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myOtaku.com: dukeandseto

Saturday, October 1, 2005

   It is 12:08 pm and this is what is up this morning....
water angel. The current. Peaceful yet strong.
Quiet also, and usually keep to yourself, or
your kind. Even though underneath your
controled by the the moon. Keep expanding, you
make all the difference.

What Element Angel Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a peaceful sleeper. You recognize that
sleep is a necessary part of life, and
understand that there is no way for you to
fully appreciate everything around you if you
dont give yourself a break once in a while.
You are a very calm and collected person who
seems to have all of their ducks in a row, so
to speak. You enjoy life without getting
over-enthusiastic and appreciate harmony in all

How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

your icon profile by dragoness8481
what is your name?
what is your age?
what is your mood?
your love icon
your angry icon
your energy icon
your sad icon
your happy icon
your random icon
Quiz created with MemeGen!

what icon are you? by dragoness8481
what is your name?
what is your age?
your icon
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Personality Icon by fushigiyuugi
Clothes style:
Favorite band:
Favorite food:
Favorite color:
Your Icon:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What random icon are you?(lots and lots of icons!) by therasmusfanz
Fav color:
Fav Element:
This is your icon:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Icon Profile (Lots of icons!) by AngelicManson666
Favorite Color
Your Random Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Love Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Wordy Icon is...
Your Music Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Depressed Icon Is You? by drunkaholic
Your Icon
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...delicious
Your hugs are...friendly
Your eyes...twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is...awakening my heart
Your smell is...exotic
Your smile is...hypnotising
Your love is...everlasting
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Hawwt Iconss by lilbrunettee929
Your Name
Love Icon
Hottiee Icon
Clothing Label Icon
Movie Icon
Band Icon
T-Shirt Icon
Cute Icon
Seductive Icon
Quiz created with MemeGen!

what's your icon? (anime icons made by me.) by shinotenshi
favorite anime:
your icon:
please credit me if used. total credits recieved:75
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Isis Ishtar

Which Yu-Gi-Oh Girl Character are You? ()Includes Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Malik/Marik-strong, hot, GREAT hair, great duelist,
powerful, strongest Egyptian God card, very
HOT, kewl millenium item, hes perfect, but 2
bad 4 u, HES MINE!!!! my own, my precious
*grabs malik poster and drags it into the
nearest bedroom*

What Yu-Gi-Oh Character will you marry? (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
Some one shot me....

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