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Monday, October 10, 2005
DS Time - 4:49 AM
rise and shine sleepyheads...its a nice cold morning in good old KC...currently it's 47 degrees and my heater is on...i smile at the though of not freezing my azz off the minute i get out of bed...
so i'm not the only one who's heard of or reading Eragon and Eldest...i keep thinking that i was...it's pretty good for someone's who's only like 21 or something like that...i will warn you though...there's one plot twist towards the end of Eldest that you won't expect...took me by surprise...should've seen it...my jaw was hanging open for a good 5 minutes...
hope you guys know that they're currently filming the Eragon movie right now...i think they said it was in Budepest (sp?)...what i wouldn't give to be on that movie set...it'd be awesome, no?...
NE ways for those who aren't reading the Inheritance trilogy...i'm currently writing a one-shot for the ten_squared community's monthy theme on LiveJournal...methinks it's turning out quite nicely...i think i'm almost done too...if you want i could post the link on here...
off to write one more paragraph of my essay before i turn it in...i still have to write a note to my teacher telling her how difficult it was to write the essay and what i think of it...she's a weird one i know...after that we're watching the Matrix the entire week...coolness!!!...
PS. the Matrix reminds me of my best friend...she likes Neo... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, October 9, 2005
DS Time - 5:23 AM
dude, i'm so hungry...could be cuz i skipped dinner yesterday...i just wasn't hungry then...but i am now...i guess i can grab some cereal when i'm done with this post...and then it's off to working on my evaluation paper on some philosopher's model on how fairytales are written...
so what did i do yesterday?...watched "Bad Boys II" and "Hitch" with the family...also watched some asian soap opera with mom...couldn't watch as much as i wanted cuz i needed to do some school work...hey, you gotta do what you gotta do i guess...
ended up getting distracted NE ways...this whole "you can't use forms of 'to be' in formal papers" suvks azz...so i think i started looking for pictures of Tenten...see how easily distracted i get?...it's not that i'm a procrastinator...it's just that i get distracted all the time...
since i wasn't getting NE where with the essay i let mom get on...i wanted to finished this book i was reading anyways...it's part of a trilogy...unfortunately the third part of it hasn't been written yet...i highly recommend you guys read the Eragon and Eldest from the Inheritance trilogy...it's a good read...
PS. i'm sobad at writing long essays... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, October 8, 2005
something you never expect...
DS Time - 5:50 AM
so yesterday was...interesting to say the least...i was right about other pplz editing my work...they were grooving to the flow of the essay and then they hit a road block when the "II." came up...they found that amusing...
had a little mishap in French with the structure of my sentences...it made for an interesting class period but my partners felt mortified...they really need to learn to laugh at these kinds of situations...there's really nothing you can do after you've made a fool of yourself so just roll with it right?...
now on to the really coincidental stuff...i was taking my mom down to the videostore so she could exchange a video...and as she was on the way back to the car, my dad drives up...she didn't really see him until the last minute though cuz the sun was in her eyes...and because of the sun she had this really mean look on her face...my dad probably thought that she was making a face at him and his new wife...like mom would give him the time of day...it was funny though...
after that little incident it was off to the viet market...and then to Sam's Club...on the way there we stopped at a gas station so that i could pump air into my tires...that's when we found something wrong with the muffler...it took a few minutes but we fixed it [notice how i'm not gonna tell you what was wrong with the muffler cuz it's too funny to belive]
so i got me some new books at Sam's Club...three to be exact...one of them is actually a Christmas present for a friend...i read a few pages and it's hilarous...methinks i'll read some more of it before i give it to her...i'm such a nerd...i've come to realize that...cuz almost everywhere i go i get myself some new books...hey i can't help it if i like to read...
believe it or not it helps me when i write...i get familiar with different writing styles that help me develop my own...i also get inspiration and story ideas too...so it all works...course i don't need to be getting new story ideas right now...i already have enough writing projects going on...all of them not even half finished of course...stupid school keeping me busy with work...can't even work on what i love...
PS. yesterday was just full of surprises... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, October 7, 2005
chuckle, chuckle...
