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not really sure where I am anymore
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writer... student.....
Real Name
Kiba Rose
nothing... truely nothing
Anime Fan Since
as long as she can remeber and trust me that is long time
Favorite Anime
.Hack, Cowboy Bebop,Bleach,Elrica 7,Evangelion,FLCL, Full Metal Alchemist,Ghost in the Shell, InuYasha,Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Monononke, Samurai Champloo, Shaman King, Spirited Away, Trigun,Trinity Blood, WItch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain
she wants to get married and have kids
watching tv, drawing,internet and sleeping
Wrighting songs that come from the heart... and looking up pictures?!!?!?
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
HEy everone.... 12:50pm

OH 6flags was fun... and we got home at like 12:30am... I almost fell asleep in the car on the way home... mike*jakes guest* and jake fell asleep... I loved it... the only ones that where weird were the Iron Wolf and Batman... it was weird they fliped alot and almost made us sick... by us me and elements.... well they made me dizzy...
Its only 333 half evil till you but me and elements together then its 666 ^^
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
So tired... and hyper and HAPPY!!!!! it is 1:00pm
yeah i am happy I get to go to 6flags next week with Neil and Jake and who ever jake invited... man are we going to have fun... and I get to go swimming tommarow night with Neil at the high school that is what we did last night but we need goggles we for got to grab 2 pairs from neils house... of course we didn't even know if he could go till like 5 min till 7 that is when it started it was from 7 to 9 at night.. but it was fun... but I have to teach my friend that is 15 how to swim... she never learned... I will do that at neils house or at the high school if she comes some time...
Wow it does sound like me


Yeah..... I don't think

Were am I? what is this?

Oh how cute?

What happend did he kill InuYasha?!?!?!!?

lost in the memories of you

Oh it is Sessys and Inus mom and dad... how cute

I lost it all and got so far but in the end it didn't ever matter

watching out for you
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Srry I just have to show you guys this!!!! 10:42pm
_____________ $$$$$$$$$$
I know bad but it is funny!!! this girl had it on her site at don't ask i have no other way to talk to a couple of my friends!!!1
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Hey everyones 1:24pm!!!

That does look like me

Will we be friends for ever? or will something change?

I wouldn't mind this happening...

My First love killed my heart

My 2nd love hurt me and changed what was left of my heart

My 3rd love will he do the same thing?

I wanted to save him from himself

every time i see this picture I remember what nathan did to me... and I want to die...

I wish this was me and one of the guys I like?

Together forever we love for life

Looks like me and the 2nd guy I like... weird... ex with the 1sts hair cut... weird perfect mix.... ^^

Yeah Yeah

Sounds like life... but what is life?
Crying over you
No one knows me better then you
No one knows my fears does anyone care?
And I play this game and think about you
And scream at you
I can't help myself by falling for you again
I can't help my heart if its not over you
And somethings is holding me back from getting over you
Every time I slook in to his eyes
I think about you and what you did to me
And I want to cry but I hold it in
So no one knows
They wouldn't care even if they know
Maybe I should have let you do away with me
Cause now I'm scared
Full of fear holding back every thing
I can't even dream I can't even scream
I can't get over you I'm scared of you
No dreams tonight now dreams to night
Just crying over you
That is a song I have been working on... I hope you guys like it and here is the into to my story that I am wrighting about my life... ok my anime life...
From the time I could remember I was always diffrent. Well if you look at were I came from and who my parents are; you would uderstand. I am a 5 tailed wolf demon that looks like a human, I have powers over water and Ice. My mother died when I was yound or at least I thought. She was the one that gave me the 5 tails. She was a white wolf. My father was a black wolf that fought untill he died. My brother was a white and only about 20 mintures old when he died. So I have on one left well there is one person and that would be my boyfriend Kerro Knight. Well my name is Reishien Marie Eskavar and this is the story of my life... Lets start when I was 3 when I stared to learn how to fight. Yeah I know we learn how to fight and kill at such a young age but by the time we are 1 we can talk and walk and that is just how weird on my home planed is. Oh I forgot to say I'm on a planed called Ishintocause it is winter all year but it does get lto 100*F with snow on the ground. And this is my life... Welcome...
Hope I can wright the rest on it on here someday... but that is just the start... ok the first page... Yeah I wright alot... and yest that is a page of it... there is 4 pages and some of the 5th... well got to go..
~~Reishien~~ (<'.'>) for elements my best friend
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Srry havent posted in so long kind of busy... 3:21pm...
Chinese Zodiac (girls only, anime pics)
 Monkey1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 People born in the Year of the Monkey are the erratic geniuses of the cycle. Clever, skillful, and flexible, they are remarkably inventive and original and can solve the most difficult problems with ease. There are few fields in which Monkey people wouldn't be successful but they have a disconcerting habit of being too agreeable. They want to do things now, and if they cannot get started immediately, they become discouraged and sometimes leave their projects. Although good at making decisions, they tend to look down on others. Having common sense, Monkey people have a deep desire for knowledge and have excellent memories. Monkey people are strong willed but their anger cools quickly. They are most compatible with the Dragon and Rat. Take this quiz!

