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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm suppose to be in bed now, but I thought I'd drop by and say hello to everyone considering I have been absent for a long time, again - I posted in March ...and April is almost over =x

So yes, Hello to everyone who still visits me, which .. is.. noone .. yeh .___.
Chels has kind of .. left .. and my other friend's account isnt there and no one seems to update, well - atleast not when I am on, which I do come on, as you can tell i've practically gutted my page and given it .. bleak colours and changed my avatar to reita and changed information about myself; I just don't seem to post much...anymore.
Sometimes I wonder why I did join. I remember when I did..ages ago, I think it was like .. 2005 maybe, ahah goodtimes. I've gone through so many accounts, yeeh. I've met so many amazing people on here aswell, and well for the whole period of time i've been on here, I've have kept one friend the whole time, who has basically followed me from account to account (well, re-added me and stuff :P): Chels =3 eventhoughyouwontreadthis, ILY ^^

Wheeee~ and Lal needs to blog more, and so does Niki =x

And I am so tired right now, I could die on my keyboard. Today was also ANZAC Day, so we got the day off and I went to this equestrian team meeting and I was so BORED and I was referred to as the 'little one' =o I was very insulted.
But if they were referring to my height then nevermind then <33 yay shortmedium-ness. But I don't think they were -.-

I'd write more, but I have no life so there isnt much of a point.

¢¾ kat

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Friday, March 23, 2007

It's been exactly a month since I last blogged.
I'm Sorry .. but im sure nobody cares anyway x]

Uhhm, well .. it was my birthday on the 5th of March - and yeh, im fifteen .. yaay? .___.

Its the holidays next week, and we go on retreat from the 28th to the 30th ..
And yeh, im going to tasmania soon i hope
i really dont have anything to talk about
I just watched Kagen no Tsuki ..
I cried ..
Poor Adam :(

we have a new dog
im teaching myself japanese
im learning bass guitar
...japan ¢¨ú
my life is boring

Nami tamaki's outfit is cool in fortune..

bye <3

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Friday, February 23, 2007

   && so...
Whenyougetthreedirengreyfanslisteningtothesamesongatthesametime...sanitydies x3

I couldnt think of anything to start this off, so there you go.

I am incredibly bored. I'm hopefully doing something with Lalabelle today, or tomorrow I guess .. both days would be good .. because, I.hate.being.bored. and need to socialize!

Dang, I still have to start my SOSE assignment (sose stands for, Studies Of Society & Environment - wooooooo) It was due yesterday <.< and I wasnt at school that day >.> and I havent done it >< Ahhrgh, its stupid. Stupid assignment. Guess I should do it today and tomorrow cause its so freaking BIG.

My birthday is soon :] Yep, randomness, but not completely. 'Cause my friend, Reila, is giving me; 70 or so Yugioh cards, Moon child and a copy of her japanese book she got her japanese teacher to make of copy of for me :P isnt that nice? So, I've been downloading all of GazettE's albums and Alice Nine's albums and some L'arc en ciel albums for her! To repay her back =] Cause she is awesome and she deserves them ^^ I'm going to go and visit her too this year - She lives in Tasmania. We're gonna spread jrockness all over Tassie and take over >:3 And so, I am listening to some of the albums I download for her and then I remembered my birthday was soon - so it wasnt that random :]
Ohkay so it was a little.

because cheese IS power.

I'll comment on everyone later :]


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Saturday, February 10, 2007

I .. forgot about myotaku for a while, mmkay? gawd x.x sorry.
ANYWAY - No one will bother reading this because I haven't commented on anyones blog..thingy, for a while because I just havent been on.

Soo, whats been happening in my lifetime while i've been 'away';

- I found out im shorter than I really was, like 1.64 - 1.66 short =] instead of being 1.68, my friend who is 1.69 is massively taller than me its not funny so i doubt im one centermetre shorter than her =D
- School has started
- I'm doing forensic science as one of my electives XD
- My maths teacher is weird and my art teacher doesnt like me
- I'm going to be learning the bass guitar soon
- I just realised that the british grammarthingy spells maths differently to that of the american grammar .. thing.
- I got pwnd by jrock numerous times XD
- I haven't ridden Kyou in a while, evil horse needs to put more weight on
- I got addicted to the song Redemption - Gackt
- I blame it all on casa-chan && reila
- my name is pronounced like 'keitorin' in japanese. Considering I hate my name, I also found out kat is pronounced 'katto' and kattie is pronounced like 'kyatii'.
- In other words, I really like the spelling of kyatii and ive earned the nicknames; kya-chan and kei-chan && kiki XD
- I broke my headphones
- I got new big dorky ones =]
- They're too big. ahaha
- Vera quit, and gave me: $300mill, her account that has 22mill player points (mine only has 2mill XD)&& is premium, her 170k AQH stallion, her 114k AQH mare, more accounts, another account with 1.3billion$ on it and i miss her =/
- I got a new layout and it rocks, and I changed my name from sharada to cassis.
- How much does this layout own? clickeh
- my american twin is going to a dir en grey concert and i REALLY want her to take me =/ reallyreallyreally.
- i found out that my sidereal zodiac is aquarius
- i'm in a band called phenomical XD
- I have a stalker on horseland. she waited six hours for me to get on and floods my messages with "HEY! LOL! ARE YOU LIKE ON!? LMAO?!" yeep, she is totally normal O.o
- she really scares reila and I XD
- I watched yugioh.
- YES, I still love yugioh =] yees, marik and malik are my favourite characters still =3 foreverrrr
- Uhhrm, I have over sixty dir en grey songs? O.o yehimnotspecial.
- I got Liquid Virus back =] he is old, and has broken lines and two worthless foals :( i was so cut. stupid noobs [strangles]
- i've been having a lot of cannibalism dreams, and reoccurring ones. most of the time im running from some random cannibal o.O apparently if you do that in your dreams, it means you're running from something in real life [shrug]
- I've been sick lately.
- Did i mention i got my hair cut? it sucked out loud. it was done ages ago - three months ago, and i've hated it ever since. cant wait to get it coloured and cut again -.-
- I found out, Australia is located in south-east asia, aswell as Australasia and Oceiana, however you spell it XD