DS Time - 5:21 AM
TGIF!!!...i'll never get tired of saying that...NE ways it's just one of those mornings where you don't wanna get out of bed cuz it's so cold...hence the time you see above...DS didn't feel like getting out of bed in 40 degree weather...will the weather just get to a nice 60 ddegree temperature?...that's where i'm comfortable...
well i think the mid-term went well...i finished it at least...whether all the identifications and analysis were correct is yet to be determined...don't forget the freakin' essay i had to write too...only had like 30-20 minutes to write that bad boy...he better be leniant (sp?) since we were pressed for time...
today...tis the peer edit in English 225...and i still only have four pages...if i can crank out one more long paragraph i think i can hit 5...i'll tell you one thing though...this one's longer than my last one already...and i haven't filled in all the paragraphs yet...
i write my essays weird...i've noticed that...i start off with the outline and then i start writing in the details like quotes that i'll need and a summary analysis...once all that's done that's when i start writing the actual essay...so you see the actual paragraphs and then you reach stuff that says "III. yaddie yadda" and "C. blah blah"...i think it confuses pplz when they try to edit...we'll see i guess...
PS. maybe i'll put on my gloves later on...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, October 6, 2005
it's freakin' cold!...
DS Time - 5:17 AM
man i didn't wanna get out of bed this morning...see it's the type of weather where it's cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon...so it's the type of weather where we don't turn on the AC or the heater...so espect me to start complaining about being sick sometime soon...
ugh...i have a mid-term...and i am not prepared for it...i'm starting to regret not reading all those boring documents he assigned us...maybe i can learn something from the notes i've taken in class...at least that'll be something right?...i think i have the long essay down and the short identification...it's the passages that i'm worried about...
he gives us a paragraph or so from one of the texts we've read and i have to identify who wrote the passage and analyze...i guess i can analyze but as for identifying who wrote it...that's a lost cause...looks like i'm gonna be sorting through my notes in my math class...beats falling asleep in class right?...
PS. it's about 45 degrees right now...NE one else wishes it were a little bit warmer?... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
shoot me now...
DS Time - 4:42 AM
as if i didn't have enough to worry about...mom's starting to get on my case about waking up so early...do i need a reason to live my life the way i want to?...i think not...she's worried that i won't be awake and alert enough for school...i've had this kind of schedule ever since August and she decides to voice her opinion now?...tell me how much sense that makes...
well i got a nice little surprise last nite...an old friend called while i was tossing and turning in bed...she wouldn't believe me when i told her that the call didn't wake me up...i didn't really expect that...especially considering the fact that i hardly ever get calls on my phone...which is fine i guess cuz then i'll never go over my minutes...then again why have a phone if i'm not using it?...
meanwhile, i could not for the life of me stay awake in math class again...i think i almost knocked my head against the desk...i tried paying attention to class i really did...especially cuz we were talking about quadratic functions and what not...but the eyelids...they would not stay open...that woman needs to do something of interest in class...and now she has us doing group projects...who ever heard of group projets in math?...she must be crazy...
and it didn't help that i had the biggest cramps in the world...i felt like i was gonna die...try learning in that sort of condition...trust me it's not fun...the girls can atest to that...i don't know about you gals out there but there are times when it sucks to be a girl isn't there...i mean i don't mind the fact that we're "the givers of life" but all this "preporation" is getting on my nerves...
ugh!...peer edit due Friday...and a mid-term tomorrow...it's mid-term already...man, where did the time go...that means i need to meet with my advisor soon and map out a game plan for next semester...i'm running out of options for general classes actually...i guess that means i'll be getting into the nitty gritty of the English classes...please tell me i don't have to read boring stories NE more...and no more pointless essays about historical figures or political controvesies...they're gonna be the death of me...
PS. *pouts* ...cramps, cramps go away!!!... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
DS Time - 4:52 AM
oh how i do hate this week...i've got a Mid-term on THursday...and then I have a peer edit due Friday...not to mention the final copy of that peer edit due that following Monday...what fun...NOT!!!...did i mention that I HATE SCHOOL?!?!?!... *sighs* ...can't a girl get a break?...
so i guess you guys know what i'll be doing this week...studying my azz off and typing my fingers to the bone...i don't know about you but i'm getting tired of writing about Cinderella...sure the novel and stories are great...but i just don't feel like writing about the girl...well not NE more NE ways...there's only so much you can take before you start to snap you know?...
i'll be glad when they start working on the "Creative Writing" emphasis of my major...then again at the same time i'm a little nervous...i'm still a novice when it comes to writing good stories...i went back and read some of my earlier works a few weeks ago...and man did they suck...
apparently i had a problem with writing in important details...my writing still needs a little work but at least i know that it has improved since my early days...and who knows?...maybe all this analitical mumbo-jumbo crap that they keep making me spout out might help with my creative writing...i mean you have to trust that the school knows what it's doing right?...
wow...i talk a lot about school don't i?...well i can't help it...there's nothing elst to talk about...i don't really do NE thing besides stay at home or go to school...and school used to be tolerable...until all my friends disappeared on me... *pouts* ...
oh well, gives me time to actually pay attention to school work...and it gives me time to do my drawing and writing during class...don't worry...i only do that when i'm completely bored with the lesson...which happens more often than i would like...
