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not really sure where I am anymore
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writer... student.....
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Kiba Rose
nothing... truely nothing
Anime Fan Since
as long as she can remeber and trust me that is long time
Favorite Anime
.Hack, Cowboy Bebop,Bleach,Elrica 7,Evangelion,FLCL, Full Metal Alchemist,Ghost in the Shell, InuYasha,Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Monononke, Samurai Champloo, Shaman King, Spirited Away, Trigun,Trinity Blood, WItch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain
she wants to get married and have kids
watching tv, drawing,internet and sleeping
Wrighting songs that come from the heart... and looking up pictures?!!?!?
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
Hey... it is noon... Yeah... the day is almost over...

We all know they are gay…

Don’t touch my hair…

Just a little stressed out…

She is like me… a witch…


And on drugs…

Liberty… this is now your person…


Not to love tell you know they love you…


I can read it… and it is wrong…

Oh Sesshoumaru just bitch slapped his brother…

Makes me think of Nathan because I almost killed my self…

Good charlotte and Avril don’t mix…

So sweet…

Goes with me…

No I am just like that…


Sounds like me…

I love you…



Looks like Me the black haired girl… Liberty.. Blonde… and Brown Stephanie….

Sounds like I am saying this to Nathan…

Me to Nathan…

Sound like something I say to myself…
 H:Your Beauty lies
in Serenity. Calm, inspiring, and nearly always level-headed. You have a
peaceful appearance, people know they can trust you and come to you for advice.
You probably have a soothing and beautiful voice to match you and you are seen
as a mature, motherly figure. You don't show much emotion which may make you
appear emotionless and distant at times, but you are most likely a very
empathetic individual. You keep your head in bad situations and are calm even in
good ones. You probably wear more flowing clothing in light pastel colors and
one of your most beautiful feature is your smooth and young face. Some people
may even be inspired simply by your presence, you would make a great mediator or
negotiator as people know they can trust and count on you for a peaceful
Some Things
That Represent You:
Water, Wind Animal: Swan Color: Blues, Greens, Pastels Song:
Only Time by Enya Expression: Reassuring Smile
Amethyst Mythological Creature: Elfin Kind Planet: Neptune
Hair Color: Light Blonde Eye Color:
"Peace and trust take years to build and seconds to shatter."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
Rei... Heartbreack is love that just wont go any farther...
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
5:22... I am really hyper...

That is one way to wake up…

Please don’t cry I’ll be alright

You said we where friends…

We keep on going like this we will die…

Waiting, Watching, and hoping it will be over… in time…

Who ever said an angel and a devil could never fall in love…

So very sweet…


Looking out just waiting to kill her… to get to him…

It looks like he does care…

Together forever…

Don’t push it…

Caring forever…

Please don’t say goodbye…

More then friends…

Oh so sweet…

InuYasha as a human… he is on a bed… waiting for… Kagome and Kikyo

It will be ok…

This just proves that she loves him… she is willing to die for him…

I promise…

Did it really have to end…

Look in to the mirror of hopeless dreams…

Who touched who?

This is my dream room…

Sounds like me…

Is it the end…

I will cry till I bleed for what I have done…

The hope has fallen…

But we keep going…

All alone…

It can only get better… Right?


Elements…. And the avatar…

Ed and Al raped Roy!!!!!

Ok… now I am scared!!!!


Oh My Fing god…. That is so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Is anyone as scared as I am?

Goth InuYasha

She loves him…

She thought that he did not care…
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! Here is a really weird post at 1:05pm

Group Shot….

Nothing group shot… Liberty’s, Neil’s and My carter

Why does he care?

My sin name would be heart brake…

Oh poor ed… Yeah right…. Hahahahahahahahahaahaha…

Nice… real nice….

Could be…

If you could only have icons on Runescape…

Liberty… Here…. Just for you…

Yeah it is…

Sadly Rei at the end…

Sleeping on the job…


Studying hopelessly …

Don’t you even piss me off…

Liberty… Here like it…


Says bit me…

Yeah really…

So does love…




One day me…



I want to get off…


Liberty the hat…



I know



Mix the shows…

InuYasha Babies

Poker anyone… InuYasha is losing …



Is it ok to eat it?

In the begging…

And we fell in love…



Sounds like me…


So sad…

Yeah sorry…

Just… just…. I don’t know….



