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In my own little world with my Mou Hitori no Watashi...
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Went to Japan
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Favorite Anime
Yuugiou, Beyblade, Digimon, Pokemon, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Yuugiou, Excel Saga, Gundum Wing/G Gundum/Seed/Seed Destiny, Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Naruto, Real Bout Highschool, and many, many more...
to live forever, or die trying. To collect as many funny/serious/death quotes as I can, and to watch as much anime as I can
Writing, Drawing, Computer, Technology, other stuff
...Drawing, Writing, Technology, other stuff.....
| DragonxPuppy
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Yeah. I'm so happy. I already have...4 people (besides me) that joined my Kai fan club! They're: Night Shade 2, FlipxGuam, tensaisama, and dragonrider6 Thanks for join, guys!
Well, I'm back from my friend's house. It was...kind of awkward. I really just wanted to talk and set things straight, but I couldn't think of how I wanted to bring it up. Not to mention the fact my thoughts of her have actually lowered since this visit. She doesn't even know me anymore...but she acts like she does. I've changed so much...and she's doing exactly what I don't like: she's putting an image of me in her head that she won't change. How can anyone prove to be unique or be able to change whatv happened in the past if things don't give way? *sigh*. Now I'm somewhat depressed....
I let her look through my portfolio...she use to be so supportive. Now she's not saying much about it. Either she's jealous...or she really had nothing to say. She's changed a lot too...we both have. Her change, from what I've seen, seems to be for the better...and mine...seems to be for the worst.
Heh...if anything, at least I got to read all the Gravitation manga and see a few episodes of Angelic Layer.
Well, see ya around, yuujins.
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Friday, August 5, 2005
stuffs once more
Thanks for listing the forums, guys. I'll go chck them out...probably on late sunday or Monday. I'll be gone on Saturday. I'm visiting...and old friend. We've had out ups and downs, and now we're finally going to patch things up completely. Hopefully... The last time we met was at her birthday party, and she had invited her friends from school. Let's just say I don't like this girl. So, as me and my two other friends went from room to room (wherever we could find peace) to talk, we were finally confronted by my friend who proceeded to call us rude. After she threatened us by saying her mom was going to through us out if we continued to ignore her new friend, she was ushered into her room by said mother who apologized to us fro the way her daughter was acting.
Let's just say...things seem to fall apart even more. My group of friends would see each other at the mall (we do that at least once a month to keep in touch) and it was kind of awkward. I've grown up since she knew me. I'm more quieter (i doubt Kaiyuku or Zutto would think that, though) then since we first were friends, which was all the way back in kindergarten (I'm in 10th now).
Well, I do hope everything goes smoothly. We aren't going to have as much free time as I would want to patch things up with, but we should HOPEFULLY manage...
Anyways, if you haven't check out my fanart, I insist you do so. Not rudely insist, though, lol. I had three new ones up (well, two from the last post). The first submitted was the girl who was crying, the second is some blnode guy aiming a gun at us with a dead guy leaned against the wall behind him ((I wanted to kill somebody...)), and the third is Seto Kaiba without his shirt on. His right eye (in our pov, it's his left eye) may look a little strange, but that's cuz it's suppose to be closed.
Also, I am asking this kindly:
A lot of times people will post and say they put up a new fanart. The comments come in and a whole bunch of people say that they will come and rate it and comment, but then the post artist checks to see, and no one did so. So, I'm asking that you PLEASE not say you'll go see my artwork unless you're gonna at least rate it. It gets my hopes up, and then breaks them, along with my thoughts of said commentors.
OH YEAH!! I put up a Kai Hiwatari Fan Club! Hope you guys join! That would be awesome!
Anyways, I'll see ya all later.
Ja ne!
-DXP- |
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
New Fanart
I just posted a new fanart and I'm totally happy about it. I found a 300x300 drawing that someone, e.i.f, drew. I was so amazed by it that I had to try and see if I could draw like her. It's not exactly right, it's not even halfway there, but I'm really happy with this peice of art. I hope you all like it. Please leave a comment if you like it, and please be honest on your scoring! I hate it when people score others low because they're jealous of their works.
Hm...I don't have much else to say. I'll host your mp3s for awhile if you want. I'm already doing that for myself and hopefully for that someone else...
Oi! I'm currently extremely bored and could use a place to go. Anyone have a forum they want to introduce me with, or want to set up with me? I'm just extremely bored.
Well...I guess I'll see ya around, yuujins.
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
I added three new fanarts to theotaku yesterday, or was it the day before? I don't was late. Anyways, two of them are for an OC of mine, and the other is of Kai-kun!! I've been drawing some group pictures (kai, rei, takao, max, kenny (can't remember his japanese name...), and daichi). I plan to scan them in later, but I'm being lazy.
