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Daimo da Costa
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Yeah, I know. I haven't posted in a while, but I was kinda busy. My friend let me borrow his Lost Season 1 DVD box, and I watched all the episodes in like.. 5 days or something, I'm so addicted to this show! It's so cool and fun to watch, most of the time I'm on the edge of my seat!
When I saw the season finale, I just had to see season 2! But here in Holland they're already airing episode 20 or something, and I want to watch it from the beginning because I hate spoilers with things like these. So I would had to wait until october/november to buy season 2, but I don't want to wait that long. So I downloaded a few episodes^^
Anyway, can't leave without a song right? Here you go:
Panic! at the Disco - Camisado
You may have heard this one, my friend told me about Panic!, so I downloaded a few songs and I like it ^^
That's it for now, I got to get some sleep!
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Promotion time!!
Yaaaay!! I got promoted to Senior Otaku, how cool is that?! Congrats to Youkai Trunks, she's a Senior Otaku too from now on. AND congrats to ironside who's a *drumroll please* Otaku Legend!! _0_ So congrats to all who got promoted, including me! ^o^
Anyway, no song this time, I have to upload some but I'm at school so I can't do that. So maybe I'll post one today, otherwise, talk to ya soon!
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
Don't have anything to say right now, 'cause I'm working on my homework. Just wanted to post my new SotM ^^
Pete Philly & Perquisite ft Senna - Mellow
They're also from Holland but they're getting famous in other countries too. (like the UK, South Africa, Canada and America too!) So you may have heard it, if not, you hear it right here ^^
Oh btw, no comments last time T_T If you're here, you might aswell post a comment right? Please?.. I mean, who can say no to this huh?

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Wow. I just found my first Dragonball drawing ever.. it's so fun to see! I remember when I drew it, I was copying another picure. It was like, the body of Krillin and the head Goku. It looks so weird, and to think it's only a few years old! I'll upload the pic tomorrow so you can all see it^^
In other news, in a few days I'm finally getting a new cell phone!^o^ I found (yeah, found) my old one on the street 2 years ago. Who's dumb enough to lose his cellphone right in the middle of the street? O_o. Anyway, my old one is damaged and there are several buttons that don't even work anymore, so I'm finally getting a new one! I bought it on the internet so it'll be arriving within a week ^^
Still no SotM because I haven't downloaded any songs in like.. a month or something. Ah well, random songs again ^^
Racoon - Smoothly (Live)
Yeah I know.. another one ^^ This one is similar to "Love You More" and "Laugh About It", so you'll know what to expect.
Racoon - Autumn Tunes (Live)
This is like the other songs, ah well just listen to it. Oh btw, you (this means you Dane) may have already found it, but Racoon has a website. This is it.
Norah Jones - Sunrise
I bet most of you know this song. This song is so nice, it really calms me down^^
Junior Jack - Loving Right Now
I like this song ^^ It's kind of a disco song or something, you may have heard it somewhere.
Lol I found this one again, and I gotta share it with you guys :P I can still rap along with it, I even surprise myself sometimes O_O
Phats & Small - Turn Around
I saw this one on tv again yesterday, and it's just a fun song! You got to know the lyrics of this one, everybody knows it! Sing along ^o^
This will do, talk to ya later!
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Weekend!! Yes!! Finally, no more school for two whole days ^o^ I have nothing planned for the weekend though, I'm just gonna stay in bed as long as I want to!
About the New York thing, we're not sure where we want to go yet. My mom wants to go to NY, but I think it's better to just check everything out, look what's the most fun place to go and then decide the destination.
I still don't have a new SotM, so I'll just post some random songs again ^^
Racoon - Eric's Bar (Live)
It's almost becoming a habit, but yeah, again a Racoon song. (because I know you like 'em Dane ^^) This one's also a live version, so I hope you enjoy it.
Black Eyed Peas - Feel It
I just heard this song again and I like it, so why not upload it right?^^
Jamie Cullum - Next Year Baby
You may have heard of this one. (or the artist) It's kind of a Jazz song with piano and stuff, maybe you'll like it.
Last but not least, the intro tune of an old cartoon. So many memories ^^
This will do, right now I'm gonna enjoy my pizza 'cause I haven't ate anything today. (it's already 8:30 pm) So, more songs in a few days, ttfn!