Sounds like my site..

Cool even for a butterfly…


Dark alchemist …




If only…

Sounds like me…


I thought it was the other way…

Yeah really


I never feel alive…

Sounds like me…

Yeah… but life is not like a movie…


I know…

I could say so much about this….


Yeah… same here…


Do they really want to know…


I think it looks better down… He is a prep…

Same here…

Which drunk are you… I am like Al…

Ed you should just shut up…

Nice Roy

Rei.... Oh this is so Good...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
The normal... well as normal as you can get... 3:30pm...

InuYasha running to his mother…

Get back here….

Demon InuYasha and Sesshoumaru… fighting…

2 wolfs fighting…

He is keeping her safe…

The real anime me…
 Which Evangelion Child Are You?

Girl alchemist

Winter Jin

Samurai Champloo info… really cool…

I ran out of $50s can you back a $100...

Yeah I know…


They have all come to save him… but he pushes them away…

Little late but it is still funnier then hell…

…. Um… can we change my nickname to Riza…

Happy Birthday… to… who ever…

Riza acts like me…

…. Cool…. Really cool… weird…

Lost in memories…

Family… if I only knew what that meant….

Is Hughes giving dating advice to Roy…. He is hopeless…
Rei... Life is bitter till the end... and now it is over... it get worse...
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Saturday, December 24, 2005


Merry Christmas From All The Anime In Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Ahh, you're the great Sesshoumaru. Beautiful, but deadly. You have exceptional grooming habits to keep those stunning looks up. You act coldly to most others, but we all know you have a heart in there somewhere.
20 Q Inuyasha Personality Quiz-PICTURES! brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah, yeah MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does this remind me of my friends Neil and Courtney…

It is Melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A hoe at my school…

He walked in when Winry was taking a shower…

One way to teach a dog…

What’s the worse thing that I could say…

Alone just me and lord…

Don’t back me up… I will kill you… or my self…

Keeper of the dragons…

Don’t be scared…

Held back…

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year…



Ed, Al, Winry, and the boys Teacher…

Them as a younger people..

In able sin…

Roy the Flame Alchemist

So much older… How he has changed… he is taller…

There getting older…

I could say so many things about this… It is two of my friends… Not saying which ones…

O_O OoO Now that I am scared for life…

Anger management

Explains me

Sounds like me

Living in Halloween Forever… OK….


I know…

Yeah it sounds like me… Except the last part… more like found deeper friendship…

Should I comment?


I wish I could…

Yeah Really…

Sadly it is the month of love…

Don’t let anyone get to close…

Do we really want to say anything?

Explains me…

That sounds so weird… and wrong…

That could be his new name…


I have that feeling all the time…

This is one of those pictures that I ask myself why?

