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Saturday, February 18, 2006
damn that's a big number...
DS Time - 9:33 AM
NE one else have some problems with signing in today?...it was really weird and screwy...I was getting a little worried for a while there...
NE ways, nothing much to say except for as of today I have recieved 3000 visits since I joined MyOtaku back in October of 2003...like the subject says, "Damn that's a big number!"...
NE ways my friend didn't call me yesterday so we didn't get to hang out...i was a little sad...but what can you do...meh, it was the thought that counts...truthfully I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up today and asked to hang out...I know I won't argue with her...
PS. I've got too many personal writing projects... -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, February 17, 2006
just one of those days...
DS Time - 6:50 AM
still an early bird...nothing wrong with that right?...well at least it's Friday...only one class to go to today...French II...I think we're watching a video...really don't wanna go but I already skipped once...besides I think I'm supposed to turn in something...I guess I should find out what that is shouldn't I?...
um...I got a call from an old friend early yesterday morning...around 1:20 AM actually...haven't seen her since July...we didn't talk that long...only about an hour or so really...she said something about feeling bad for waking me up...I wasn't bothered by it...gave me something to do besides laying in bed staring at the inside of my eyelids...
I made plans with her to hang out today...she was supposed to call me yesterday to figure out scheduling...but she never did...meh...she'll probably call me while I'm at school or something...I hope she doesn't change her mind...
spent most of yesterday working on the second story due in Creative Writing...this one seems to be going along more smoothly...which is a good thing considering the fact that I haven't even workshoped my first one...oh how I dread this...but it's better to get it over with right?...
something tells me that they're gonna go easy on me...these pplz don't seem like the type to chew out a bad story...which is ok I suppose...but I want some full on hard [yet constructive] criticism...because publishing companies won't go easy on me...I don't know...maybe that's my inner masochist talking...
PS. lots of random thoughts today... -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
DS Time - 7:02 AM
gross...a gnat just flew into my eye...and it was moving around in there for a while...disinfectant NE one?...and then I had to get it out...not a good way to start the morning off don't you think?... -sighs- ...where's my coffee?...
NE ways...what's been going on with me?...well the only thing I can think of is that a girl hit on me on one of my other blogs...that was a first...I've been hit on by older men [I think the oldest was 37...the perv], younger boys [which was sweet but I'm not going to jail because of them], and of course my best friend in a joking manner [we like to make pplz wonder about us]...I've even been hit on by some guy who came up to me out of the blue and started talking to me [I can see how other girls might be interested but he wasn't my type]...
but never a serious "I think I might want to date you" thing from another girl...it was strange...I don't really know how to react to that...and she was pretty from what I could see [you never know, pplz can put NE picture they want in those kinds of things]...but I don't swing that way...boosted my confidence a little though...
but really...that's one of the reasons why I never like putting up my picture...this isn't a dating service pplz...if I wanted to pick up pplz I would've joined Match.com or something...I'm sure she's a nice person...but she's creeping me out saying that I remind her of her first crush...who, as it turns out, died a while ago...kind of one of those "...ok..." reactions...I don't know...but yeah...that's what's been on my mind...
everything else is going well...turned in my paper for Arthurian Legends class and I'm working on printing out my story for workshop...I'm dreading the day when it's my turn...most likely I'll be one of the last ones so there you go...meh...once I print out all the copies I need I'll get it over with...let's hope they're constructive about that...
PS. oh yeah...Happy Valentine's Day everyone... -huggums-
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, February 10, 2006
just checking up...
DS Time - 12:21 PM
not much going on here...the week's been a little uneventful...well aside from the fact that my brother is mad at me... -sighs- ...didn't even tell me he was mad at me...instead he complains to my mom and gets her mad at me...childish much?...ok, I understand that I did something wrong...I will admit to the fact that it was rude of me to do what I did...I'm an idiot...
but if you have a problem with me at least have the decency [sp?] to address it to me instead of biotching about me to mom...makes sense doesn't it?...whatever...he doesn't wanna discuss it with me there's no point in dwelling on it...
but aside from that not much going on...found out I have a 5 page paper due on Monday...and I only have a page of quotes...I'm so screwed...note to self: double check due dates before you assume things... -sighs- ...I hate college sometimes...I like my classes...they're great and everything...better than all the other semester's I've had so far...but sometimes I just hate it...
had a French quiz today...seemed pretty easy...I was the first one to finish...which concerns me...it never bodes well when you're the first...at least when it comes to me and my luck...but I guess we'll see when she gives them back on Monday...until then...I'll be typing up my paper and printing out my short story for the writing workshop...
