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Birthday 1992-02-27 Gender
Female Location not really sure where I am anymore Member Since 2005-06-09 Occupation writer... student..... Real Name Kiba Rose
Achievements nothing... truely nothing Anime Fan Since as long as she can remeber and trust me that is long time Favorite Anime .Hack, Cowboy Bebop,Bleach,Elrica 7,Evangelion,FLCL, Full Metal Alchemist,Ghost in the Shell, InuYasha,Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Monononke, Samurai Champloo, Shaman King, Spirited Away, Trigun,Trinity Blood, WItch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain Goals she wants to get married and have kids Hobbies watching tv, drawing,internet and sleeping Talents Wrighting songs that come from the heart... and looking up pictures?!!?!?
myOtaku.com: dukeandseto
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
This is what I have been doing all morning... If you were an anime character, you would be immediately recognizable to everyone because of the distinct weapon you would carry with you everywhere (which may or may not resemble the one in the picture). Having a weapon as your main distinguishing feature implies that you can be intimidating and tough, especially to people you dont know very well. Most likely you are very cold and callous (uncaring) towards everyone and everything around you, but thats because you have a deep, inner spring of anger and sometimes it just makes you want to scream and punch something really, really hard.
What Would be your Most Distinguishing Physical Feature as an Anime Character? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla You are a fallen angel of suffering. You have fallen because you have been captivated with a mortal. In reality you have been broken by someone you loved and cared for deeply. The pain they have caused is endless. You are desperate to forget the memory but cannot. Now you feel remorse and anguish about what has happened. You feel rejected and let down.
Quote: "Where there is love there is pain"
Element:Earth Emotion:Spiritless/Discouraged
What type of Fallen Angel are you? [beautiful + dark pics] brought to you by Quizilla Your personality is best represented by the traditional Japanese Katana. You are brave beyond words and rarely (if ever) act for your own personal gain. Your honor is very important to you, and you strive to better yourself and help others. You try not to let emotions get in the way of making a sound decision, and are usually quite successful.
Your critter companion is the Fierce Dragon. Like your creature, you have a streak of anger that is dangerous to anyone who crosses you, and sometimes may even be a danger to yourself. You thrive in dark, shadowy places and probably spend a lot of time in your room listening to music or writing. You have some friends, but it just seems like most people prefer to avoid you when they can.
What Kind of Critter Would be your Best Companion? (Anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla Looks like you have failed and will be going to Hell. v.v No worries, over half the people who take this quiz will be getting this result. At least you were honest to answer the questions truthfully and you might stand a chance in getting into Heaven. Oh well, look on the bright side, at least you won't be cold!
Here this is what I have been doing to day.. They are really cool
Blue: You are a protector. You have unimagineable inner stength, its no wonder people come to you for help! You possess clairty of the thoughts, and are capable of keeping your cool even in the toughest situations. Though you think with your mind rather then your heart, that doesnt stop you from being as imaginative and calm is as you are. You make things right, and rid the world of wrongs. You believe in truth and justice, yet you rarely put your trust into others. You are the only person you rely on. A typical super-hero!
Help me......... Yes he is urs, only the best queen deserve this hot pharaoh! Yami will give u his heart and his life to protect u. So u better be grateful. On the other hand,he intends to get bossy at times so u better know what to give him!He is , after all, pharaoh, and will always get his way!
I can deal with this even if i do think Yugi is so much cuter.... Comments (0) |
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
These are some Pictures I got off of Photobucket.com
I hope you like them and feel free to comment I want to know what you think... and yes I feel fine. Comments (1) |
Monday, August 1, 2005
Here look and read.... You most want to defend. Everything that is close to you in your heart is very lucky. You wont let anything happen to your friends, family and memories. Of course you should know that letting go is important sometimes.
I am going to kill....
I am going to kill this kid behind me he is driving me insain and that is all I have to say ok!!!!! I hate him and he is gay. It is the truth...... he says he hates me good.... so do you think i can kill him?.??????
My friend....
Hi my friend, Serenity, Called me selfice and I did not take it bad but then we got in a fight over nothing I was in a bad mood all day and I don't think she got that so I hope she is going to the card shop tommarow I want to say I am sorry even if i did not do any thing... the only thing I said was that she is was only talking about her new boyfriend all day and nothing else so I said thank you for making me feel bad that I do not have a boy friend Do you think I was wrong to say what I thought???????? Comments (0) |