Here is another one…

I’ll say…

If it means you can’t sit still for anything… that sounds like me…

Oh… so sweet… it makes me sick…

Looks like me…

Water Princess

It looks like my life…

Ok this does look like me and my friends… Liberty is Asuka Soryu … Neil is Shingi Ikari… and I am Rei Ayanami…
Ok I don’t do this very often but here is some info on my friends carters… there is something about my carter that is cool…
Name: Shinji Ikari
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student and Evangelion pilot
Shinji is for the most part of the time an extremely troubled individual, however, most of his ordeals are worsened, and often even caused, by his severe lack of self confidence. Shinji finds it incredibly hard to express his feelings towards others for the fear of being emotionally hurt, and is all too often unwilling to adapt to new situations.
The fact that Shinji hasn't had the best of relationships with his scheming father, Gendo Ikari, having chosen to run away many years ago, and coupled with the loss of his mother, Yui Ikari, at an early age hasn't made his life any easier to deal with. Yet unfortunately running away from bad situations is one of Shinji's personal traits, one that he must over come in order to lead a less stressful life. Unable, or simply unwilling, to bear the company of his father after living alone in exile for so many years, Shinji chooses instead to accept Misato's invitation to live with her on his arrival to Tokyo-3, something which is a big step for Shinji. Although Misato turns out to be not quite the ideal roommate Shinji had in mind, the bizarre situation he finds himself thrown into does help him to open up a little.
Shinji is also the reluctant pilot of EVA-01, though no one really knows why he continues to pilot the Eva as he's made it quite clear on several occasions now that he would rather not be its pilot.
Name: Rei Ayanami
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student and Evangelion pilot
Rei is extremely timid, shy and at times almost seems withdrawn from the world around her. She finds it incredibly hard to express her feelings towards others and as a consequence isn't the kind of person who makes friends that easily. All of Rei's personnel records have been erased, she has no parents and there is no trail leading to her past, it would seem that her existence begins at a dead end.
She was the first child to be chosen to pilot an Eva, in particular EVA-00, in accordance with the Marduk institute. Though unfortunately she was seriously injured during her first attempt to synchronise with her Eva when it mysteriously went out of control. Fortunately Commander Ikari rescued her and she survived the accident, her next attempt at synchronisation was successful and she has now become the active pilot of EVA-00. Whether or not this is by choice is unknown, Rei simply seems to do as she is told without complaining, something which Shinji is known for doing.
The truth is though, Rei is in fact not human, that is not entirely. She is a by-product of the human instrumentality project, artificially created and implanted with the soul of Yui Ikari. Rei has only one soul, however, NERV have created multiple bodies, or vessels, for Rei's soul in the event of her death. Indeed Rei is killed twice, by both Naoko Akagi and the sixteenth Angel.
Rei... NOW YOU KNOW...
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Hello people... it is 9:01 pm... I know it is late but don't worry it could be worse...
 The spirit that lives inside of you is a mourning lover. You have lost someone very close to you and you will never get over it.
Found: In a graveyard
Color that best represents you: Black
Song that best represents you: My Immortal- Evanescence
Power: To be able to talk to the dead.
What spirit lives inside you.. (14 possible results!) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah… I am just dark… and I think the dead are cool…
 the bat is your true demon are cool,mysteries,sensitive and sometimes sure have the devil inside you.^^deep inside you still cares for the one you are always clear-headed,and knows what do to.
What is your true demon form?girls only(with anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah ok… whatever…
 You are a normal friend...the old and good casual's nice to have you are funny and talkative...good company for all times!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah… to some…
 A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask, another type of main are forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet trying to comfort others who are in pain as you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the true pain inside...but one day, you will be able to take off the mask, and live in the light...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
It could be…
 What is the mystical land of your birth? {13 results with gorgeous anime pics}(reposted) brought to you by Quizilla
How does this work with and Ice/water element?
 You are a Sad Angel. Something happened to you that made you depressed. People are trying to help you, but you turn away from them and shut them out.
What Angel do people see in your eyes?(anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah ok…
Your most prominent characteristic is individuality! You are unique, and different from everyone. You're always trying new things, and experimenting with new looks. You like being different from those around you, and you don't take crap from anyone who may give you a hard time about it!
Characteristics Quiz - Original Anime Images * brought to you by Quizilla

find your element
I told you…
 Sunset is the time of day that best describes your personality. You are the definition of loner. Its not that you dont like hanging out with friends and meeting new people, you'd just rather be by yourself. You may not show much emotion, but you are kind to everyone and know how to make people feel comfortable. The saying "still waters run deep" describes you very accurately.
What Time of Day Best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
It does sound like me…
 You, my friend, are a lazy sleeper! As far as you are concerned, sleeping and lounging about are the most incredible things on earth. You love just sitting back and watching everyone buzzing around with their busy lives. Its not that youre stupid or dont care, on the contrary, you are quite intelligent when you want to be. But why waste the effort?
How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
If I am not online eating… I am sleeping…
 You are the Healing Angel. You hate to see someone in great pain and take away their suffering. You heal wounded souls and cure illness and pain of the physical body.
What type of angel are you (with beautiful anime pictures)?? brought to you by Quizilla
 You fear being alone. Your such a cocial person that you can't imagine a life without someone to hang out with.
What Do You Fear the Most? (GIRLS ONLY anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Not really… I have nothing to fear… just you…
 You are sad person. Life itself seems to be getting you down. Your a very isolated person and your just spend the day waiting it to end.
What Kind of Person are You? (Girls Only anime angel pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah So?
 Your soul is bound to the Rose Petals: The Wronged.
"'ve come undone and all hopes of mending me are gone because the pain took my soul. Can't you see? The only one who can put me back together again is me."
The Rose Petals are associated with sorrow, reflection, and wisdom. They are governed by the goddess Persephone and their sign is The Teardrop, or Broken Love.
As a Rose Petal, you are always self-reflective and may be hard on yourself. You probably have been hurt in the past by other people and can sometimes distance yourself, as a result. You don't usually let other get too close to you, but you are very good at mending your spirits back together by yourself.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah ok…
(females)what is one of your past lives? (results contain pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Like I couldn’t tell you that already…
Rei... I wish to end it all and never live again but as I know I will die and come back again...
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The normal and the worst... I hope you like it 12:11PM