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Wow the animal explains me... cool...

Awaken to the darkness awaken to the hell

Painted on a wall-bloody tears will fall

I am the waiting...

My name is Reishien Mari Eskavar.... I am a wolf demon/human and welcome to my world...

Me as dark angel...

Hiding my real face...
How are you going to die?
 bloody death: you have had a good life, but obviously, someone didn't like you. They decided to rip out your intestines and hang you from the ceiling by them. It happens to the best of us... Take this quiz!

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Weird... but cool...
What Do My Chemical Romance Think Of You?
 Gerard: Thinks you're beautiful, wants to be your girlfriend, and really wants to do it with you, oh yeah, you're his girlfriend. lolMikey: says you're hot, and won't stop staring at youFrank: runs over to you, hugs you, and never let's go. lol, i was gonna say run over to you and start humping your leg, but then i decided not to lolRay: thought you were drop dead gorgeousBob: thought you were okay, wanted to be your friend, but he didn't have a crush on you or anything... You guys became great friends Take this quiz!

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If i die don't more me... I want to stay here for ever
What X-Men Character are you? (Pictures)
 Rouge/Marie When she kissed a boy for the first time she put him in a coma. This caused her to run away from home and eventually join the X-Men. Her power prevents her from being close to anyone that she loves. Power:Life/Power Drain Affiliation:X-Men Take this quiz!

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Rocken thats my fave chick
Hey everyone, Srry I'm not posting much it was the end of school it is the 2nd day of summer vaca and I am so board... my mom won't let me go any were and I just found out my dad has to work open to close for the next 3 days oh so yeah I can't get my new dice earings till tueday... but ok here... is the real end of the post!!!! hey talk to you guys later...
Current mood: in love and sad
Currently doing: typing and lisoning to music
Current song: Thats what they do to guys like us in prison
Current band: MCR!!!!
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Srry I have not posted in so long... and so late... it is 8:19pm
it is late I know but nothing has really happed I guess that is why I have not posted we had final tests but that is about it... and our 8th grade dance... and I am planing to kill my x-boyfriend... he keeps looking and smilying when I take off my sweter in the morning in the cafe after I get off the bus... oh I just want to slap him and tell him off... same with liberty but different reason... god i hope so... yeah she has been acting like she is better then I am... it really makes me made... and that is about it... now that i think of it... nothing really...
Current mood: in love and kind of mad....
Music playing: Eminem: Lose your self in the music
oh one more thing at our school we have a court yard and in there there is some trees and bushs ... and now there is a family of ducks... so Mr. A put a small blue plastice pool in there with water and a little plate form that leads up to it for the baby ducks so this is the pool /@ kind of... I don't know how to but it... oh well got to go... it is stormy out... ^_^ yeah!!
If You were Told You were going to Die, What would You Look Like?
 When you were told you were going to die, you became peaceful. If it's going to happen, you figured you might as well accept it, and you didn't want to leave the world feeling sorry. Being peaceful helped calm you down, as well as others around you, because they saw that you weren't in pain. Take this quiz!

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Trust me to be peaceful about dieing...
My japanese name is ?? Shiraishi (white stone) 久美子 Kumiko (eternal beautiful child). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
White stone?
My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
wow..... this is my real name...
My japanese name is 黒川 Kurokawa (black river) 恵美 Emi (blessed with beauty). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
My japanese name is 浜野 Hamano (seaside field) 一真 Kazuma (one reality). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
 Are You Damned? Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Is is for the best?
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hey waz up ya peoples... it is 3:58PM


4 friendship

Is this a friendship that should be love?

