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In my own little world with my Mou Hitori no Watashi...
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Yuugiou, Beyblade, Digimon, Pokemon, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Yuugiou, Excel Saga, Gundum Wing/G Gundum/Seed/Seed Destiny, Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Naruto, Real Bout Highschool, and many, many more...
to live forever, or die trying. To collect as many funny/serious/death quotes as I can, and to watch as much anime as I can
Writing, Drawing, Computer, Technology, other stuff
...Drawing, Writing, Technology, other stuff.....
| DragonxPuppy
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
I'm so bored right now.
Cloud's Song
That should keep me busy, right?
Hey, people, if you do Join my Forum, please post and introduce yourself. Don't join and don't do anything. It's not fair to do that...Or don't say you're going to join but you don't (shifts eyes), though, I won't name name.
I'm so bored I'm getting annoyed with myself. Gah...I'm just going to go play some video games.... |
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
New Forum
Well, I guess then it's time to post this:
Yep. I started a new forum, as many of you can see. It just opened, and I've been working on aking sure everything is gonna turn out right for just about two weeks now. I hope you all join, because I obviously was leading up to this moment (well, just from the end of the last post) that I was gonna post a forum.
This place is called OtakuLand, and it's kinda going off the idea that Master Marik uses for her forum: an unofficial forum for MyOtaku. However, my forum is going to be all about everything, so hopefully we can get some stuff of myo out of the way on the forum to be free and move on with crap, you know? lol.
Anyways, I'm pretty tired, and I still haven't finished my math work. Not to mention I still need to get around to everyone's sites. I can't believe I got TEN comments. That's a record for me. Yeah, yeah, pitiful, right? Well, you always have to praise your one step up until you reach the top, where they expect you to praise them as they make their way. Betrayel in it's newest--and yet oldest--form.
But now I'm just |
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Hm. I'm glad that people actually took me seriously. The reason for the last post was because...well, nevermind. It's not really important.
If you just start a forum, how would you attract people so they would join? |
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Friday, September 2, 2005
....Is no one to take me serious? |
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Today was rather boring. Despite the fact that school was going as it should, it was also a half day, so more time to waste at home on this computer. However, I just had to watch beyblade today...turns out it was the episode in Paris...
Now, I should probably tell you that I have very interesting dreams. One dream in particular was that me and the rest of the bladebreakers were in Paris. They didn't know where to drive to, and I had to try and drive their van to get them to the place. We went by the Eifel Tower, and suddenly we weren't in a van anymore. We were walking up the many many stairs of the Eifel Tower, and finally we reached the top and were able to just look out at the beautiful capital of France. Me and Kai were next to each other, looking content. It was so peaceful...and it seems like (this may sound cliche) that it was just me and him. No one else in the world. And Paris didn't even exist anymore, even as we looked out into it.
But it saddens me a whole bunch. I have planned to never marry and to never ever even have a boyfriend. So, setting these up for myself, and being the stubborn person I am, I have to prove that I can live out single forever. But then it hurts, you know?
I'll never be able to stand with someone and feel content. Stand with that special someone and having only thm exist. Being in love... I'm starting to cry...
Maybe...if I knew that person would be looking out for me. Protecting me from harm, and always welcoming me with open arms. A perfect man...but I can't afford perfect...Now I think that that man is probably a pretty lonely person, too...
The pessimistic you The merciless you
And the self that loving you, What are you looking at?
With comparing and getting things high in proportions you scream out mad
You wanted this ending to happen
You must be a romanticist
But I just remembered that there is no love here
Over and over somewhere begins to break Please love me, this blood and the meaning
Please love me, this day and this value
gasp for breath
--Merciless Cult, Dir En Grey: Whithering to Death
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Hey there, everyone! I'm uber board, so I've been joining all these forums and making my time wasted. I plan to go shopping with my mother for school stuff, and it is expected that I will have some SEROUS room is a total hazard area, with my bed in the middle of the room, my desk a mess, papers on the floor, my stuffed animals (yep, still got them) all around, and my clothes hanging from their baskets since I always get the leftover crap and don't have a good enough dresser.
*sighs*. Not much for me. See ya all later. |
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Monday, August 22, 2005
You heard me right. I went shopping. I got two belts, one black and one white, a bunch of "classy" dress-pants, so I can finally get a job, lol. I got one really nice shirt and a few other ones, not black, but dark and dark enough.
Hm...I got a YAOI school bag!!! It slings over the shoulder and says "I [heart] YAOI" then it has some "myth" logo on it. I would have gotten the official yaoi-manga bag, but it was expensive!!
The total cost of the clothes and accessories: a bit over 400 American Dollars.
Total Cost of other(yaoi bag): 32 American Dollars.
My mother spoiled me because of the stuff I've been doing. Or should I say not been doing. I don't ask for anything from my parents, and it's rare if I ever need money to go places. Not to mention my sister is the most SPOILEST girl in the world...*sighs*, but now it was just me and happiness.
