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Saturday, February 4, 2006
10:39am... Wow I am awak... That is the scary part... I hope you like the post...

Fly and don't let her kill you... oh too late...

Just waiting for you to come back...

Spirted Away...

Don't move...

So Young so long ago...

Reminds me of some one I know...like my boyfriend...

Should Change my user name to this...

Go wormy...

My heart seems to be leaving me... Where are you I have waited so long...

LOVE!!!! Every thing in this world...

Ghost of you...

So long and good night..

Fly far away from here...

It is only the truth...

Water Avatar

Goth Rei...

Perfect Family...

Sounds like me...

I will... and I will call him back...


This really reminds me of my first kiss... i kissed him and it was snowing...

Don't mess with my man...

I wrote you this song for you...



Love till the end...
![Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live]](http://public.thedollpalace.com/public/images/dolls_library_linked/G/guys_and_couples4_11_2_2002.gif)
Ghost of you...
![Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live]](http://public.thedollpalace.com/public/images/dolls_library_linked/G/couple1_8_7_2002.gif)
Ready to Fight?

Goth angel...
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Here is the post you where looking for 6:50PM

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Long Time on post here it is small but Oh well... 1:02Pm

Friends Family Forever!!!!

Happy V-Day!!!!

Ghost of you...

Liberty and Her Guy... JOSH!!!!

Or Will it Die?

Liberty Here you go!!!!
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
It is 11:32 am and I am awake what the hell?

End my life… so I can start the next…

Sliding sword… Cool…

Ready to fight…

Don’t piss me off…

Sounds like me…

Looks like my get the hell away from me face…

Is knowing that he will never know the real me…

Sounds like me with out my friends by my side…


That is not true… I breathe and I still want to beat the crap out of my friends sometimes…

Yeah… when don’t I have a bad day…

Love from the heart…

~laughs so hard can’t stop~

What do you say after that?

Sounds like something I would say…

Dark angel…
Just goes together…


Oh don’t worry they will take it somewhere else…

Life gets better…
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Post at 7:41... KILL THE PREPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really hyper


Srry but it is true…

Group… eyes… Stephanie, Courtney, Liberty, and Me…

Wait what did you say?

I don’t want to talk about it…

Held on to my heart even if it hurts…

Ready to fight….

Do you like it?


Me and my sister... I am the goth... don't ask liberty is my sister...


If I told you… You know what this picture means…
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Just another post... 3:50PM....

Spell Cast you way into your heart and set my eyes on love…

Do we want to know what happened?

Could sound like me on most days…

Life is a lie…

What does this teach kids? To be gay!!! But that is ok… I have no problem with that do you?

Spinner is not gay… unlike Marco and Paige’s brother…


Nice thing to say…

Is he dead yet? Sorry Liberty but Billie Joe Died today… I might have killed him…

Yeah… That would be perfect but sadly this world is not perfect…


Warning Don’t look at my back round and then this you might get dizzy…

Bloody Valentine…

These look like my friends… I am the one in the front playing with the water…

Looks like Lib…

Oh… So cute….

Element of Fire..

He loves her so very much..

No comment just looks cool…

Love so bitter…

It is over… we won… please don’t cry…

Love and hope… go so well together…

Don’t give up we can win…

Never let go…

Me and Lib…


Explains me..

Goth Couple…

Star Winged…

Fly away…

Goth Me…

Angel to Devil in 1.5 seconds…

Walk away…

I love this saying…

Me and Liberty…

Fire Angel…
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Here just some more junk,.... 2:49pm

Who said love could not kill?

We told this joke around school… thankfully no teachers found out…

Sounds like me…

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It is 12:20pm... man I need to get some lunch...

Yeah Sounds like me..
Lil cute…

So me…

Sounds like me…

Sounds like me…


Goth wins… The prep is to busy fixing her hair… and crying over breaking a nail…


Fall out boy…

Love for ever love is all…

Just keep going…

I like it… very deep…
Dance my Lil puppets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Not your Lil Princesses ….

Turned to stone from all the dark…Blackness in the eyes and heart…

Love can never hold back to your heart…

Keep the heart for all we have…

Dancing bears… silver wings… dance across my memory… some one holds me safe and warm all upon a December morn

Its all over… they don’t care…

Ready to leave this place…



No Comment…

Hell I can’t even trust myself…
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Here is a post from my heart... and it took 2 days so that is why at the end my heart is different... 6:06

I seem to be so alone… all the time…

I am the one with the veil and Liberty is my brides maid…

Liberty here you go…

I pick Roy mustang…

He is very moody…

So Hot… Look at Fluffy…

Man and they think I am crazy..

Does anyone else think that looks wrong?

Sounds like me…

Me to Nathan…

And Preps…

Sounds like me to Nathan…

Why does this sound like something I would say right now?

Neil’s new Icon…

When don’t I?

Sounds like me to Nathan…
 http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Free Glitter Graphics
Sounds like me too all guys…
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
I am tired.... oh well.... school tommarow... it is 8:01pm...

Cool wings…

It is morning at the military…

I want a Roy cake…


Yeah… kind of…

What would you do…

Just so happy to read his notes…

Half angel, and half devil…

Wolf twins…

Yaoi got to love it…

Dragon Elf…

Water Butterfly Girl…

Leader of Light

Leader of dark…

Why does this sound wrong?

Love is so sweet…

I don’t care about dieing…

Need some help…

Death can be so sweet…

Angel of time… or is it White demon of time…. I say both…

I’m not coming back…

That had to hurt…

So young…. And already wanted to die…

All burned and old… now where do I go?

Feel the rush of the sea…

They found us… oh no…

But I still love you…

Dark angel…

When all my friends leave me… He will still be there…

I might of died but I still love you…

Oh…. My….. God….. That is so…. Wrong….


Red river…

Sounds like me and a hell lot of my friends…

Sounds like my so called best friends… to me and Nathan…

…. I guess… I just like the way it sounds…

Sounds like me and my friends…

Sounds like liberty…

I want some…

Is that why I hate it?

Fight till I die…

I will always love you…

Just need to relax even in that rain…

Something to remember you by….

Say good bye… I will be lost on earth….

I am going to kill all the preps…

Just a little drunk…
Rei... Loving it...
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