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myOtaku.com: Driffter

Thursday, May 10, 2007



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Yes,yes,yes!!!! I am going to see a sister of mine today so I won't be able to visit the people with long posts! gomenasai!**Bows** Also this won't be a long post today! >.<

I got tagged twice!!!! O__o So instead of doing two of them I thought that I would just combine them! ^^ so here they are:

1.)Oscar Wilde is probably my favorite playwright EVER!!!!! I wish I was as witty as he was! T__T
2.)I like to hang around graveyards and wear black,and because of that people call me emo...
3.)I like blood! Really! I love it! I always watch movies and anime with lots,and lots of blood!!! I LOVE sad stuff! DRAMA,DEATH,BLOOD!!!!!!
4.)I love music! all kinds of music! except I don't really like country that much...^^' I LOVE ballads,opera and sad but haunting music! I love the song One-Winged Angel!
5.)I like to cheat! Hehehehe yes I am most suited to be a bad guy! I am always getting out of things the easy way!
6.)I don't like physical pain...I can take mental pain but not physical pain! >.<
7.) I dress in baggy clothing and because of that I have been mistaken for a boy several times.
8.) I am more excited about Shrek coming out in theaters than I am about the new Pirates movie.
9.) I love music videos!!! Well mainly Asian ones! Like Lee Junki!
10.)I have about only one friend outside of my family.....Really! I am telling the truth!!!!
11.)I don't get along with my Father.....I wish I did but I don't....
12.)I can sing two songs in Japanese but I have no idea what it it that I am singing...

So I am supposed to tag people but I won't! Whoever feels like doing it can do it and whoever doesn't won't have to!!!!

Now lemme see do I need to answer any comments.....Hmmm hmmm I'm glad that you guys liked Cows With Guns It was a good song! ^^

well nothing else to say right now! ^^ so I shall try to visit people!

Memento Morie,
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