Thursday, May 31, 2007

I caught a butterfly today. I put it in a clear box. I watched it flap in pain for a moment. I began thinking, "This is life. It's just pain." I felt bad for it though... I let it go. It flying away now... I hope somewhere far away. Away from this world. Butterflies only have 1 or 2 days too live... It seems like in this world, so do people... Something should be done. But instead people decided to do nothing. Apparently it will never happen too them. I walked to my friends house today. She's being very distant. She's starting to get on my nerves. I noticed I sleep a lot also... Maybe it's because in my dreams I feel safe... I like too be held. Nobody really wants too hold me though. I'd like too ask god my questions and get answers. Real answers. Hmm... Yes. I'd like too know a lot of things. Oh and yes, this is PinkChii009. You can't tell anybody about this account. It's not my public one. I did not put a guestbook link for a reason.
Layout By 311
Image From:DeathGod.Org
Brushes From 5th Muse & AnimeRain
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