So that is how ice cream is made…

Colder then ice…

I could say so much about this picture… XD

Say goodbye…

InuYasha: what where you doing with my brother?
Kagome: What do you think I was doing with him?
InuYasha: Kissing him?
Kagome: Yes and he is a good kisser…
Sesshoumaru: Am I?

This looks like the real me…

Goth Al…

Oh yes I can…

So that is why I have so many friends…

Yeah ok it is more like this…

Ok this post is going to go bad… These are some of the dumbest pictures I have ever seen…

True but dumb…

Yeah it gets worse…

Funny… but WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They said it not me…

Ok… who made this dumb thing… they are so mean to the evil ones…

OK this is funny… but they are making fun of Roy so WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ll say

Just dumb…



Give these people help…

Oh yeah who really cares…

Who cares… just do your mom… JK

Poor cats being part of something so stupid…

Oh yes he did…

Yeah Yeah Yeah

You should be clapping…

Yeah… it sounds like my life…

Poor Hamster…

And your alone with Gluttony…

Get over it…

I know he was evil… but this a gay way to put it…

……………. I ain’t saying anything………………………………........

………………………………........ O-M-F-G………………………………..............

It might be his brother… but that is still wronger the hell….
Rei... Please save my soul...
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Monday, December 19, 2005
Dark/ Funny/ Weird at 12:57 pm

Scare the hell out of him why don’t you…

I ain’t saying anything… Why does this sound like me and my friends…. JK!!!!!!

Look back to the past…

He got drunk last night… do you think he is going to learn his lesson…. He is going to barf all over… Run Al he might think you are a trash can…

Ed: Where is Al?
Me: I don’t know….
Ed: Is he with Roy?
Me: I was just with Roy… he is not there…
Ed: Good Roys mine…
Me:….. Ok then…………

Do I look like I care?

I know how she feels…

It hurts… thank you…

Sounds like me…

Sounds like me when I am in one of my bad moods…

Is it the end?

Or was it all a dream?

I should tell this to my parents…

Never speck only watch th darkness take over them all…

I am dead…

I have to many high hopes…

Let the rain fall like my tears…

Some things are so wrong… yet so funny…

That one way to explain her…

I know i was dead from the start...

