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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
oops, my bad...
DS Time - 5:48 AM
you would think that I'd be posting more now that the semester's over and I'm on break for about a month...but no...seems I'm finding things to ccupy my time where I forget to post...again I say my bad...
well let's see, the last time I posted was the 7th so it would make sense to tell you what's happened since then...I took all my finals...hardest one would have to be the American Literature one...BSed my azz off on that thing...yeah, I fortell a bad grade on that one...but hopefully it's enough so that I can pass the class...really don't feel like taking it again...
my mom's birthday was last week...my brother took us out to eat at Red Lobster...great timing too cuz I had a huge hankering for shrimp that day...chugged down half a glass of a Bahama Mama cuz my brother dared me too [mom didn't seem too bothered about me drinking alcohol]...
he then proceeded to tell me that he was going to get me drunk for my 21st...my friend already said that she was gonna take me bar hopping and drinking...yet another reason to dread next July 3rd...what is it with everyone wanting to get me drunk?...
and I believe that's pretty much it...pretty basic and boring...maybe that's why I haven't been updating much lately...really just chillaxin'...tis how I keep stress-free during the holiday season...you guys should try it...
well since I don't think I'll remember to update before, I'll say Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you now...have a funand joyous holiday season everyone!!!...
PS. *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
DS Time - 6:33 AM
it's been a while since I've updated. busy with papers for school and such. still don't know when and where I'm going to take my math final. maybe I'll manage to make it after my French final. one can only hope. I don't feel like checking my school email for information cuz it takes forever to load up on my computer.
so I turn in that paper on the modern Cinderella. I make my presentation on it today too. methinks I'll skip the audio commentary. but then I printed 50 pages of lyrics for nothing. I KILLED TREES FOR THIS PPLZ!!! but I wanna get out of that class as soon as possible. the presentation only has to be 5 minutes so we'll see.
well that's about it. just gotta finish a 6-7 page paer on puritans and studying for finals. then as of the 15th this semester is done for me [tis when I take my last final].
by the way I'm adding a new fanart. so check it out and comment when you have the time. and please comment on it cuz no one does that NE more. makes me sad. *pouts* for now I'm going to eat breakfast.
PS. I want this semester to END already!!! *huggums*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, November 24, 2005
DS Time - 6:17 AM
well first off I'd like to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there...well, there's really not that much else to say...
well...I did take my driving test yesterday...I failed miserably...and cried like a sissy girl...not cuz I was sad or NE thing...but I was frustrated and pissed off at myself for making stupid mistakes...for some reason when I get really emotionally charged the tears start a-comin'...and I hate it... *glares* ...
but we shall just chalk that up to experience...hopefully I won't get her next time...she was a little butch-looking too...have I mention how much I hate cops?...
well NE ways, no use dwelling on that NE longer than necessary...I took the test and failed...simple as that...for now I'll just enjoy Thanksgiving...and my brothers can finally shut up with their complaints about me not taking my driving test...when I say I'm not ready, I'm not ready alright?...
PS. get stuffed & pass out on the living room floor!... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
DS Time - 7:22 AM
now i could've sworn I wrote more than that in my last post...it was nice and long and everything...whatever...
NE ways as I tried to state in the last post, I registered for classes next semester...taking Arthurian Legends, Creative Writing I, French II, and Philosophy...sound interesting no?...I don't know about you but I'm excited about Arthurian Legends...can you say "dream class"?...
well the good part is that all those classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays...meaning I get Tuesdays & Thursdays off...how wonderful does that sound?...
but other than that, nothing much going on here...just chillaxin through the Thanksgiving break...trying to catch up with old friends and what not...
PS. it's hard keeping in touch with old friends... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, November 21, 2005
*yawn* so tired...
DS Time - 8:43 AM
meh...gotta turn in a rough draft today...and do some peer editing...dern it to hell but I hate this part of the process...at least I'll have a few days off to just relax...thank goodness for holidays...
so what's been up with you guys?...nothing much going on with me...I can't even remember the last time I posted...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
jacked from Tenchi Kumori...
DS Time - 11:27 AM
the point is to give your answers in a comment. ^-^
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. Would you want to meet me?
4. Do you want some ice cream or cookies?
5. Would you kiss me if i let you [even though odds are I wouldn't]?
6. Explain why you picked your username.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. If i were to move next door to you, what would the 1st thing you would do?