PS. how pointless was this post?... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, October 3, 2005
my bad...
DS Time - 4:42 AM
hey guys...my apologies about not updating yesterday...there was a thunderstorm yesterday morning and i was unable to get on the computer...plus i wanted some extra sleep as well...nothing wrong with that is there?...
NE ways, i spent all day Saturday watching "COach Carter" and Hitch"...Coach Carter...was ok...but once you've seen one high school coach do his thing to inspire his students you pretty much seen them all...but it was cool all the same...
"Hitch" was hilarious...you can always count on Will Smith to do justice to comedy...didn't really see all that much comedy in "Bad Boys II" when i watched it yesterday though...but that's ok...the car chases and action scenes pretty much made up for it...
so that's pretty much what i've been doing with myself this weekend...worked on some writing Saturday morning...but not much...couldn't even work on it yesterday but i did get to do other projects...i've got so many going on around me that i'm afraid that my brain's gonna explode trying to get them all done...
here's an interesting little tid-bid though...it would seem that my mom's trying to write an autobiography...last i checked she only had three pages though...but she seems really dedicated to it...
but she had the bright idea to work on it Saturday during a thunderstorm...and the power blinked off and she lost everything cuz she forgot to save every 15 minutes [like i keep telling her to]...i think she'll be saving her word documents more often now...
by the way, i'm sad cuz no one commented on the new wallpapers i submitted... *pouts* ...i worked so hard on them...well i don't know if "hard" is the right word...but it took me a while to get them submitted...cuz i wasn't satisfied with them...until now...NE ways take a look when you guys have the chance...
PS. you learn something new everyday... *hugums* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, October 1, 2005
DS Time - 5:22 AM
well the weather's not so bad today...i actually wasn't freezing when i woke up this morning...i wonder if we have the heater on...let me go check... *rungs off & checks* ...well that's funny...strangely enough we have the air conditioning on...well at least it won't be running in this type of weather...
so school went well...nothing much i can say about that...English teacher asked me to describe the differences between the novel we're reading for class and the movie that was made based on the book...since i'm the only one in class that's seen the movie...BE one else out there see "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" when it aired on the Disney Afternoon movie a couple of years back?...no?...i didn't think so...
so it would appear that i have wallpapers and sketches pplz...i know i know it's been a while since i've had either of those...i guess i was just waiting for the right time [not to mention i had to find the inspiration for it]...well i need to make some small changes on one wallpaper so i guess i'll refrain from submitting them until i fix it...
as for the sketches...i should probably scan them onto the computer...maybe i could print them out and color them before submitting them...all my sketches are looking...a little drab in their black and white attire...i shall think about that...in the meantime...off to do thos adjustments to the wallpapers...i shall submit them when i am finished [which shouldn't take long]...
PS. *smiles* ... *big hug* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, September 30, 2005
DS Time - 5:05 AM
meh...so sleepy...and so cold outside...it's that kind of weather where you don't know whether to turn the heater on or not...cold in the morning and perfect weather in the afternoon...so you see why i go "brrr" *shiver shiver*...
like i said i'm a 65-75 degrees girl...right now it's like 40...not bad...but i know it's gonna get colder...KC is known ot have below zero weather all freaking day...so i pout... *pouts* ...
well thank you for all your encouragement yesterday...i think i was just having a bad morning or something...i think i was going through the whole "i feel lost and i don't know what to do with my life" kinda thing...and school's just...stupid...
i don't see why we have to pay for higher education...all forms of education in general should be free... *sighs* ...sadly i do not control this world and cannot make it so...
well at least i got a chance to work on my stories...it wasn't much cuz i kept getting distracted by things...but it's something right?...this is taking longer than i waned it to...hehe...i guess it's my own fault by getting distracted by other stories...it's funny...
PS. TGIF... *hugums* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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