Speaking of 'happy' (not), my parents are limiting my screen time. No computer, television, or video game screen at all in the day except for 3 1/2 hours per day. And that's only Monday through Thursday, since we haven't discussed the other days yet. Since I most likely will be getting home at around 4 in the afternoon, I get to be on the computer/television/video game screen until 6. Then, at 6:30 i ge to watch bakuten shoot beyblade, and then I get the computer/television/video game screen for one more hour, till 8. then, I have to do something "constructive" for the rest of the time.
I argued with my parents about this, bringing up that they have to stare at computer screens for 8 hours everyday, sans Sat and Sun, but they reply that they're "working". I'm "working" , too!!!
Uggh....parents. Pity?
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Monday, August 15, 2005
I watched first episode of the Xenosaga anime. I think it's called XenoFREAKS, or something like that, but who can keep up with all the "Xeno" names? The animation isn't all that good, and they're trying too hard to make Shion and KOS-MOS look like a slut. Ziggy looks weird, and Jr. looks like a freak. chaos is the best looking because 1) He's my favorite, and 2) He just does.
I'm downloading the rest right now.
Hmmmm....haven't been on gaiaonline ever since i told you people my name. Might consider going back, if i feel like it.
Reached level 22 in Maple Story.
Put up another fanart, this time of chaos, also in oekaki.
Glad you guys like the FIF music.
Found out there is going to be a concert in September for something called, "T.M. Revolution". It's got all these cool bands and singers. Asian Kung-Fu Generation Mix is going to be there, as well as a few other great artists. I want to go. Hope I can...
Our library has manga!!! And it's a small library. Everyone knows each other.
Have been drinking too much 7-up...
That's all, I guess. I got my school schedule. I'll post it so you all can see:
0 Period: Advisement 10 with the Drama teacher, Mrs. Scott. The hell is advisement?
1st Period: AVID with my old English teacher, Mrs. Hansen. What the hell is AVID?
2nd Period: Honors English with Ranzieri. I HATE Ranzieri. She kicked me out of her English last year. Mrs. Hansen was sooo much better.
3rd Period: World History with Mr. Skrbin. He's the COUNSELOR! WTF?!
4th Period: Biology with the DRAMA teacher AGAIN. She's mean...
5th Period: Physical Education 2. With...Mr. Harnetiaux. I had him for SCIENCE last year. He's a SCIENCE teacher!
6th Perdio: Geometry, with the math teacher who teaches the entire school, Mrs. Blaske.
My school has 200 students, max. We learn in trailers.
My parents just had to move us to middle of norwhere Nuevo...
My school starts on the 29th of August. It will go from 7:30 in the morning to 2:50 in the afternoon. Which sucks. We use to start at 7:53 and get out at 2:37. Not to mention I walk home, and it's a good hour walk, depdning on what shape I'm in. (Though, considering it's summer...). The school is about three and a half miles from my home.
This has been just a bunch of rambling. Hope you didn't mind.
-DXP- |
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
I'm all happy. My character finally leveled up to level 20. Now she can do more quests and get better armor. MapleGlobal RULES!
And for all those who asked for my gaiaonline name, it's MyShinjuu. I'm not on very often.
Well, since there was a tie between "My Evil Plan to Save the World" and "Distant Shores", I decided to place both of them up. Just press the start button to whichever one you want up. Sorry about so many music files up. These two will probably start at the same time (if you have a fast computer) and the "Break Up" one will probably start if you stop both of the music-things.
This one is Distant Shoes, since this one was voted on first. Click HERE for lyrics.
Click HERE for the song.
And this one is My Evil Plan to Save the World. Click HERE for lyrics.
Click HERE for the song. |
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Well, these past few days have been pretty boring. I was able to rent Xenosaga: Episode II. That game was soooo fun! I can't believe what's going on with chaos...(they leave us at a cliff hanger). Why did Wilheim call him that?! What's it all suppose to mean...?? Why is he called "Yeshua"?
So confusing...I have just recently finall decided to join gaiaonline. Boredom has finally made me do this. Gaia has always appeared to be too big for me to care about (I like smaller things, where there are so many members, and yet you always have your selected few friends), and the fact that you have to work for your gold is annoying. Gold is annoying.
I'm also on MapleGlobal. My character's name is Hohoemi, and I am within the Bera server. I'm a level 19 warrior. I have over 100,000 mesos, (mainly because I was stupid and gave up a really rare shield for 80,000 mesos) and my character has made some pretty good friends. I advise you all to join before the beta signups are closed.
I have submitted two (or was it three?) new fanarts and there is one of Seto, and one of Cloud. I think I'll add my chaos one later. I have two chaos ones, one oekaki and one pencil, so I'll decided which one to upload later.
Ah! I joined Master Marik's forum, Your Otaku and I also would recommend joining. There aren't many people, but it's sure to grow large eventually.
There isn't much else for me to say...I feel like putting up a Five Iron Frenzy song, so I think I'll do that.
FareWell to Arms
My Evil Plan to Save the World
Anchor's Away
Distant Shores
Something Like Laughter
American Kryptonites
Even if you don't know any of the songs, just choose one at random. I'm pretty confident you'll like them, even if they are in English.
See ya around, my yuujins, and don't forget to vote! And don't forget about my Kai Hiwatari fan club!!
-DXP- |
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