny that they had some Viet in there. I guess everyone's getting tired of Chinese. WE'RE MOVING UP IN THE WORLD! -laughing-
and the rest of my weekend? pretty laxed. worked on my second short story for class [I know I said it was supposed to be turned in on Wednesday but class was cancelled...so that meant my first story couldn't be workshoped. and I was so looking forward to it]. watched "Unleashed" with Jet Li too. not one of his usual Jet "kick their azz" kind of movie but it was still good all the same. I still like "Hero" so much better. -winky-
| You scored as English. You should be an English major! Your passion lies in writing and expressing yourself creatively, and you hate it when you are inhibited from doing so. Pursue that interest of yours!
English | | 92% | Journalism | | 83% | Sociology | | 83% | Dance | | 75% | Psychology |
| 75% | Linguistics | | 75% | Art | | 67% | Mathematics | | 58% | Theater | | 58% | Anthropology | | 58% | Engineering |
| 50% | Biology | | 42% | Philosophy | | 42% | Chemistry | | 8% |
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) created with QuizFarm.com |
somehow I had a feeling I'd get this. I guess I'm in the right profession. Sociology wasn't a big surprise either. the Journalism part was a little unexpected, though. hm...perhaps... -rubs chin in thought-
PS. and now I'm on Spring Break... -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, February 25, 2006
girls just wanna have fun...
DS Time - 9:41 AM
story for class is going well...though I'm still a little mifted by how the ending is gonna go...really, time limits and deadlines should never be put on storywriting...too much pressure...at least for me...then again, I'm a lazy person...let's hope I learn to get past that...
so last nite was fun...for some reason my mom's friend decides to invite us out to dinner...that's fine though...except they didn't bother to tell me about it until I was halfway through dinner...still went though and had a small appetizer...couldn't even finish that...made me a little mad...honestly, do I always have to be the last to know anything?...
she wanted to take us bowling too...but I hate bowling...and I guess my mom did too...but we still went...I played a quick shooting game while the two of them went off somewhere...maybe checking out guys...with my mom and her friend you can never be too sure...but that was pretty much it...a nice break from the usual Friday nite routine...
tonite we're going to the movies to see "Madea's Family Reunion"...that should be interesting...hopefully we'll have time to stop by Barnes & Nobles too...you know me, gotta have my books...haven't been there for a while either so I've got an itching for it...
PS. time to get to typing on that story... -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Happy Birthday!...
DS Time - 1:03 PM
today is my brother's birthday!...Happy Birthday Oniichan!...dude turns the big 2-6 today...man he's getting up there...then again so am I... -sighs- ...they grow up so fast...it's almost heartbreaking...oh so maybe it's not...but time sure does fly, ne?...
NE ways nothing much going on around here...finding a few roadblocks in my next story for Creative Writing class...always happens to me...it's smooth sailing until I get to about the middle of the plot and then I get stuck...meh, I've got the whole weekend to deal with that I suppose...it's not due until March 1st...the same day I have the Philosophy mid-term...so not fair...
dad came to the house late last nite...won't say much on that...seems like every time he comes over he gives me money...like that's going to fix everything he's done...somehow giving me $20 the few times he bothers to come over will make him feel better...whatever...
PS. they're giving out free food on campus this week...yummy!!!... -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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