PS. is it Spring Break yet?... *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, February 3, 2006
what the audience wants...
DS Time - 12:34 PM
I guess pplz don't like reading long posts...those are generally the time I don't get any comments [alright so I got one]...I'll be sure to make a note of that...I guess I can understand...pplz are a little busy and don't have time to read long posts...and to be honest it wasn't all that interesting was it?...
so it's Friday pplz...and I'm going to the movies tonite...hopefully we'll be able to see Memoirs of a Geisha...if not then I guess we could see something else [though the whole idea to go to the movies was to see that one]...I don't even know what's playing...what is playing?...
well, it should be fun either way...I'll get to see an old friend that I haven't seen since graduation [all the way back in May of 2004]...sure I've talked to her and e-mailed her...we wouldn't still be friends if I haven't...but I just haven't seen her since then...should be fun...actually had a two hour phone conversation with her cuz it had been a few weeks since we had talked...it was nice...
school seems to be doing well though I'm already getting lazy...I've skipped two classes already...such a bad student I am...but hey as long as I get the work done and do good on my exams, it shouldn't matter right?...
but I guess that's pretty much it for now...I know I keep saying this but it's true: I live a boring life...pretty basic stuff here...meh, maybe something exciting will happen tonite...
PS. I don't know...this is out of habit... *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, January 30, 2006
how eventful...
DS Time - 12: 46 PM
seems like the only time I can update is at school...when I'm not busy doing school work that is...but NE ways...greetings and salutations!...I can tell you now that this is going to be a little long...first off I guess I'll make a point to say Happy New Year to all you oriental pplz...I know I'm a little late since it was yesterday but whatever you know?...better late than never...wish I could skip classes to "celebrate" but I can't cuz I had a French Exam to take...such party poopers!...
NE ways, weekend was a little busy...I don't know what it is about the thought of leaving me home alone but for some reason pplz decided that they didn't like it this time around...see, my mom went to Cali for the weekend to go to a friend's wedding...and all of a sudden everyone got worried about leaving me home all by my lonesome while my brother was at work...as opposed to all those other times I was left home alone...honestly these pplz make no sense at all...
but yeah, eventful weekend...starting Thursday...one of my mom's friends took me & Okaasan to a steak and sushi place...it was one of those places where they cook the food in front of you on a big azz grill...twas awesome...had my first taste of sushi...not bad really but I think I'll stick with my Teryaki [I know I spelled that wrong] Chicken...and oddly enough after dinner we went to the mall so that Okaasan could buy her friend some lacy underwear...I don't wanna know...
Friday my Big Bro was supposed to take me to the movies but since I couldn't find NE one to go with me [he was taking his girlfriend...I didn't want to suffer alone]...so his girl convinces him to take me to the mall [she kinda forced me to go, telling me "get off your azz and get dressed. I'm tired of seeing you at home!"] Big Bro said something about still owing me for X-mas too so whatever...they were having a hard time getting me to want something...they just wouldn't get it that I don't like spending someone elses money...it's bad enough I don't have a liscence or a job, I don't need to be taking other's pplz paycheck...
but I got a shirt at the Buckles to make them happy...don't get me wrong I liked the shirt but they kept asking me, "You sure you don't want anything?" every time we walked into a new store...I figured they'd get off my back now that I got something...how I was mistaken...but luckily they hit gold when we went to Best Buy's afterwards...maybe we should've went there in the first place...more CDs and DVDs to add to the collection...unfortunately they didn't have all that I wanted and I was mad cuz I started forgetting all that I wanted to get...not fair!...but NE ways the nite pretty much ended there...
Saturday I watched one of my new DVDs, "Hero" with Jet Li...a little confusing to understand at first but that might be cuz I was too busy reading the English subtitles instead of watching the film...it's mostly imagry NE ways so it was all cool by the end...amazing scene and coloring...I highly recommend it, 7 out of 10 stars...later in the day mom's friend took me to AmeriStar casino to see a movie [she's 24 with three kids so don't be getting NE ideas]...we decided to see the one with Queen Latifa [I know damn well I spelled that wrong]...pretty funny film...but we had about two hours before the movie started so we chilled in the arcade...watched a bunch of husky guys play Dance Dance Revolution and Dance Groove 2 [what the difference between these two games are, I have no clue]...pretty ridiculous looking if you asked me but it looks like a fun thing to do while you're exercising...
and that's pretty much it...just came from taking my French Exam and it seemed easy enough...but we'll see when I get the test back...until then, I say adieu!...
PS. I'm a little hungry... *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
quick thoughts...
