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myOtaku.com: Duck P. Chimera

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Thursday, June 9, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hi, sorry for not posting or visiting sites yesterday (again). My work is exhausting and they are always putting me on overtime, hmmm. Oh well, oh I am sooooo into manga right now, I love reading manga, and I am reletively new to it (yup just randomly talking).

Ferruginous Hawk
A nice western American hawk for you all in the west (which is most of you). One of the largest of the Buteos (which is an Order of Hawks). They have white bodies, brown on top of wings, but white with chstnut colored linings underneath. They make a slurred scream, usually near their nests (as an alarm). They are found in much of the West and Mid-west and Mexico. Mainly Colorado all year round.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hi everyone, I hope you all know me a bit better, remeber if there is anything else you want to know, just ask.

Fox Sparrow
A rather large sparrow. It has a gray head and back with rufus colored streaks.Has white and brown belly. The tail is a deep red brown. It make a very melodious whistle sound "sweet clear sweet sweet". They are found in most parts of canada and US, except midwest.
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Monday, June 6, 2005

Duck's List about himself
Hi everyone,sorry for not having a bird today I will have one tomorrow. Well here is the little "list" about myself:

My Favorites

Favorite Anime: Fruits Basket

Fovarite Food: Rice

Favorite Candy: Inside out pocky, Ginger Candy (yeah I know many people dislike it, most my friends do).

Favorite Book: Dune

Favorite Movies: 13th Floor, Identity, The Langoliers, Storm of the Century, and the Original 3 Starwars.

Fovorite Music Genre: Trance, Techno, and 50's-70's oldies Rock-n-roll.

Favorite Songs: Numa Numa Yei, Better Off Alone, Rain Drops Keeping Falling On my Head, and Simple and Clean.

Favorite TV series': Stargate SG-1, Sliders, Quantom Leap, and Twilight Zone.

Favorite U.S state: Washington state

Favorite continent: Australia (even though I haven't been there sure want to though).

Favoite Animal Type: Duh!!

Favorite Bird: Ruddy Duck

Favorite Video Games: DDR, Pokemon,Sonic games, Zelda, and Kirby.

More About Myself:

I am 19

I was born in New Mexico

I am Geology Major (for those who don't know).

I have 2 younger sisters (neither likes anime, grrr).

My pets include: A King Snake, Love Birds, Cackateels, Mice, Gerbals, Guinea Pigs, Fish, Spider, Box Turtle, Dog,and Cat.

Hobbies: Reading Manga, playing Board Games, video games, hiking, Bird watching(duh), drawing, making maps (yeah yeah, I enjoy that), and creating stories.

I like Sci-Fi

I speak french and I know a tiny bit of Hindi

I won numerious dance contests in high school (my friends in Arizona may not believe me)

Never had a girl friend, but hopefully I will eventually

Hmmmm if there is anything else you would like tio know about me, just ask. Well take care.

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Sunday, June 5, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hello, well hummingbirds won it, so here it is. ^_^ Perhaps I should let you all know me a bit better, so I will have a list about myself tomorrow. Well take care.

Black-chinned Hummingbird
A medium sized hummingbird that has Black chin with violet under. They have a white collar, chest, and central part of belly. The back and sides are green. Females lack black throat and have a light gray instead of white. They make "tyew" sounding call. They are found in lowlands and foothills of areas from western Texas to all the way to Washington state (and almost everything in between (given you western state people more stuff). I will try to do some more non-North American birds as well, for you non-North Americans ^_^ Take care.
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Friday, June 3, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hi everyone. So sorry I have not been here in what seems forever. My work has been eating me (not literally of course). I worked 8-9hrs 7 days a week, for the past 2 weeks, yikes!! But I got a break Thursday and today (friday). Yay!! Oh by the way I work in a deli at a supermarket (yeah, yuck) but it pays, oh well. You should never get frustrated with anyone working at a deli, while you are trying to buy something, it is a tough job. If I can I will visit some sites.

