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Thursday, September 29, 2005
how depressing...
DS Time 4:55 AM
i've come to the conclusion that i will never get married...i'm a 20 year old asian girl and i've only had one boyfriend in my whole entire life...there aren't any willing suitors out there right now and i doubt that there will be NE time soon... *sighs* ...so i've deemed that i shall die lonely and unmarried...
i mean if there are no suitors now...what makes me think there'll be suitors in the future?...nothing's gonna change drastically from now until then...the reason why i bring this up was cuz of a conversation i had with my mom the other day...she was talking to one of my older brothers...and he told her that whenever i got a boyfriend that he would "interrogate" him like a good older brother should...
strangely my reaction was to laugh at the thought of me having a boyfriend...so you see the lack of confidence in me...it sucks i know but that's how i feel...tis a sad future for me...
in the meantime...school was the same yesterday...i don't see how school could be any different...i did have a nice conversation with my best friend Ryoko-san when i got home...that was nice...hadn't talked to her in a long time...she's still holding on to the idea of not living past 40...cuz she doesn't want to be old...that's my girl...
PS. *shiver* it's cold outside... *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
something different...
DS Time - 4:44 AM
no i didn't plan to wake up at that time...it just turned out that way...i actually woke up a little bit before my alarm went off [about 19 minutes before] and i was just laying in bed with my eyes closed until it went off...got some nice ideas for some of my stories...now if i can just find enough time to actually write them in...
man was it funny this morning...see i don't usually wear normal baggy t-shirts...ever...but i felt like being comfortable this morning...plus there's the fact that i have a lot of t-shirts but never wear them...so i thought i'd start no...might as well you know?...
so i grabbed a blue t-shirt that my eldest brother gave me last year with the words "whatever" printed in yellow across my chest...i came in the computer room wearing it and my mom was like "whoa! that thing is huge!"...imagine if you will...lil asian girl like me who's about 5'3" wearing an extra large t-shirt that stops about three to four inches away from my knees...now do you understand my mom's reaction?...hm...i might change out of it [me and my girlish mind, always changing]...
NE ways...it seems i could not resist the sleep that over came me in math class...once again...i swear that woman over explains things...instead of one or two examples it feels like she's giving us ten...is that really necessary?...i mean i'll understand if she stopped at three...maybe even four...but ten?...
but at least we're reading about Ben Franklin in American Literature...you know there has to be something interesting about him...hello, this is Ben Franklin we're talking about here...he's gotta be the most internationally know American in history or something...
PS. wow, i wrote a lot today... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
DS Time - 4:58 AM
man i had a really bad headache yesterday...don't know why...happened after i got back from school so it couldn't be the lack of sleep i've been getting...couldn't have been fron school either cuz i was already at home...hm...i guess i'll never know...i do know one thing thought...aspirin is my savior...
nothing special happened yesterday...spent most of the extra time on the computer doing a quiz that my teacher sent to us...her way for making up cancelling class...what's the point of cancelling class if you're gona give us work to make up for it?...i hope i got the answers right cuz i was distracted chatting with my friend...
meanwhile i find that i totally did terrible on my French exam that i took a few weeks ago...and i was so confident i did good on it...just goes to show i guess... *sighs* ...well at least i did good on my Math Exam...93% baby...too bad French has more credit hours...so i need to get my butt in gear to raise that grade up...there's a small quiz tomorrow...so i guess i should study for it...
as for today...looks like it's time for me to fall asleep during class again...can i help it that it's so boring?...if only i didn't feel so bad about sleeping in class...like i keep saying i need as much sleep as i can get...i think all the schools should constitute a mandatory nap time...studies show that adolescents need more sleep than any other age group...and yet we probably get the least sleep...
PS. i wonder if i could start a napping club at the school... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Monday, September 26, 2005
DS Time - 4:48 AM
i was gonna write something there...but i can't remember what it was...methinks it's too early to think...whatever since that made...hehe...i had it a few seconds ago...it's on the tip of my tongue i swear...meh...looks like it's gonna stay there...
well i felt productive yesterday...did my french and part of my math homework...i should do the rest of it today...not to mention the fact that i might actually read for my American Literature class... *gasp* ...there mere thought of it is such a foreign conceptto my mind!!!...how will i ever adjust to this drastic change?!?!... [in case you didn't catch on yet, this is sarcasm] ...
but yeah...really did feel productive...even had time to work on some of my stories...sure it was only a paragraph here and a paragraph there...but i still added to the length of some of them...that's all you can ask for right?...and sooner or later these small contributions will add up to a completed story...rock on!...
in the meantime...i need to get these one-shot ideas out of the way...they're taking up space in my brain...and we all know i need to spare as much space as possible for school and what not...so here's hoping...
PS. my first class is cancelled... *shrugs* ...more time on the computer for me... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Sunday, September 25, 2005
one's hobbies...
DS Time - 5:42 AM
well yesterday was a little different from the norm...and by norm i mean me sitting at home doing nothing but homework while everyone else has a life and something else to do...in other words i actually got out of the house...sure it was only for like a half hour but i still got out of the house...
went to Hobby Lobby with the girl that i carpool with...she wanted to get some yarn and a crochet needle...she wanted to make her new boy toy a scarf for Christmas...amusingly, the only problem was that she didn't know how to crochet...so it was up to me to teach her...
now i know that it's wrong to make fun at other pplz expense...but it was so hilarious...hey she was laughing at herself...so i was just laughing with her...the good thing is that she said she was getting better...well at least she told my mom that when they were chatting online...
seeing her take on that hobby reminded me about how much i miss my hobbies...when i went to high school i had plenty of time to do homework and work on hobbies...now...i can barely even finish my homework on time...course there's the fact that the stuff they have me read isn't enough to keep my interest for more than a page...really who wants to read about conquistadores suffering in the buff?...
watched "Who's Coming" yesterday...you know the one with Bearnie Mac and Aston Kutcher (sp?)...wasn't as good as i thought it would be...but it filled up a few hours of my time at least...i think i'll watch "Meet the Fockers" again...hilarious movie...can't get enough of it...