Sounds like me... ^*_*^
"To The End"
He calls the mansion not a house but a tomb.
He's always choking from the stench and the fume.
The wedding party all collapsed in the room.
So send my resignation to the bride and the groom.
Let's go down!
This elevator only goes up to ten.
He's not around.
He's always looking at men
Down by the pool.
He doesn't have many friends.
As they are
Face down and bloated snap a shot with the lens.
If you marry me,
Would you bury me?
Would you carry me to the end?
(So say goodbye) to the vows you take
(And say goodbye) to the life you make
(And say goodbye) to the heart you break
And all the cyanide you drank.
She keeps a picture of the body she lends.
Got nasty blisters from the money she spends.
She's got a life of her own and it shows by the Benz
She drives at 90 by the Barbies and Kens.
If you ever say never too late.
I'll forget all the diamonds you ate.
Lost in coma and covered in cake.
Increase the medication.
Share the vows at the wake.
(Kiss the bride)
If you marry me,
Would you bury me?
Would you carry me to the end?
(So say goodbye) to the vows you take
(And say goodbye) to the life you make
(And say goodbye) to the heart you break
And all the cyanide you drank.
(And say goodbye) to the last parade
(And walk away) from the choice you made
(And say goodnight) to the heart you break
And all the cyanide you drank.
(So say goodbye) to the vows you take
(And say goodbye) to the life you make
(And say goodbye) to the heart you break
And all the cyanide you drank.
(And say goodbye) to the last parade
(And walk away) from the choice you made
(And say goodnight) to the heart you break
And all the cyanide you drank.
To the last parade
When the parties fade
And the choice you made
To the End.
Next song 4rom... MCR!!!!
"You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison"
In the middle of a gun fight...
In the center of a restaurant...
They say, "Come with your arms raised high!"
Well, they're never gonna get me,
Like a bullet through a flock of doves...
To wage this war against your faith in me,
Your life...will never be the same.
On your mother's eyes, say a prayer...say a prayer!
Now, but I can't
And I don't know
How we're just two men as God had made us,
Well, I can't...well, I can!
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
Pain in my heart for your dying wish,
I'll kiss your lips again.
They all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost,
My cellmate's a killer, they made me do push-ups (in drag)
But nobody cares if you're losing I losing myself?!
Well, I miss my mom,
Will they give me the chair,
Or lethal injection, or swing from a rope if you dare;
Ah, nobody knows...all the trouble I've seen!
To your room...
What they ask of you
Will make you want to say, "So long..."
Well, I don't remember,
Why remember...YOU?!
Do you have the keys to the hotel?!
'Cause I'm gonna string this motherfucker on fire! (FIRE!!)
Life is but a dream for the dead,
And well I, I won't go down by myself,
But I'll go down with my friends.
Now now now now... (I can't explain)
Now now now... (I can't complain)
Now now, yeah!
"We Are So Last Year"
We're falling faster
This is the last year
Just a few more hours
Until we are all alone
This never happens
Changing with fashion
Just a few more hours
Until we are unknown
I wish I could have known you better
I should blame it on the weather
This was over from the start
Does it even matter?
Our situations getting worse
Sleep in, (sleep in)
Sleep well, (sleep well)
With this life, (this life)
We're set to fail
I just wanted you to know
I think about you every night
When I fall asleep
You are in my dreams
And just like in a movie
The one you want to see
With a happy ending
This dead letter written on black paper
It never found her eyes
Instead of love (instead of love)
She only saw dollar signs
Sleep in, (sleep in)
Sleep well, (sleep well)
With this life, (this life)
We're set to fail
I just wanted you to know
I think about you every night
When I fall asleep
You are in my dreams
And just like in a movie
The one you want to see
With a happy ending
With this life, (this life)
We are set to fail
I just wanted you to know
I think about you every night
When I fall asleep
I just wanted you to know
I think about you every night
When I fall asleep
You are in my dreams
And just like in a movie
The one you want to see
With a happy ending

When no one under stands you...

Oh calm down Billie...

OH MY GOD... LIBERTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My guys wear BOXERs!!!!!

Somethings are better left unseen...


HOT Band!!!
Man we had a fun time... you see last weekend... WE had a nother choir thing... at the high school... for a middle schoolers... it was weird... I was a plate 4 on thing... and just had to sing and dance 4 the other one... It was really kind of fun... Neil was a candle stick... it was pretty fun...and funny 2 see neil on stage... but it is all good... well better get going see ya later!!!
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Still sick and bord... 11:41am
What color is your true soul?(not for people who like pink!)
 your soul is black; you are the essence of depreshon, you are drawn to things that others fear, you would rather keep to yourself insted of creating a diffrent person for the world to see. you at the same time of showing yourself hide in the darkness of your soul and lock out any and every emotion, to the rest of the world the only thing that you are is "goth" and depressed Take this quiz!