Well, It's almost 5:00AM here in Southern California, and I'm still not tired...I gotta find something to occupy myself with...and reading anime crossovers can only entertain me so I don't know what to draw...
THAT's IT!!!! I'll take drawing requests! I know it's not the best art...but I need something to waste my time on! There are two styles: Chibi, and Human. Chibi will look like the Fanart I have entitled: Adrian. Human will look like the Adrian 2 or like Kai, and any other humanized things. I know my Chibi isn't really chibi, but I'm not good at real chibi drawing yet. I'll accept any fanart, including your OC, a character, a demon, and even animals! Just, uh, it's not gonna be colored. However, I will still need color reference.
Well, hope to get a lot of comments and requests. I need something to occupy me...
-DXP- |
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
I've been obsessing over Beyblade for awhile, so I finally decided to just change my site to Kai-kun. Hm...ever since then...
Anyways, as you can see, everything is Kai! The song is called Break Up from digimon Season 2. I thought it would probably be fit for him because of the way he gradually begins to depend on his team. Not to mention Takao...O.O. YAOI COUPLES!!!!! I totally forgot about that. Well, I guess I've given them up, then...such a pity.
Well, I do like TakaoKai (Gotta go with Kai uke all the way!...I have a hard time pronouncing Uke...), so maybe I'll do something on them? Let's see...I forgot how I usually do's been so long...
Well, I might as well just give out some pretty pictures. Hope you people enjoy! ((Hold your mouse over them to see my small commentary))

Not Beyblade Yaoi, but something extra for you all.

Well, there ya go. Hope you have fun with them. None of them are mine, I found them randomly.
Also, I have a new website. Well, not new, it's just that no one has really gone there yet, and if you could check out the forum. Plenty of RPs and even an MP3 request. |
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I apologize for not updating in a long time. And, yes, I know. I lied when I said that I'd get to signing your guestbooks, because obviously, I never did. It feels like such a chore some times, you know? Anyways, my internet is back up, however, the wallpapers cannot be found...I lost the floppy disk, or else someone overwrote it. My family doesn't take much consideration for my things, apparently...
Anyways, I shall now try to get to everyone's sites. I can't guarentee I'll visit yours especially, but I will try. Also, I have a new website, called KaibaWorld, and would appreciate it if you all took a look. There isn't much up there, but I'm willing to take requests if you guys need some mp3s or videos to go on all of your sites. It's free, and I can keep them up there for as long as a month.
I don't know what I should change my theme too. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm open to anything, really.
Well, ja ne, everyone. |
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
my internet somewhat works now. I'm just waiting for my father to come and ruin it again. Then again, our computer sdon't seem to like Verizon. I got Windows XP and he has Windows 98. Verizon hates us Nuevoens, I guess.
Anyways, I will try to get those wallpapers up, depending if I can find the floppy disks they're on or not. See ya later, if I can. I'm trying to get to you guys who signed my yearbook, too, so please be patient with that.
Ja ne. |
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Monday, June 6, 2005
I'm at the library again. This is the only way I can update. Verizon is being a bitch, saying one modem for both the west and east coast, and now saying there are two seperate ones. My father is pretty pissed with them, but they've been good to us on a dsl basis, not modem, so we want to keep them.
Anyways, thanks for all your GB signs. I'm almost at 100. However, I can't respond to any of yours right now, but I can promise I will as soon as I get my internet back. But please, keep them coming!!
Well, I need to check my other stuff now. See ya later, and I'll add more fanarts and wallpapers. |
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
My computer's internet isn't working, so I can only access this place on the Library's computers or my fathers. The library computers don't let you copy and paste stuff for some reason. They use to...
And my father's computer isn't very compatible with me. So, call this a temporary hiatus. But give it some time to give a naruto yaoi pairing some thought, ne? |
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
I think I'm neglecting my duties for awhile...I dunno what I've been thinking, but it sure hasn't been about this site. Sorry to my friends, but I'm too busy to really go looking for pictures of yaoi couples at random.
I guess I'll give you some options, then:
Yep! That's right! Theme is changing to Naruto. Anyways, the deal with the Kakashix[dot, dot dot], is that it's a random pairing with kakashi, becuase those seem to be popular for some reason.
I got a yaoi-manga, my anti-drug T-shirt today at my friend's practice for her consenaria...I can't spell or even pronouce it. That thing that the Mexican females have on their fifteenth birthday. I got a really pretty dress with a pretty boquet.
Anyways, see you all later. Hopefully, my theme will change soon. And don't forget to check out two of my fanarts! I guarentee you'll like them!!
I'll make it easier for you, too:
just go here!
anyways, looking foreward to your comments. |
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