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myOtaku.com: Duck P. Chimera

Monday, June 27, 2005

Duck's Bird of the Day
Hi everyone, I will doing some redecorating to my site, sorry no music for now. Oh Night Shade's site got messed up and she made a new site, please visit her. Her new one is "Night shade2" Man, I got the same chain letter like 7 times already, oy vey! My sis will be joining tomorrow.

Evening Grosbeak
Found mainly in the winter. Males have a yellow body, black head, streaked with a yellow eyebrow, white overwings and black underwings. Females are a brown gray color with black and white wings. Both have a large tan beak. They are found in all parts of the continental US except the Gulf of Mexico region, southern Canada and western Mexico. The make a ringing like call that sounds like "peeer."
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