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Songs! And a whole lot of 'em!
Nothing really interesting to tell you guys today.. I have to work on my homework, but I don't want to 'cause it's so boring V.V I almost forgot! In a few months, maybe me, my sister and our mom are going on vacation to New York ^o^ Just for a week or something, but I'm already looking forward to it ^^ I'm gonna buy a sh*tload of DVD's which haven't been released in Holland, I'm gonna see a lot of movies, I can't wait!
Anyway, time for some new songs ^^
I don't really have a favorite song of the moment, so I'll just post some random songs.
Because (I think) you people liked the last 2 songs, I'll just post some more Racoon.
Racoon - Love You More
This one is the song which have been played the most times on the radio in Holland last year. So it's kinda popular over here ^^ It's kind of a love song, slow with a guitar, but maybe you'll like it.
Racoon - Feel Like Flying (Live)
This song was one of their first songs. It's a live version because I have their concert on DVD and CD, and I prefer the live version ^^
Gabriël Rios - Broad Daylight
This song is also kinda popular in Holland. Don't know why actually, the singer lives in Belgium but is originally from Puerto Rico or something.. confusing story but I like the song.
Megaman II - Metal Mix
This is for the Nintendo fans who played Megaman II on the NES.
By the way my English sucks today, so just ignore any typos or weird sentences '^_^
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Allright allright I'm convinced. I'll go on with the SotM thing, but promise me you guys give some comments! Because you know, if nobody gives a comment, it looks like nobody read my post or listened to the song.
So, here's my new SotM. It's a Dutch band, but they're getting popular in other countries too. This time I'll post 2 songs, so you can listen to two different songs of them.
Racoon - Hilarious
This song is kind of a rock song. I like to crank up the volume with this song, I like it ^^
Racoon - Laugh About It
This song is way different. Well, listen to it and you'll know why.
I don't know if you guys are like into gaming, but I really love it. I can't wait to play on the Wii, it's gonna be so cool! ^o^ Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, aaaargh I can't wait to play these games!!
Uhm.. this will do. I'm outta here, ttyl.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
... :'(
Due to lack of interest, I'm not gonna do the SotM thing anymore. If there's someone who actually listened to the songs and really, and I mean really! wants me to go on with the SotM thingy, let me know.
Anyway, I don't know when I'm gonna update again, I guess you'll see me sooner or later. (if someone reads this, that is.)
Be well, I'm out.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
*insert subject title here*
Well, my vacation is over. Tomorrow I have to go to school again and I don't feel like it. Especially because I have to get up early in the morning again, and if there's one thing I hate, it'll be getting up in the morning T_T
If someone's wondering, I'm not working on any new art or wallpapers right now. I'm too busy with all kinds of stuff. I still have some unfinished work though (Gogeta drawing/Oozaru wallpaper anyone?) so you will see those eventually, no idea when, but they'll come ^^
Time for my new song of the moment. As you know, I like all kinds of music. The last ones were pretty unknown, but that doesn't matter. I have almost 750 songs on my computer, which includes both known and unknown artists/music. Here's my SOTM:
Kaleidoscópio - Só Com Você
It's a Portuguese song, and to be honest, I have no idea what she's singing, although I know that the title means 'Alone With You'. I don't know why I like this song. It just makes me calm and almost sleapy, but in a good way. I just like it ^^. I think I'll post a whole different kind of song next time, we'll see.
Well, please leave a comment or something, talk to ya later.
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Ah yes^^
Yeppers! Don't know why I said that, I'm guess I'm in a good mood. I guess I'm the only one who likes my last post, with my new idea and all, no one gave a comment on my last post..:( So if you read this, PLEASE DO!! ^^
Don't know what to tell you guys (if somebody's reading this that is..:( ) Nothing is happened to me lately, I don't have to go to school this week (vacation) so all I do is just do some homework and hang out with my friends.
Ah well, it's time to post my new favorite song! I like all kinda music, as long as.. I like it^^ (sounds kinda weird) I can like a trance song, or an R&B song, a rock song, whatever, as long as I like it^^ So here's my new song of the moment:
Raúl Midón - Sunshine
So as you can hear, it's very different from my last song, but oh well, I like it^^
That's it, I'm ou... hold on, one more thing: COMMENTS PLEAAAAASSEEEE!!! T_T
I'm out
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