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myOtaku.com: Dreaming Inu

Thursday, April 6, 2006

I am really sorry i havent been on in a while ppl! I have (dun dun dun) tests! ALL week...prolly even longer than THAT!! I sure hope i can get a little studying in when i go to Florida with my cousin (next week i think) I think i aced the test i had today (it was vocabulary so it wasnt TOO hard) i jus cant CANT wait till we get to math (my worst subject next to science) i jus hope there isnt any science in the tests oO, Anyways...changing subject...on Monday...we had jus picked up a buddeh at the airport and was driving him to our house - on the side of the road was a deer that got hit (its hunting season so u see quite a bit of deer around...) and a vulture was eating it...this thing was HUGE! And even though we were in a moving car...i knew it was lookin straight at me...with those beady lil eyes.......and yesterday...some horses broke down a fence and were hangin down in my street! we had to "corral" them and keep them until animal control came (we have a highway right outside our neighborhood so we had to keep them on the street)and one was walking towards me and this neighborhood girl (that was helping obviously) and we thought the thing was gonna charge at us...well it stopped half way and lifted its tail (u dont wanna know what happened next XD) After a while the owners came by and took them home...but i guess u can call it an exciting mornin huh...(at least thats what my mom says) thats all i gotta say for now =D i might have a rant later!! ^3^ depends on if someones pisses me off again -.-,

Ja Ne!! ^ ^ *waves* Hopefully i'll be able to come on a lil bit more after tests! =D


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