PS. i should've bought some more yarn for myself when i was at Hobby Lobby... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Saturday, September 24, 2005
aww, so cute...
DS Time - 5:21 AM
so i was waiting for the my carpool to come pick me up from school...it was raining slightly outside but it didn't bother me...you know how much i like the rain...NE ways i was watching the pplz rush around towards their classes and trying to get out of the rain when i spotted a mama squirrel and a baby squirrel...
it was so adorable...i guess the mama squirrel was trying to get the baby to go across the street cuz they kept running to the curb...but every time a car slowly drove by or a person walked past...the baby would run back up the tree and the mama would have to go back and get it...the baby was so little...definately an "aww" moment...
anyways...moving on...it rained lot yesterday...and i wanted to play in it so bad...but alas...my big brother would've snitched on me and mom would've lectured and yelled about how i was gonnna get sick for playing in the rain...but it's so much fun!!!... *pouts* ...
PS. um...so yeah...loner out!... *huggums* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Friday, September 23, 2005
not so bad...
DS Time - 4:42 AM
ok so being a loner isn't so bad...i'll be the first to admit that...then again i've been one almost all my life so i'm used to it...or at least i should be by now...tis one of the reason i have such a big imagination...and i wouldn't trade that in for the world...but you can't help feel a little...lonely at times and that's not a good feeling...but it's not that bad...
so i finished my paper...the bad part is that i was a page short...hopefully he doesn't take off too much for that...if so then i'm screwed...no mater what i couldn't think of NE thing else to write...my brain was fried...why do analytical papers have to be more than three pages?...it's not fair!!!... *pouts* ...
well at least i got to work on a story...it's been a while since i got a chance to do that...made me happy actually...one of my greatest joys in life is writing and i haven't been able to do that lately cuz of the school work that i have...maybe that's one of the reasons why i don't like my school so much...they're taking away time from something that i love... *tear* ...
PS. wow...that was deep...that sounded really sappy huh?...hehe... *big huggums* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Thursday, September 22, 2005
DS Time - 4:42 AM
finally got my azz out of bed...it's a miracle...and just when the dream was getting good...i think the subconcious knows when it's time to get up so it starts making the dream good and then you have to wake up...tis cruel that way...oh well...
well i have two pages down of the essay...only two more to go...honestly you don't want me to analyse anything...i'm terrible at it...i will BS my way through it...ok so maybe i'll but some effort into it...but i can't organize my thoughts that well and i never have enough to say that would fill up 4 pages...really students don't have that much to say about historical pieces of bull shiet...
but i must reach four pages...i dread the 6-7 page paper already...and is it me or are all the English teachers just planning their schedule around each other so that i have a paper to work on this entir semester?...sure i like writing...but not this kind of writing...my emphasis is on creative writing not analysis...
NE ways i'm boring you with my little creative writing rant...i really do complain a lot don't i?...my bad...but there's nothing else that fills up my day...i detest this school...especially since i never see any of my friends...school is nothing without friends...i'm tired of being the loner...
PS. *hugs*
I love Ren & Hao.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
i hate exams...
DS Time - 5:19 AM
and i was doing so well with waking up at 5:00...maybe i should try getting up at 4:30 like my alarm said...might just have to force myself to get up instead of laying back down in the bed...it's the whole "just five more minutes" syndrome...cuz you can never get too much sleep...
so the math exam yesterday didn't seem too hard...one of the first ones to get finished...then again i've been confident on exams before only to be proven wrong...so i don't know what to think...same thing with the French exam i had took on Monday...
first one finsished actually...only took me half an hour to finish it...and i was proud...until the teacher asked me if i wanted to look my answers over...cuz of that comment i started second guessing myself and my confidence went right out the window...teachers will do that to you...sure it was unintentional...but still...
so...there is a 4-5 page essay that's due tomorrow at the beginning of class...and i only have a page of it done...so you know what i shall be doing today and tomorrow...that is if i can figure out what to write...any one out there know how to do a rhetorical analysis?...if you do could you tell me so i can get this bad boy started?...
PS. again i ask: how does analysis help me become a novelist?...
I love Ren & Hao.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
stick to what works
DS Time - 5:28 AM
so i tried setting my alarm for 4:30...that didn't work either...i ended up falling back to sleep...so i guess i should just stick to what works for me...no extra hour of sleep para te...meh...i'll make it up on the weekend i guess...if i can manage even that...
i got my paper back yesterday...you know the one i was working on at 5:30 in the morning...the one where i was almost late to class cuz i was spending every last minute working ont it...got a C on that bad boy...and it was pretty much half finished...
now imagine the grade i would've had if i only put some effort and time into it instead of slapping something together the last minute?...amazing the potential that i don't really give a damn about cuz i hate analysis...shame really...
well i have a math test today...oh joy...pray for me cuz i haven't a clue what's on it...sure i can do well in math when it comes to homework and shiet...but i'm terrible at taking exams...tis my curse... *crosses fingers* ...
PS. it's hot... *hugs* ...
I love Ren & Hao.

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