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Monday, October 31, 2005
DS Time - 5:25 AM
note to self: meeting the group at 7:00 PM to do a project is not fun...no one wants to work on a group project that late at nite...on the plus side, traffic was light...but it was freaking dark...at least we had a time to meet...let's just hope our presentation today goes well...
meanwhile...Happy Halloween everyone!!!...time for some candy...well tonight NE ways...methinks it's a little too early right now to be eating candy...hope you trick-or-treaters have fun tonight though...
to celebrate the occassion, here's a nice SasukeTenten one shot i wrote a few weeks ago...it was for the ten_squared community's monthy theme on LiveJournal...October's them was "A Celebration Called Halloween"...so enjoy Mistaken Identities and Happy Halloween everyone!!!...party it up and twirl around a pole just for kicks! [i'm kidding of course]...
PS. please, no more group projects... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, October 29, 2005
aww, I missed you...
DS Time - 5:03 AM
no matter what i do i can't fix that "waking up too early problem"...oh well...like the subject says...I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!...very much so...it feels so wierd to be posting again...and yet so good!!!...
so what's been going on with me?...i can't even remember when i stopped posting...i think i was complaining about my group project in math...well i turned that bad boy in...she hasn't asked us to do group evaluations yet and i don't think she ever will...which is good cuz...well you know the deal...
now i've moved on to another group project...i have a group presentation to do on Monday [a presentation on Halloween for goodness sakes!!!] and my group hasn't gotten together at all to work on it...we're supposed to meet Sunday and work on it...what is it with me and groups that do things last minute?...
NE ways...on the home-front things are cool...mom's feeling a little under the weather and i'm just trying to help any way i can...cuz i'll use any excuse not to do my homework...oh and there is that part where i love her and i worry about her... *winky* ...bad joke i know...i'm off my game...
nothing much else happened...pretty much trying to keep on track with all my school work and what not...but that doesn't mean that things aren't happening around me...
one of my friend have a slight problem...seems her best friend is in a coma...and he signed this thing that said he didn't want to be put on life support...so if he doesn't wake up by Halloween they're gonna pull the plug on him...
so i'm guessing that she's with him up in Canada right now cuz she didn't show up at school Wednesday and i haven't heard from her since she told me about what happened...best of luck to the two of them...wish i could be with her...i've talked with her best friend and he seems so nice...pray for him guys...
i didn't mean for this thing to be so depressing...i'm sorry guys...this was supposed to be a happy post cuz i actually had time to post...oh well...
PS. til next time...whenever that will be... *big hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
DS Time - 8:23 AM
hey guys...i'm at school right now...just kinda dropping in and making a quick post...midterm is over and we all know what that means...extra work from the teachers to cram in before we have to study for the many final exams and projects...these next few weeks are gonna be hell...
i'm already dreading the 10 page paper i have to write on "Who is the modern day Cinderella?"...wish me luck that...add in group projects and all that other crap called life and we have a tired DS on your hands...so don't be surprised if i make less of an appearance here...
i will try to post daily if time allows me...but most likely will post on the weekend cuz that's when i have the most time to chillax...don't worry i'll definately be back on a daily basis by X-Mas...we get a month off for winter break after all...
in the meantime, there's a new fanart featuring the lovely non-canon couple of GaaTen that i submitted yesterday sometime after i posted...tis implied in the picture actually...well, you'll see what i mean...love you guys!...
PS. sometimes it sucks growing up... *hugs & kisses* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
don't make me go back...
DS Time - 4:54 AM
dude...i'm freakin' tired...there are definately not enough hours in the day...can't we just cut down on the hours we have to go to work and school and devote more hours to sleeping?...i guarantee you everyone's gonna be in a better mood...i know i would...
well we didn't really get to spend a lot of time on the group project...on of my group members got there late...about twenty minutes later i had to go...so it was a bit pointless to say the least...and i still need to do the group write up...what am i going to say?...two pplz did most of the work cuz our schedules wasn't working with us...
i did get to work on some writing while i was waiting on campus...though not as much as i had hoped...cuz my sweet butt got distracted again...go figure...the one time i actually do have the time to seriously work on my stories i'm doing something else...
but i do know one thing...i wanna get more sleep...so tired...really tempted to just not go to school today...especially cuz today's my best friend's birthday...wanted to spend the day with her cuz i haven't seen her since July...but i don't think that's gonna work out...too bad too... *pouts* ...
PS. i don't wanna go to school, don't make me!!!... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, October 17, 2005
a day at school...
DS Time - 4:56 AM
my apologies good friends for not updating yesterday...i was making layouts for my LiveJournal site and i was really getting into it...i kinda forgot to update...in all honesty there was nothing to update about NE ways...
today on the other hand i will be spending the entire day at school...the majority of that time on the computer no doubt...see i have to meet with my group today so we can finish our project...but we're not meeting until 4 this afternoon...and my last class ends at 12...
four freaking hours on the computer...i think i can manage it...but four freaking hours at school?...that's a little...much...as if i didn't hate the school enough...they're making me stay longer than necessary...
but other than that...there's really nothing...i have a 10 page paper i have to write about Cinderella in modern society...that should be fun...NOT!!!...man, i can't wait until this class is over...i never wanna hear "Cinderella" ever again....
