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Thursday, June 9, 2005

MY FIRST BRAND NEW WALLPAPER IS UP!!! And I'll make more, that's for sure!! I'm working on my new and improved Gogeta to, so that one will be online in a few days, mayb a week or a few weeks, who knows, I'll put it online when it's done^^ Well, that's it for now, I'm out!
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Monday, June 6, 2005

I...finally...FIXED MY PHOTOSHOP!!!!!! That's right people!!! I can make wallpapers again!!!! ^o^!!! I'm SOO happy!!! I'm gonna work on it as soon as possible, not now though, 'cause I'm gonna sleep, but you can expect new wallpapers from DtotheAimo VERY SOON!!!! DtotheAimo is BACK IN THE GAME!!! That's it, I'm out
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

   I'm working on it^^
Well, I'm finally working on Gogeta, so it'll be done in a few days I guess, we'll see^^ Uuhm, oh, I'm still looking for some good Bardock/Brolly pics, so if you find a cool pic, let me know^^ Here's a quote for ya: "All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults then we would like. It's the only way we grow" - Star Wars II. I think it's a beautiful quote^^ That'll be it, I'm out

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Sunday, May 8, 2005

600 DOWNLOADS!!! With only 10 wallpapers!!!! Man... I wish my photoshop was working... well, I'll fix it sometime, first I'm gonna make my Gogeta^^ I'm out
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Thursday, May 5, 2005

Well I think most of you people saw my Gogeta drawing. When I look at it now, I can't stand it, it looks like a complete failure to me. The arms look...odd, his hair is wrong, it's just a complete failure. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna make the same picture, but new and improved. So I'm gonna make that one in a few days.

Well.. you might notice that my Brolly and Bardock pics are..(where are they?!) I can't find a good pic to draw, it's so hard to find a good Bardock/Brolly pic. So if someone finds a good pic, let me know.

I think I'm gonna draw pictures from other series, like Spiderman and X-Men. I was thinking about Spiderman, and if you saw the cartoon, you might remember the episodes with the symbiot. Everybody knows Venom(he's damn cool) but when Peter Parker wears the symbiot suit, you know, the black outfit. Man...that is one cool outfit... So, when I'm done with my Gogeta, mayb another serie, who knows^^

A Simpson quote today: Homer:"What are the odds to get sick on a saturday, like one in a million"

That'll be it, I'm out

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Thursday, April 21, 2005


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Monday, April 18, 2005


FINALLY!!!! I got DBZ: Budokai 2 for the Gamecube!!!!! I'm so happy^^ I went to the store with �70,-, 'cause I wanted to buy the Simpsons: Season 5, but then I saw Budokai 2 for �40,-!!!(Otherwise it's 60 euro's) So I finally bought it!!!(And the Back to the Future trilogy and Rush Hour 2) I'M SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! I already played it on the playstation, so it's kinda easy though..BUT STILL COOL!!! So, no drawings for a while, 'cause I'm busy with my game *hugs the Budokai 2 disc* ...-_-'..uuuhm... WHAT'S THAT BEHIND YOU?!*runs off*

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

   250 visits^^
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Sunday, April 10, 2005

   I'm sorry..
Well, I'm sorry for my last post. It is kinda weird, I know. When I made that post, I just finished my Goku, I was working on it for like...3 hours straight, and you all know: that is really...really boring. So that's why my post was a bit weird, 'cause I wanted to make a post, but I had no idea what to do because I was so irritated and bored. So...I've worke...WHAT THE...?! 2 comments.. months work...2 lousy comments..(well 3 actually, Dane PMed me with a comment, and I really appreciate it!, so thanks Dane^^) So..3 comments.. bummer.. WELL, I'll start with another drawing very soon, I just have to find a good pic to draw. Uuuhm.. that'll be it for 2day, I'm out
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Manna from heaven! Sweet nectar of life!!!!

A random person: That doesn't make sense
Me: I know

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