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Friday, April 9, 2004
lots o...stuff...
too bad ima spend the 3 day weekend worrying about my boi Skate and his court date on Monday...what really sux is his birthday is on Sunday...so the day after his birthday he has to go to court...
and then there's the fact that i still have feelings for the guy...but he has a girlfriend...so i can't touch...i'm the good girl...my friend did offer to home-wreck for me and i must admit it was tempting...but i cnould never do that...
on another note i got this email from an old friend and he said somethings that i didn't expect...let's just say he didn't wanna have NE regrets before he graduated...wow...waht a predicament (sp?)...i'm a little afraid to email him back...
with all this going on i'm starting to welcome the end of my high school life...maybe i can leave all this drama behind...hehe...and make new drama in college (hehe...i hope no!!!)
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, April 4, 2004
just stuff...
saw a new episode of Yu-Gi-Oh...twas quite interesting...can't wait to see waht happens next...

saw a new episode of Shaman King too...i quite like that show...wish i could see what happens to Yoh & Len next week...it looks quite interesting...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
something to say...
it breaks my heart knowing that i love u...
knowing that u don't feel the same...
i watch u in my dark corner as u pass...
as the shadows in my heart consume me...
and the worse part?...
is that u don't see my pain...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, March 26, 2004
philosophy from the great one...
"Actions of any sort in one generation might have incalcuable consequences in another, so that merely to sneeze was a pebble thrown into a pond, whose circles might lap the furthest shores. It seemed as if the only hope was not to act at all, to draw no swords for anything, to hold oneself still, like a pebble not thrown. But that would be hateful."
-King Arthur "The Once & Future King"
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
tis not a good month...
march is just...not good for me...it started out so well...but then it just went downhil...i think the first bad thing that went wrong was when i found out that my best friend's BF was cheating on her...with her sitting next to me...
then i finally tell the guy of my dreams how i really feel about him (after drooling over him for 5 years) and he goes and falls for one of my closets friends...
then there's the fact that another friend of mine gets into a car accident and a week later has a panic attack...
this month sucks...hopefully April will be better...at least a little bit...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
drill or threat...
took a nice walk during school yesterday...apparently we had a bomb threat...unfortunately the school didn't blow up...well..i woulda been kinda sad if the school did blow up...do go to that school for 4 years & have it blow up 2 months before we graduate...i woulda beem a bit sad about that...especially since all my stuff was in the school...i could only take my purse...o well it's all good...let's hope we don't have another threat this year...they can do it during the summer...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, March 14, 2004
light bulb...
destiny is a funny thing...sometimes it dictates ur life...other times it just hands over the reigns to u...it's hard to understand...and yet we live with it...simply cuz we have no idea what else to do...do we determine our own destiny?...or is it already set for us?...how can we know?...how do we know that the actions that we take are of our own choice or just another planned decision that we knew nothing of until that moment?...
just a little philosophical questioning there for u...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, March 12, 2004
beans, beans, the magical fruit...o...
ignore that...the hyperness of the milkshake just kicked in...o well...nothing wrong with that...tis Friday and i'm entitled to be a little more weird and crazy than i usually am...
today t'was not so exciting...nothing important happened...i was mad and my friends were checking my knuckles every hour to make sure i wasn't hitting lockers again...i tend to do that when i'm angered...but be proud cuz i didn't hit NE thing...even though one of my friends suggested that i hit someone...but i could never do that...
well i must go and do my school projects...fare thee well my friends...
I love Ren & Hao.

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and i thought i was normal...go figure...
PS. they're out to get me!!!
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
the usual...
well nothing much has happened...bigger bro got some tattoos and mom was freaking out...the boy is 24 years old and can do whatever he wants mom...had a couple of weird dreams...can't remember at the moment but i have then written down somewhere...i'll tell u whenever i get them i guess...well i suppose that's it for now...later pplz...
I love Ren & Hao.

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