Elements…Water, Fire, Earth, Sky/Air, and the Avatar…

More Elements…

This is a poem I wrote... I hope you like it...
I lay in bed fast asleep
Hearing something out side my window
I look out side to see what it is
There you are stairing at me
I let you in the back door
As we are sitting on my bed
You tell your feelings
And how you wish you where died
I told you that I loved you
And hated to see you this way
You just looked at me and said ok
I felt the tears and taterd sould
Slowing breath hopless dreams
Nothing is alright
Like a little boy in the night
Crying for a dream
I pull you close
Kiss your lips
And feel you heart next to me...
Rei... Nothing but a dream... a little spot of hope... but nothing more then me...
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Hello... just something cool...
border="0" alt="This GIF courtesy of Sesshomaru's Sanctuary -">
He just so cute…
border="0" alt="This GIF courtesy of Sesshomaru's Sanctuary -">
And he only gets better…
63 ways to drive Sesshmaru up a wall…
1. Dress him up like Inuyasha.
2. Poke him and run away.
3. Sing "Sesshomaru and (your name here) sitting in a tree..."
4. Say how great Inuyasha and the Tetsusaiga are together.
5. Play Truth or Dare and when he picks Truth ask him how he keeps his hair so shiny, soft and manageable.
6. Dress Jaken like Shippo.
7. Dress Rin like Kagome.
8. Practice the Windscar on him with a stick.
9. Put him in a baboon skin .
10. Constantly say how cute Inuyasha's ears are.
11. Ask him if he still has his severed arm.
12. Try on his fluff.
13. Take his clothes while he's bathing.
14. Play with his hair at the oddest times.
15. Pet his fluff and murmur "Fluuuuuffy" in his ear while he's sleeping.
16. Play house with Rin saying he's the daddy, you're the mommy, and Rin's the baby! Jaken is... er... the family bumpy thing.
17. Pester him about how deep down, he really likes Inuyasha.
18. Tell him to stop acting all proper-like.
19. Poke him when he's asleep.
20. Make him stand with an apple on his head and tell him you're trying to improve your aim with a bow and arrow so you can be like Kagome.
21. Beg him to get you some of his shampoo.
22. Paint his nails day-glo orange while he's asleep.
23. Stare at him and drool.
24. Make him wear the garlands of flowers you make.
25. Point out yet again about how cute Inuyasha's ears are.
26. Ask him where he got his make-up.
27. Put fake Inuyasha ears on him.
28. While he's asleep, put him in some women's clothes and take pictures.
29. Constantly touch his forehead and say: "Are you sure you don't have a fever because you're HOOOOTTTT!"
30. Dump a bucket of water on him afterword and say: "Cool down!"
31. Draw on his face with a permanent marker while he's asleep.
32. Tickel him-
33. -with his fluff.
34. Ask him why he doesn't own the Tetsusaiga.
35. Ask him what the Tenseiga does.
36. Squeal everytime he walks into the room.
37. Ask him about his love life.
38. Some people think that Sesshomaru would be offended and annoyed if you called him Fluffy so... call him Fluffy-all the time-dance around him-singing "Ring around the Fluffy! My Lord of the Puppies! He's so cute! My Puppiepie! We all fall down!" or "How much is that Fluffy in the window? The one with the puffy tail? How much is that Fluffy in the window? I do hope that Fluffy's for sale!".
39. Hit on him constantly and embarrassingly in front of everyone and anyone.
40. Ask him if he really thinks Naraku is good-looking.
41. Ask him why Rin follows him around.
42. Run in circles around him-
43. -crying-
44. -about how he doesn't have ears like Inuyasha.
45. Ask him where he gets his nails done.
46. Ask him about "that night at Naraku's".
47. Wake him up every half an hour and in the morning ask how he slept.
48. Ask him to read this.
49. Ask him if he's a virgin and if he is-
50. -ask him why.
Contributed by Penguin:
51. Launch into a long rambling speech about the history of Feudal Japan and how important humans were to the outcome of today's world.
Contributed by Yumaru:
52. Kidnap Rin.
53. Take him to an anime convention.
54. Ask him about Kagura.
55. Drool on his fluff.
56. Tell him that at first glance he looks like a girl.
57. Dye his hair pink.
58. Braid his hair and put him in a miko outfit.
59. Tell him he looks like Inuyasha from behind.
60. Ask him if he is related to Yoko Kurama from Yuyu Hakusho. (It's the hair again! )
61. Put him and Inuyasha in a locked room with no weapons.
Contributed by Blade:
62. Right when he falls asleep, you scream at the top of your lungs, "It's Inuyasha!" Then when Sesshy wakes up you're like, "Oh wait, nevermind, it's only Jaken in a bunny suit."
Contributed by Charli:
63. Give him a flea and tick collar when he transforms. 

Sesshoumaru just plain hot….

Sesshoumaru war cry…

Sesshoumaru’s eye…

Sessoumaru in the heat of the battle…

Sesshoumaru looking in his sword for power…


Like you could not tell…
Rei... like the Sesshoumaru post?
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Really happy... Really weird post... oh well 7:15pm

I should say this to all my friends…

This is from the 4th movie… who know they had a 4th one?

Same… 4th movie…

Kikyo in the 4th movie…

Kikyo in the 4th movie…

Ok… Is it Pink or white… I mean the jewel not InuYasha…

Day at the beach…

That’s fighting…

That is one way to deal with them…
This does sound like me…
Yeah mostly me… I guess…
It does kind of look like me…
Yeah ok… Love… more likely every one died…
Ok… Cool…
Cool dark… I do love night…
Cool… I love being in the woods… most day…
This does sound like me…
Ok… I hate the last thing… that bitch is so mean…
This rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rei... weird post... oh well just really happy...
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