13. When did you last read my post?
14. What are you thinking of now?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. What is the first thing you would do if i were to stand in front of you?
18. What would you do if a cute or pretty boy or girl would to say hi to you?
19. What would you do and say if i was feeling down now?
20. Should I change my color scheme [whether you say yes or no, I'm still not changing it]?
PS. obviously I have nothing to say... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, November 14, 2005
in a rush...
DS Time - 8:55 AM
i have a bout 5 minutes to get to class and i didn't wanna leave just yet...um...not sure what to say cuz these things are always hard when you're pressed for time...
worked on my paper a little bit...found a source in my old Sociology book cuz there's a section on fads and fashion...my topic is on the entertainment media and how it influences society...and of course we have to tie it back to Cinderella so i'm viewing it as a stepmother...
it's a good thing I never returned that bad boy...only three more minutes left to haul azz...so i guess i'm out...
PS. i might finish this later...but don't count on it... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, November 11, 2005
better late than never...
DS Time - 10:40 AM
well it's not my usual time, but at least I'm posting right?...NE ways i had a conference with my English 225 teacher this morning about my research paper...and it was quite interesting...the meeting was at 8:45...but I got there a little early and no one was there so she met with me...
twas interesting...she found out i was an English major and is now going to try and get me to speak out more in class...well she was going to do that NE but more so now that she knows i'm majoring in English...oh pooh...can't they just leave me alone and let me observe in the back?...
NE ways it seems i have a 79% in that class...so close to a B...she says she will most likely give me the higher grade if it comes to it...but i've got a month and a research paper left before we think about any of that...
meanwhile i wasn't in the mood to go to my French class...hey, it's Friday and i just want to go home...who wants to be at school on such a nice day like this?...so here i am sitting in the computer lab at school updating for all you lovely pplz...hehe, nice how that works huh?...
well nothing much to report about this week...just the usual stuff about school being boring and all that...home life is...the same...been writing a lot of Naruto one-shots...pplz seem to be liking them...if NE of you wanna read some of them just PM me and i'll send you the link [i've come to realize that the majority of you don't care to read my stories]...and i think that's it...
PS. *tummy grumbles* ...i'm so hungry!!!... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, November 5, 2005
DS Time - 5:18 AM
well...finally reached 200 guestbook entries...i've been here...two years?... *checks stats* ...two years, one month, and two days...meh, so it took me a while to get that many...doesn't really matter to me...just kinda pissed me off cuz pplz kept disappearing when i was up at the 190s...kinda those "so close and yet so far away" kind of feelings...
so i never asked that one group member why she didn't show up...no big deal...it's over and done with so there was really no reason to bring it up...she'll be graded accordingly...we still got a B+ on the presentation without all that stuff and the shortened time...methinks she was lenient cuz we were caught off guard...
but man, was this a semi-bad week for me...my car wouldn't start Wednesday...as it turns out my battery was dead...so i had to get a jump start from mom and go get a new battery for the car...seems i have a pair of flat tires as well...my poor car...it's just so sickly...but what can i do?...
well i have a meeting with my advisor Nov. 15 at 2:00...so i need to go get my transcript next week so i can take it to the meeting...she can't really do much if she doesn't have my transcript right?...so if i didn't have it the meeting would be a bit pointless, no?...how i despise this time of year where we have to decide now what we wanna take next semester...but i'll live...
PS. i bid you all adieu!... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
that was terrible...
DS Time - 4:45 AM
all that work on that group project...all that worrying about it cuz we only met once to work on it [we only met the nite before we had to present]...and it all went down the drain cuz one of our members didn't show up...and not just NE member...the one who had our movie clip and two posters that we needed to use in our presentation...
so instead of a 13 minute presentaion like we planned on...it only ended up being 8... *sighs* ...well at least my teacher gave us a few minutes to figure things out and to try and make up for our missing member...it still was crap and i was studdering like a fool...but whatever...it's over now so there's no need to dwell on it NE more than necessary...at least i don't have NE more group presentations to do...yay on that...
on a not so plus side i think i'm coming down with something...i'm having a slight problem breathing out of my nose...sucks i know...meh...hope it goes away...in the mean time i should make an appointment with my advisor so that i can make a schedule for next semester...
PS. being a college student sucks...
I love Ren & Hao.

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