Rusty Blackbird
In the summers the males are a dull black color with a pale yellow eye, while the summer female is a dark grayish color with faint yellow eyes. I winter males have rusty brown feathurs on head, and females are buffy. They make a "chug a last drink" sounding song, hmmm yeah maybe he is a heavy drinker, lol. They are found in most eastern states (east of colorado) and much of Canada.
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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hi you all. First of all, to answer my dear dream wings question about gulls and living in non-aquatic regions is, gulls are attracted to areas with a high level of things to eat (fish, bread, or any food stuff that happens to find its way in a parking lot. Also they like large lots (bodies of water, fields, or parking lots). I started my first day of work yesterday. It was ok, but I am kinda tired.

Black-throated Blue Warbler

This little bird as a white patch belly and white patch om wing (male). Also the male has a black mask that also extends to its sides, and blue on back and upper sides. The female is a dule gray with a minor white line above eye. The make a funny 3 or 4 note song that sounds like "I am so lazy" now that bird and I have something in common. They are found in the Appilation regions, New England, and the Northern Great lake regions.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hi ya. Yesterday was a good day. I bought vol. 3 & 4 of Fruits Basket (yeah I am behind), I finally got a AA on Holic, and I saw something pretty funny. In the mall, I walked by this Japanese Restaurant named "Sakura" and there was this girl with pink hair standing infront of it. It was rather funny. I was cracking up all day. Well take care.

Little Gull
Yay more gulls. Obviously, it is the smallest of the gulls, at 11". It has a black hood and a thin bill. Gray and white body. They make a "ca ca ca" call. They are found along the east coast from Southern Virginia to Rhode Island.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hello there. This might seem strange, but I actually think I am starting to miss school. Cuckoo cuckoo. Well anywoo, I get to go to the mall today (Tuesday), I am going to try to buy more Fruits Basket Manga, and I am going to play some DDR,yay!!!! But I also start my job training today also, grrrr. I have a question for all of you? I was talking with a friend about this earlier, and I am somewhat facinated. What animal(s) scare you? Not to make any of you feel bad, just wondering. Well take care.

Related to the Northern Cardinal and sometimes called the Gray Cardinal. They are ID by a rose red mask, rose patches on wings, red on belly and parts of breast, stubby orange bill and a red tipped crest. Females lack the red. They make a metallic "chip" sound and sing a series of repeated and varied wistles. They are found in the souther southwest: southern portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. I saw a couple of these on my Geology field trips in Arizona.
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Monday, May 23, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hi ya. I am Darth Duck!! I finally saw Star Wars episode 3, and quite good it was. I really like the transitional details in it, for example: in episode 4, C-3PO said that R2 and he were originally owned by commander Antillies, and sure enough, they show them being given to him by Bail Organa. Also, the movie showed a Grand moff Tarkin (doesn't look exactly like him but close enough). However I think I may have found a flaw. In episode 6, Leia states that she remembers her real mother (not her step mother) she said her mother was very sad (can't imagine why her step mom would be). Oh well besides that, it was quite good. Tied up many loose ends. This one was far better than 1 and 2, maybe tied with 4 & 6 but 5 is still the best (in my opinion of course).

Barn Swallow
This bird has a long forked tail. It has bue-black upperparts and a red-brown throat. Most common swallowIts song is a continous twitter sound and a "chitchit" sounding call.They are found in most parts of the US and Canada, give or take a few patches (actually found in much of the world).
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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Grrrr mad at myself for not visiting many of your sites (again). I really need to buckle down, don't hate me. Man I really want to see Starwars episode III. I am a big fan; I played the original card game and the role playing game, read many of the books, and I know a whole bunch of rediculus starwars trivia. I bet my post can get a bit boring and repetitive, so if you all have a ny suggestions on what I can do to spice them up, just tell me.

Black-crowned Night Heron
A rather stocky heron, only 25". It is gray and white with a black back and cap. Yellow legs when note in breeding season, then it is red. It makes a low hoarse "quok" sound sound. They are found basicly everywhere in the continental U.S.
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