Saturday, June 2, 2007

That is me.
I picked a flower today. It's quite pretty. Dead but pretty. I began thinking. Oh course, I always think, but, I still thought. I looked at the flower. It looked back at me. Are we really in this world? Maybe it's all just a dream. A perfect dream with imperfection. What is perfection really does exist? One person maybe perfect too you, but full of flaws too the next. Yes. That is perfection. I thought of pain. Pain is just a signal in your body saying, "SAY AWAY!" Yet, the pain still comes. There is a human desire for pain... I think. I've noticed how mother like I am also... To my friends actually... I'm always so nice. I something forgot that I'm even there because I'm worrying about them. I want them too worry about me. I'm just selfish though. I can never be happy for them. I can act. Oh boy can I act. Sometimes I think I should be a professional actress... That would bore me though. My mom worries about my depression also. She says I should take pills. I'd like too. But then my sister would get mad at me. She thinks it's all a story I made up in my head. No. I'm just a bipolar crazy depressed person... I always have been. Now, let's dance the dance of life. Goodbye for now.
Oh the wonders of photoshop. Oh the wonders of impressing a friend.
Layout By 311
Image From:DeathGod.Org
Brushes From 5th Muse & AnimeRain
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