DS Time - 7:31 AM
just what the subject line says: quick thoughts, most likely random too. this week's a little busy for me. short story and a French composition due tomorrow. not even half done with the short story. the French composition was just thrown on us yesterday. doesn't this lady know that short notices are aweful and crap? meh, NE ways, short thoughts found below. react to them to your heart's content.
I've come to realize that the time go by fast these days. what you once thought was plenty of time turns out to be not enough at all. I don't know. sounds like a lot of time wasted to me. we spend most of our lives trying to prepare for the future with school and promotions among other things. that's all fine and well. there's nothing wrong with making sure you and your loved ones are provided for.
but my problem with that our time is spent on something that's undetermined. what about now? with all that time you spent concerned about what was going to happen, there's nothing to look back on when you get there. we just don't spend enough time living for today. and I don't know about you but I'd like to think that we should change that.
PS. too much reading homeowrk...I'm a little behind and think I have like 100 some odd pages to add to it... *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, January 13, 2006
clinically insane...
DS Time - 8:19 AM
so I have until 10:30 of nothing cuz the only class I have to day is French 2...so let me tell you about the rest of my first day [why I didn't bother telling you sometime before now is a mystery]...
it seems that we're to have two foremost experts on Arthurian Legends guest speaking for class this semester...I must say that's exciting to know...but the first won't be coming until sometime within the next month or so [musst check syllabus]...
and it would seem that I told my Creative Writing class that I hear voices in my head...it's much more hilarious than it sounds...the teacher went around the class asking us how we started writing a story...like the the first idea or something like that...
while most pplz said that they get random thoughts and ideas to start them off or just started writing I had to go and say "well I read a lot so I hear random dialogue all the time and just develop the plot around that"...sounds innocent enough right?...I thought so too...until my teacher asked me "so you hear people talking in your head?"...
well, since I was already knee deep into the implication, I straight out said to the class "yes, I hear voices in my head"...that got a good laugh out of them...it's not like I'm embarrassed to say so...it's just that you don't hear pplz admit that stuff openly every day...but whatever you know...perfect ending to an average day...
PS. I have a short story due in 2 weeks so I guess I'd better get started... *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, January 9, 2006
first day back...
DS Time - 1:22 PM
so my first day is going fine so far...found out I have one class with a friend I knew in high school...got one of my old teachers...she was a nice teacher too so the class should be promising...
my first French 2 class was fun too...basically spent most of class getting to know my classmates...you remember that game they used to make us play in elementary school to get us to talk to the other students?...when you go around asking pplz if they do such and such and then write their name down under it?...meh I'm probably not explaining it right...
right now I'm just chillaxing on the computer until my next class starts...Arthurian Legends at 2:00PM...and then it's off to Creative Writing 1 at 3:30 PM...now doesn't that sound fun?...actually it does...I'm just afraid that I'll have to read a lot...and that maybe I won't be able to...ever since I started college I've always had a problem with keeping up on my reading...must work on that this semester...
the good part is that I won't have to go to school tomorrow...fixed my schedule so that I only have classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays...and because of that, I'm at school form 9-5...but that's fine with me...of course that means Tuesdays and Thursdays will most likely be homework days...but I think I can deal with that...we'll see though...
well I think that's enough of me rambling on about my day...pretty borning now that I look back on it...but hey, at least I update right?...wow, twice in one week...amazing...
PS. me so hungry!!! *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, January 6, 2006
good-bye sweet freedom...
DS Time - 6:27 AM
well my friends, I go back to school on Monday...with it, a new semester begins as well as a new year...hopefully the events occuring around Jan 1st isn't a foreboding of the progress of the year...
explanation: Dec 31st my brother got into a car accident...he's fine, just limping a bit...which is more than I can say for his car...completely trashed...luckily the chick who hit him is at fault and hopefully he'll get a good settlement...but this means that he has no car...looks like he's taking mine now...
which brings me to my next...event...it would seem that the night of Jan 1st someone broke into my car most likely with the intent of stealing my radio...well whoever it was got a nice surprise when they got in...cuz I bought the car without a radio...
so they basically just trashed my car searching for something to take...and found nothing cuz my car doesn't have anything worth taking...they did take my sunglasses that I kept in there though...I liked those sunglasses too...
so yeah...bad start to the year...hopefully these are just minor speed bumps to a good year...I'm not really in the mood to deal with that kind of stuff all year round...
but aside from that I guess you could say I had a good month off from school just laying around the house relaxing before I have to go back to the grind of school...I foresee a lot of writing this semester...hopefully it's about things I'll actually be interested in writing...if not then...what am I doing here?...
PS. a late Merry New Years to you all... *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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