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WOw that rocks...
What type of flower are you?
 You are a daisy. You tend to act immature for your age, but you get along with mostly anyone. You love to have fun no matter how risky it is. Your Color: BlueYour element: Water Take this quiz!

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what would you look like as a fairy?
That rocks..
What element are you???(anime pics)
you are night. always dreaming, sincere and sensitive. but when someone does something that you find offensive or if you see something that is wrong you do what you can to do the right thing. yur not the brightest person ever seeing as you put most of your focus on your dreams and becoming what you want. you arent themost relaxed person altho you are quite polite. and night is the time where you feel most comfortable.when the moon in changing shapes it depends on what mood you are in. Take this quiz!
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That does sound like me...

Sounds like me...

If not for the kiss it would be funny...

Shoot him!

I just took mine...

Angry to lose him

Death to all preps

Friend to emos and outcasts

Hot summer days with friends

Dark pit of hell...


Bad girl ever liking him...

Long ass post today i know but It is a good one... hey I finished my book sweetblood... it is really good... now I am reading cool this is what it is about...
Lila doesn't remember the sun. When she was just a baby, doctors discoverd that she had been born with a rare and dangerous allergy to sunlight. from then on, she has been hiddin from the day_ staying covered up and indoors untill dark, and enjoying the fresh air only at night, under the moon's glow. She adores the company of her parents and her older sister, but still she longs for more. She longs to know the sun's touch. And she has a plan to do so. on certain nights when lila is alone she is visited by two lively girls who wear tutus and cosume wings who dance with her and tell her wonderful stories. these mysterious friends have promised to help lila feel the woarmth of the sun on her skin. Lyrical and surprising this is a story that will wrap tight around you and leave you forever changed a story about courage and hope and the healing power of love...
I know it sounds weird but so far it is really good... so read it...
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
I'm Sick I stayed home from school... 1:24pm
Wow... I hate staying home from school... THere is nothing to do but tommarow I am going cause I normaly walk home with my friends and I told them that I would and I never go back on a promise to my best friends... oh and about the contest I did not make is ;_; oh well but Stephanie did make it ^_^! I am so happy for her... but now she is getting a big head and that is what sucks... I don't know what makes me more mad that or my "friend" Courtney likeing the guy I like... then to make it worse I got Neil sick... Srry Neil... I did not mean to... I have been coughing and now he started coughing.... Hahahha... I mean srry... JUST KIDDING... I really mean srry... Yeah but today is so boring I got up at like 10:00am and then got something to eat... took my pills... and read almost the rest of my book... it was cool... I only have 2 chapters left... of Sweetblood... it is really good book... it is cool.... you should read it... it is about a vampire well not ex but you have to find out it is really awsome... Here are some quizzes I took...
... cool....
Oh... that is good... I think...
Yeah Yeah
weird.... Is this good or is this bad?
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Monday, April 24, 2006
OH NO!!!! oh srry hello peoples!!! it is 5:13pm
Tommarow I have American Idol try outs it is at school... it is going to be funny because me and my friends are going for it... it is...
Liberty - Best Friend
Stephanie - Best Friend
Courtney - Friend
Tyler - Friend
Nathan - X-boyfriend(b****)
So it is going to be funny seeing all of us going agenst each other... tommorow is 1st of 3 things
1) first tryout (15 peoples)
2) second tryout (4 peopes)
3) in front of school!!!!!
I hope at least 1 of us makes it to at least the 2nd round... I hope it is me or liberty or even Stephanie... even Courtney... I didn't know tyler could sing... oh well... nathan is going to be a real laugh... I can't wait... I just want to get it over with I will make sure I come on here and tell you how I did... mine is at 2:55pm tommarow and then I am staying for libertys which is at I think... 3:10pm... oh well...
Oh and now for the bad news I am getting an F in LA oh I hate that class... ok I hate that teacher... oh well that is life but I did bring up my SS and Science grades to Cs from D and those where almost Fs... so what the hell??!!?!?!?! oh my god my parents are yelling at me I don't really care...

Yeah just maybe this is true...

It drives me crazy...

Of what?

Please don't beafraid...

Gerard way the Hottest man alive

So hot...

Amy Lee best girl singer
:(Ok these are my many faces):






Distent or cold
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