PS. four hours in the computer lab...at least i'll get time to work on my stories... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, October 15, 2005
DS Time - 5:13 AM
finally had that good French Exam...i think i did pretty good...but we all know what that means...i did terrible...the results of an exam or test never turn out the way you think they will...i've come to learn that over the years...so there is such a thing as being too confident about you test scores...i guess i'll find out soon enough...
meanwhile i went to apply for a student loan at school yesterday...i don't know if i mentioned this before but i don't like loans...you have to worry about paying it back with added interest...that's too much work and an easy way to get in debt real quick...but at least i don't have to pay for it until i graduate...maybe i'll feel better about it then...
oh!...i've been meaning to do this...i'm submitting some fanart today...two to be exact...not my best work but i like the concepts of them...i'll be submitting them as soon as i'm done with this post...so please remember to comment on them...remember: constructive critisism pplz...
PS. there's really nothing else to say... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, October 14, 2005
DS Time - 5:05 AM
so my group in math class finally contacted me on the project...the only problem is that we have to turn it in on Tuesday and our schedules don't match up...which sucks azz...so we're meeting on Monday at 4 in the library...which means ima be spending practically the entire day on campus Monday...as if I didn't spend enough time in that school...maybe i'll be able to catch up on writing my stories...
now my group in English 225 needs to get in gear...we present either on the 28 or 29 of October and i haven't even met all my group members yet...who ever thought of having group projects as part of the class curriculum wasn't thinking straight...
college experience?...it sucks...but maybe i'll finally be able to take that stupid French Exam that i've been waiting all week to take...it's not that i don't appreciate the extra time that was given to study...i just wanna get it over with so that i can concentrate on other work...is that too hard to ask?...
PS. i wonder how much my mom would kill me if i just dropped out of school and got a job?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, October 13, 2005
nothing special...
DS Time - 5:08 AM
this is ridiculous...ok, so i was supposed to have my French exam yesterday...but there was a language fair on campus...a whole bunch of high schools were there to learn about taking foreign languages past the high school level...
but my teacher forgot that she scheduled the exam on the same day...so she was 15 minutes late to class...and ended up moving the exam to Friday...when the whole class was sitting in there craming for the exam that day... *sighs* ...oh well...more time to study i suppose...
on the plus side i actually did my reading for American Literature...haven't done that since...well ever...when you start the class off readong captivity narratives it kinda discourages a person from reading any further in the text...but he says we're going into the fictional stuff so i guess i can give it another go...
as for all of this math project crap i might as well just do the entire thing by myself...no one's coming to me for help or telling me where to meet...this is just like all the pplz i try to make friends with...they only associate with me cuz they have to but as soo as they find someone better they just forget about me...those bastards...
PS. i've got time and stories to add to... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
oh no...
DS Time - 5:05 AM
man...i think I'm getting sick...i can't breathe out of one nostril...damn it...me no likey being sick...it's not fun...
so yesterday i had a math exam...over parabolas...i was doing so well...blazed through most of that test so confidently...then i got to the last page and was stuck on that until the end of the test...something about calculating profit and revenue or whatever...me hopes that that one wasn't worth that much...
meanwhile...no one in my groups is contacting me about our projects...how the hell can i help if you don't tell me what to do?...honestly...it's not like we have a lot of time to do this shiet...and this one chick in my group was like "i don't like waiting til the last mintue"...then what the hell is taking you so long to call me and set up a meeting time?...i mean come on...
tis why i hate group projects...someone always ends up with nothing to do [most of the time it's me]...and since we have to do evaluations on our group members they're gonna say that i did nothing...cuz there was nothing to do...those bastards...
PS. wow...that was a mood swing if i ever did read one...my bad... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
one down...
DS Time - 5:01 AM
Evaluation paper turned in and no longer a priority...can you hear the excitement in my voice?...i'm sorry but i can't stress enough how much i hate writing essays...it's stupid, really...meh, whatever...
now all i have is a group project in math and a group project in English 225...as if giving us an analysis paper wasn't enough she had to assign a movie project...search for elements of a fairytale and present on at least seven...13-15 minutes...who wants to talk that long about a freaking movie?...
NE ways...um, this would be what i submitted to the ten_squared community on LiveJournal...all about my girl Tenten...this month's theme was "A Celebration Called Halloween" so yeah...there's gonna be costumes...click here and enjoy!...it's not gonna turn out how you expect...
meanwhile...we're watching the Matrix all week in my English class...didn't get to enjoy it that much though cuz we have to look for elements of a fairytale throughout the entire movie...i'm so concerned with trying to find the elements that i can't even take joy in watching the actual movie...meh...teachers sure know how to ruin your fun...
PS. at least i have more time to work on my stories... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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