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dream wings
oh! i know this one! ^-^ uhhh...wait....*looks around* where am i? uhoh.....i'm lost again >.<
Member Since
silly school girl
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Now that's not important, now is it?
drum major awards.
Anime Fan Since
december 2004
Favorite Anime
fruits basket, .Hack series, DN Angel, Crest/Banner of the Stars, studio ghibli movies
become a better artist and trombonist
band, 4-h, reading, drawing day dreaming...
trombone, drum major, drawing(i wish...)
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
a no-good, terrible, horrible, very bad day
well, today was not quite the best day ever....heh....understatement of the century >.<
first off, monday night the school called home to my mom and said that i ditched a class! i would never, ever do that!! but, my mom got mad....i had to do even more chores than usual...then today at school, first period wasn't so good...second was the best of the day, i guess....third, the teacher asked me to take a packet of papers over to the adult night school that's across the street. so i go and do that, and on the way back, i'm in the crosswalk, when i guess a student who was ditching out of the school lot came barreling down...they were about to hit me, but slammed on their breaks, and the truck turned so that the side was faceing stopped about two feet infront of me....that was soo scary....i was shakeing so bad, and trying hard not to cry, and when i went back to the woodshop, the boys were their usual "lovely-selves" -.-,,
then the next period, i had a test, so i go and sit down to do some more last minute reviewing (trying hard not to let anyone know how scared i was at that point still, not many people ever found out....they just all were really worried about things they don't know) when the teacher says that i have to go down to the office to get a re-admit since i ditched the day before, or i was not allowed in class! i tried to explain to him that i was in class the entire time, but he didn't believe me till a bunch of people started vouching for then i take the test, and i look over it, and find i made a mathmatical mistake on a big problem...and since i was useing pen, i recopied my entire test...well, tried to. i was halfway done when he says to pass in the tests (and it wasn't a timed test >.< ) he refused to let me finish it! and there was still plenty of clas time left, in which we were to do nothing....
the rest of the day went about like that....i don't have anymore time on the computer, and i doubt any of you would like to be bored any longer -.-,,
well, i'm really hopeing things start to work out better....
and i hope you guys all have great days
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