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Thursday, January 15, 2004
finals finals finals...
so many finals today...i hate finals week...it's not even a week...it's more like 2 days...and today was the last day of the semester and the last day i will have a class with my boi Daniel...*sigh*...at least i gots my hug before i left class...i will try and make sure i get a hug at the end of the day...then it will be all good...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
quizzes of interest
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Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Dreaming in Anime
i had a weird dream about Digimon...the 2nd season. i was in the car with Mimi and there were 3 betamons in the car with us along with her dad. it was nite and we were pulling out of a driveway. as we were driving off, i saw Sora, Tai, and Matt standing next to another car in a heated discussiion (i assumed that i was all about Sora & which guys she would choose...it looked like she choose Tai). davis was out there too but no sign of Kari or TK...hm...wonder where they were? but NE ways i woke up when Mimi's dad started driving off the road. weird huh?
by the way...i got some new pics down there that need some love from all of u...thanx...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, January 11, 2004
sorry Angelboy...i'd like to visit ur site but i can't seem to get there...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, January 9, 2004
i was in a philosophical mood...so here u go...
Life Is A Journey
Life is a journey…a quest if you will. So many have used those exact same words…but I guess it’s with good reason. There is not better way to describe this thing you call life and the way you are forced to live it. There are many factors that contribute to how our life forms into what you know it to be. Not much is known of what you call life. There is no clear purpose to or reason you are here living. Perhaps that is the purpose of life…to determine why you are here. And while you're trying to figure out the answer, you are taken on a journey of self-discovery as well.
Life is and will always be the most complicated aspect in the entire known universe. It is filled with roads or paths that you map out with the decisions you make and actions you take in life. These roads are filled with obstacles and trials that you must tread and overcome in order to reach the end of it. The trials and obstacles are meant to change how you are and possibly alter the road you walk down. Most of all they determine what kind of person you end up becoming. It’s hard to understand how such small things like making a decision between this or that changes the course of life in a split second but somehow it works.
There are many things that influence and affect our lives in the littlest ways. The decisions you make, the actions you take, the changes you endure, the way you handle hard or tough situations. But possibly the most important and effective influence on determining who you are and who you become are the changes you endure throughout your life. These changes are meant to test your will and to help you grow in your experiences. But there is no way of knowing if you can possibly handle these changes. sometimes you are not ready for such tests and challenges. But the only way to be sure is to take the chance.
Life is bursting with changes that will give you clarification and revelation. To avoid these inevitable changes would mean to never take the risk of become a better person. That in turn will cripple your chances of living a fulfilling life. It is through these changes and mistakes we call lessons that we learn to become better and stronger. Sometimes it takes more than one trial to really change for the better and so we endure the same change over and over again until we learn the lesson that needs to be taught.
These changes can happen at any given time never giving us a chance to prepare. But you can never be fully prepared with these challenges to life. They challenge what you believe and what you know. Ho you handle these challenges when they come will make you all the more stronger for it.
Much like a quest, life is full of difficulties as well that everyone must endure. It’s hard to know what to do in these situations. There is no clear way of knowing how things will turn out or how it will affect the course of your life. So these will often times be the hardest decisions your make. And it is because of that fact that these decisions you make will also have the most effect on your life.
There will be many people in your life also. Some will leave others will stay. All will leave a part of themselves with you. That is another factor or influence that dictates who you become later in life. Your personality is compiled of each and every person that you have met throughout your life. Those that stay for a longer duration of time will have more of an impact on your personality than those who come and go in a short period of time.
Life is also filled with emotion. The heart is a complicated organ to master and will go from one emotion to another without missing a beat. Often times these emotions are more trouble than their worth. You spend the majority of your life trying to achieve happiness but as you grow older you discover that no one can be completely happy. Life is filled with hardships that prevent the possibility of complete happiness and content. When it comes to love, it is both the greatest feeling in the world and the most spiteful. The feeling of being loved is most likely the single most greatest feeling in the world. But to love someone and be rejected or lose that love could very well break your spirit and will to live forever.
All these factors contribute to who you are and who you become. Any slight change to that so called formula would risk changing the person you are. And that little change will be the beginning in a chain of events that would ultimately result in the change of an entire world…and entire galaxy…an entire universe…
and that would be it...tell me what u think...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, January 8, 2004
man, i'm tired...i guess 8 hours of sleep isnt enough...
me thinks i need some inspiration to draw...it's been a while since i drew ne thing...i guess my specialty is writing...o well...i'm sure i'll think of something else to draw...or i just need to look some more in my room for things i drew a while ago...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2004
anime me...
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Monday, December 22, 2003
getting lost in the world of anime
sometimes the only way to escape from my reality is to get lost into the world of anime...i forget my troubles there...and sometimes i refuse to go back...but we all know that we can't stay there forever...especially when you get older & older...so i suppose i must cherish these few times i have left of my youth...maybe i'll be allowed to come back from time to time...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2003
checking in...
ok i know its been a while...been busy with school...but i've been working on finding some more of my anime drawings too...i'll have them up one of these days...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, October 20, 2003
school days...
schools is going really well...ive learned to not let the stupid comments pplz make bother me cuz it all boils down to them being jealous cuz i got the cute guy.
I love Ren & Hao.

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