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dream wings
oh! i know this one! ^-^ uhhh...wait....*looks around* where am i? uhoh.....i'm lost again >.<
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silly school girl
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Now that's not important, now is it?
drum major awards.
Anime Fan Since
december 2004
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fruits basket, .Hack series, DN Angel, Crest/Banner of the Stars, studio ghibli movies
become a better artist and trombonist
band, 4-h, reading, drawing day dreaming...
trombone, drum major, drawing(i wish...)
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
today was was a good day! ^^ i'm so happy! last week was terrible, i sure hope this is a sign that things are finally turning around ^^ that would be good
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Monday, October 10, 2005
today was nice, it was one of the best days in a long time....
i played some video games with my bro ^^ and watched a movie with my family
so....tell me something about yourselves?
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
today's update on life
today was very interesting, lots of things happened, it seemed so much longer than a day.
ummmm....i did some yard work ( >.< ) then we went to this pumpkin place, with a gun show and stuff. very fun ^^
i went and got a really pretty dress to wear for that senior field show, the phantom of the opera one that i'm going to be christine in ^^ it's so pretty, i can't wait to wear it!
we do have to do some alterations and add a few things ^^ but that will be fun!
i just got back from a dance at my church too ^^ that was cool, i was really late, but i suppose it was like a cinderella thing, because there was a guy looking for me, but i dissapeared....i suppose he will like an explination the next time i see him -.-,,
oh, and it was really weird, after danceing with a guy i know (that graduated last year) and after the dance, he hugged me....that was really unexpected
and then, when i was trying to escape to the other room, with all the yummy cookies ^^ i kept getting asked to dance -.-,,
that's a very random post....sorry, it jumps around a bunch -.-,,
have a great day!
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
friday was a very interesting day. i'm sooo tired now, but it was fun. we had a football game, and our team won (like it should be, this years team is finally getting into the swing of things)
well, in school, i had a test in spanish, which is my last period, i fell asleep numerous times on my test...that was a hard test, just because of that
((p.s. mr. mad hatter sir, your going to drive me batty....deleate some of those pms, or how will i ever win at the staying up contest?!? your always saying that i'm not allowed to die, but the irony is killing me...X_X DELEAT YOUR PM INBOX!!!!)) thank you ^^;;
i hope you have a great day
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Friday, October 7, 2005
Right now, whatever I may be doing….I’m definitely not typing up a post ^^;; (I’m actually writing this on the bottom of a homework paper I’m typing up, I’m so bad….-.-,, )
Well, today was…well…not nearly as bad in comparison to the last few days, but…I’m still hoping for things to get even better ^^ if I hope it long enough, it’ll happen, right? I sure hope so ^^
I taught kung fu again today, that definitely qualifies on one of the best things this week ^^ it was very fun, and while teaching, I learned a whole lot of new things too ^^ during the classes where my teacher is there, he is using me more and more for things, and he is stepping back and just saying stuff, leaving all the movements and demos for me to do ^^ very fun, but…wow….I didn’t think it would be that tiring. I was constantly moving, I would do a hand-to-hand form with one kid, then without even stopping, there would be another kid thrown in in the other’s place to keep going (it’s basically a never-ending form) and I learned to free-style fight, and he would keep throwing in new kids without stopping on that too. I have three full classes in a row, and I trained in between all the classes too. wow, that was a workout….it wasn’t really that bad by normal standards I suppose, but….ok, I don’t like admitting it -.-,, but I really haven’t gotten any better…they tried to give me some stronger medicine, because this stuff is hardly working, and it’s strong as is….I’m takeing double of the “do not exceed” of that already….and they wanted me to take some really, really powerful stuff….but I would rather not live my life all like that >.< so I’m not. I haven’t even taken any of the regular stuff in a long time….I’m just soo rebellious *rolls eyes* (sarcasm? ^^;; )
well, i'm returning to my homework now....i hope everyone has a great day!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
ok, today went no better than the day before, minus the near death stuff >.<'s a cute cow to give you people a laugh ^^
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
a no-good, terrible, horrible, very bad day
well, today was not quite the best day ever....heh....understatement of the century >.<
first off, monday night the school called home to my mom and said that i ditched a class! i would never, ever do that!! but, my mom got mad....i had to do even more chores than usual...then today at school, first period wasn't so good...second was the best of the day, i guess....third, the teacher asked me to take a packet of papers over to the adult night school that's across the street. so i go and do that, and on the way back, i'm in the crosswalk, when i guess a student who was ditching out of the school lot came barreling down...they were about to hit me, but slammed on their breaks, and the truck turned so that the side was faceing stopped about two feet infront of me....that was soo scary....i was shakeing so bad, and trying hard not to cry, and when i went back to the woodshop, the boys were their usual "lovely-selves" -.-,,
then the next period, i had a test, so i go and sit down to do some more last minute reviewing (trying hard not to let anyone know how scared i was at that point still, not many people ever found out....they just all were really worried about things they don't know) when the teacher says that i have to go down to the office to get a re-admit since i ditched the day before, or i was not allowed in class! i tried to explain to him that i was in class the entire time, but he didn't believe me till a bunch of people started vouching for then i take the test, and i look over it, and find i made a mathmatical mistake on a big problem...and since i was useing pen, i recopied my entire test...well, tried to. i was halfway done when he says to pass in the tests (and it wasn't a timed test >.< ) he refused to let me finish it! and there was still plenty of clas time left, in which we were to do nothing....
the rest of the day went about like that....i don't have anymore time on the computer, and i doubt any of you would like to be bored any longer -.-,,
well, i'm really hopeing things start to work out better....
and i hope you guys all have great days
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
well, you can seem like your happy, even if your really not, right? ^^;; that may explain the perky-ness of my last post....^^;;
jazz band was fun today, and i'm still nowhere near filled my, i borrowed a bizzillion of my friends cd's, and even with those on there, i've hardly dented the memory capacity! i think i have 445 songs on there already....over 24 hours of it!! it's going to take me forever to listen to all those songs!
well....uhhh.....oh! i know!!
Question: tell me about the last dream you had that you can remember....^^
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Monday, October 3, 2005
another great day (if you ignore everything bad, every day begins to look great ^^)
no golf on monday!!! *party party*
jazz band! oh, life is good, when you look on the bright side of life....*stars singing happily*
ok....maybe it[s just the hour of night....please excuse me...
i hope you all have a great monday!! start off your week right! ^^
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
today was one of the best days i've had in a long time! ^^
i got was wonderful! i had forgotten what it was like to get a full nights sleep! it's so^^
well, tonight there isn't much chance of that, so i'll just have to life off that wonderful memory ^^;;
there was a "seminary party" saturday night, it was sooo fun! we played this really funny game, and watched this movie called "sons of provo" it was so so so funny! it was about a mormon boy band, very funny, i would suggest seeing it ^^
well, i'm going to go to bed now, i have to get up earlier on sunday, and i don't want to lose all the sleep i gained....see ya!
have a great, relaxing sunday!
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