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Jr.High Student
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Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, DB/Z/GT, Sonic X, Shaman King, Rave Master
To become a strong and smart adult!!
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Making lots of new friends and playing video games!!
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Im backs yall!!!!!
Sorry for not being here for a while. I was extremely sick... Well im back now!! I also had to keep up on my homework. School sucks...... Anyway ill see you laterz!!! =)
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
uuuuhhhhhh........ i dont feel so good.......
I didnt know it would be cold yesterday... I went to me friends house having shorts. I had to be back home by 5:00. When it was almost time for me to leave from playing his Gamecube, i fainted when i went to the finish line on Mario Kart Doble Dash.... I woke up five minutes later. I was really tired. It was 5: 13, and i walked back home really slow. When i was back i slept all day.... so i wont be here for a little while... i hope ill get better soon enough.....
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
My nephew is silly!!
My nephew is acting cute getting all of the attention. One time my sister was in the bathtub and Darien (my nephew's name from SailorMoon!!!!!!!) was crying for no reason wanting attention i guess.... BUT he got a whole bunch of it. She came bursting out naked (i was grossed out....) and i closed the door not wanting to see her naked self.... eeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!! That banging on the head crap is a bad habit, which is gonna change. Oh yeah, my siter has Darien as a son. Heh, i was grossed out that night. My mom suddenly csme in. Then my dad. AND DONT THINK SMOOTHLADY15 HAS A SON. NO!! THAT'S MY OTHER SISTER. Amanda is her name. Shes 21 or 22 i think. Wooooo!! What a night that was! 0.0
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Im having a great time here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im really having fun in this place!!!!! Im getting tons of new friends in this place. But i still need help learning how to get around alot. I usually vote on fan art and visiting other sites. ^-^ If any of you have any tips, tell me or private message me. Thank you. =)
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Bored..... Kinda weird for my 2nd day, huh?

I'm BORED..... I really don't know much around myO except vote/comment on other pics.... Everything else, I don't know JACK. Can someone help me out here, or maybe, private message me for some info? I'd really appreciate it. :) Laterz, ya'll!!!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Oh yeah, I almost forgot!!!

I had a b-day yesterday!! :) Me and my family went out to eat in Golden Corral. I had a good b-day, so yeah.... Nothing to do afterwards except play with my nephew.
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Hello, peoples!!!!

Hey, ya'll!! This is my first time in theOtaku!!! I'm so glad to be here!! My sis, smoothlady15, helped me make the site like this.
Smoothlady15: I know I did a crappy job, but I'll work on it!!
So yeah, PLEASE sign my g-book, and I'll sign yours!!! Well, I'm off!!!
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