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Daimo da Costa
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
It is I!
Yeah, well, in case somebody's wondering how I look like: here I am ^^
And yes, I am feeling a lot better since my last post, so I'm allright ^^
I was just thinking, every once in a while, I like another song. So maybe it would be a nice touch to post my favorite song of the moment in every post. Kinda like my old movie quotes, but now it's my favorite song ^^ In addition to that, I'm gonna upload it so you can listen to it as well, pretty neat huh? ^_^
Filterfunk - Message In A Bottle
It has a long intro though, so just ignore the first minute ^^ Comments please!!!^^
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I feel.. like crap actually. What happened? Ah well.. long story and I don't feel like telling it right now. It would be a rather useless post if I'd stop here, so I got a quote for you. I really love it 'cause it's just something I can really identify with at the moment. In case somebody is wondering, the quote is from Sheik (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) but slightly modified:
"Time passes, people change. Like a river's flow, it never ends."
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Ah well, I could make a long post with the same text over and over again.. but the fact is, I'm just too busy. I got so much work to do for school and I'm like really into gaming competitions (Super Smash Brothers Melee for the people who want to know) so I just don't have time for myO and drawings and wallpapers.. I don't like it though, I really miss the time when I was here every day, with my friends here and wallpapers and new drawings and stuff like that. I really miss it, I miss all you people, I've had such a great time with Youkai Trunks, Ironside, Vegeta dude (Dark Vegeta) and everyone else. Well, I'll have to go to my class now (I'm at school) so I'll talk to ya later! (I hope)
I'm out.
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Well, my nephew is gone, and I've worked on my Gogeta ^^ It's still nowhere near ready, but I already got the outlines done, and I gotta tell ya.. it looks so awesome! I can't wait to show it to all of you! I'm not sure when I'm gonna finish it, but it'll be done before my birthday, I promise! That's it, I'm out
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Click here if you want to see a sneak preview of the wallpaper I'm working on (for a very long time)
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I haven't been here for a very...long...time.. O.O trunksluvr14 PMed me like two months ago and asked when I was gonna update again.. two months ago O_O That's a long time!(btw, thanks for the message trunksluvr14, I appreciate it ^^)Damn...anyway, it's a shame I haven't been here for a long time, to long if you ask me. I'm kinda busy with school and that kind of stuff, that's the main reason why I haven't been here.. ah well. Well, the next couple of days, my little nephew stays here, and he always want to draw Dragonball characters with me, so I think I'll FINALLY finish the new and improved Gogeta!! I have no idea what to say anymore, oh right! everybody: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! A little late, but that doesn't matter^^ Anyway, that's about it for now, I'll update in a few days to tell you guys (and girls) if my Gogeta is finished. Well, that's it, I'm out
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Yes I know people... I haven't been here in ages.. I don't even know why, but...well I don't know. My vacation is over, I'm going to school again, I've got all kinds of things I gotta do every day.. So I have no idea how often I will update, and when I'm gonna draw again. I think, after a while, I wanna draw again, and when I do, I'm gonna finish that darn Gogeta (which is still only a sketch, but he looks so cool already)So I don't know when, but I'm gonna finish it sooner or later, and make other drawings to ofcourse. Well that's about it, oh wait, I've found the intro of the first Dragonball Z episodes as an MP3 file, it brings back so many memories^^ listen to it if you want^^ Click here
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
That's not right.. click here
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Monday, July 11, 2005
I'm looking for pics!! I'm looking for Tien, in this outfit:

With, or without the cape. Let me know when you got one!
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Well, it took a while, I haven't been here in like... a month! Well, I'll update more times from now on, so don't worry about that.
I finally made another wallpaper, I always wanted to make one with Brolly, I was not sure what I wanted to do, it changed like ten times, I had so many idea's, with lasers and brolly, the way it is now but with brolly and goku seperate in the bg(maybe I'll make that one some day, it was a good idea!) But it ended up like this, and with 28 downloads in one day, I'd say it's a good one^^ If you want to say something about it, please comment on the wallpaper, I'm always curious about what other people think of my work.
Well, I don't have to go to school anymore, no work, so I have vacation ^o^ That means that I have more time for my wallpapers and my other myO stuff^^ So more wallpapers/art coming up^^
Well, maybe you know, maybe you don't, but Youkai Trunks came up with the idea of making a coloring book with artists from myO. And I have the HONOUR!! to make some drawings^^ I haven't made one though, but, as you know, I can spend more time on it so they will come soon enough^^ Btw, if you wanna participate, contact Youkai Trunks^^
Well, that'll do for now, be back soon!^^ I'm out
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