&& I think thats about it. Yeup, thats my life story. I'm really bored right now - nobody is on, someonecomeonmsnandaimpleassse T___T

I'm so bored, i watched the chinese news, in chinese o.o i dont even speak chinese XD it was interesting =] i love listening to different languages.
i guess thats all
bye ¢¾ =]

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's 12:15PM, Wednesday.
And I am listening to Yami ni chiru Sakura - Alice Nine .. well I was, now im listening to Gazette, soeatmyshoes.

School goes back soon .. on Ruki's birthday o.O;;
dammit [dies] I really don't want to go back to school .. year 10 ._______.

I got introuble on horseland for saying damnstraight ... I hate mods, I hate marixel, or whateverherstupidnameis.

I've done nothing, at all .. there has been nothing to do. I don't want the holidays to end though. I'm getting my hair cut soon like Bou's hair .. and yeh

I have nothing really to talk about, so yep.
It's 12:37PM now and I'm listening to obscure - dir en grey ...

I wasnt really paying much attention to this for the majority of that time .. so no it didnt take me that long to write this :P

bye ^^

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Sunday, January 7, 2007

   Away 8th - 11th
Staying at my friend, Kirsten's house XD for those days, moohahaha. she lives about an hour away .____.

Anyways ... GUESS WHAT?!
I'VE FOUND SOMEONE WHO LIVES IN AUSTRALIA~! omgfzz XD I was starting to believe I was the only one! except for Lal =P nyeyeh. But yeh! She lives in Melbourne~! Which is only a an hour away from ME XD wheee~! how exciting, neh? ^^

Anywho, I'd better go x3 it's 11:20am and I still need to get ready o.o


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Friday, December 29, 2006

I don't even know japanese x.x wtf, I wish I did...

Oh I know you're all jumping at the chance to teach me :)

heey yeh anyway - guess what I did?
guess ..
come on .. GUESS .. XD

give up?

I RODE KYO!!! omgfgdxzzhdcfjzyeguw. Yush I did I have MAD SKILLZ. kidding x3 but yeh he did so WELL. I only walked around on him and trotted a little but yay I did. I am washing him tomorrow - he rolled in the dust and now he is all .. not .. grey ^^ [grin] falalalala, cant wait til his dapples come out! then he shall be a dapple grey :)
I really make no sense when I write blogs. I really don't.

Do you guys like my new colour scheme? ^^ It is the colour scheme I have on HL at the moment. Everything is all connected to my HL page, from the background, to the boarder, to the navigation colour .. to .. yeh :) cheesezu.

Uhh, well .. yeh. nothing else has been happening really. so, ch'yeah.

Have a nice day everyone =D
♥ ciaoness

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

I've been waiting all day for this thing to go to the right day x3 its only 3:53pm but I am sure I'll finish this by 4pm - which is when myo changes dates so I am guessing that is like .. 12am for myotaku time? [shrug]
Well, anyways - It was just raining x3 yay rain. I worked Kyo today :) he did very well ^^ I am so proud of him :D I love him, nyeheh. I only lunged him though cause he has no back muscle and I cannot ride him for a while >< But that's okay :)

I have some pictures of him =] And I took the time to resize them too because the pictures off my camera are verrry big oO

And yeh :) thats my horse ^^ I'll get some new pictures of him in a few weeks XD
Anyway, it is 4:01pm now so I guess I can post this ^^ yay.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a happy new year :D

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Haha, yeh, I still believe in him, rofl x3 dont pick on mee. SOITSTIMETOGETEXCITED.

Anyways, I've been too busy and tired to be bothered to go onto the computer - But I am here now :)

He is hawwwwwt x3
The lady cried when she brought him up to the float, I felt bad but then I was like .. eerhm, gimme my horse Oo as she was clinging onto him.

Random; My cat, Ayumi .. is being the biggest retard while outside -.-

Yeeh, Anywho - We wormed him today and my trusty farrier came out to check his feet and he said it was the worst job he has ever seen but he shall be okay and to put mud on it to make the hoof grow o.o I was like .. okaay ^^

Kyo settled in well - all he did was a gallop around the paddock and then stood at the fence to look at Rashaan and Charlie and ignore the mares xd he got scared of tilly, who is out mini. Haha poor boy -.-
I shall be working him tomorrow and I wont be riding him til he gets some back muscles cause he is nothing but skin and bone =\ And when I can, I shall be sending him off to a trainer for two weeks XD We got his papers too - nice lines x3 whee. We are figuring out a diet to give him too, and make his coat nice :) he has like a nice steel grey up his legs and down his neck and on his face so hopefully when we get some 'Groom' into him, his colour shall come out :) at the moment he is just a flea bitten grey.
Soo yeeh ..

Name: Kyo
Height: 16hh
Age: 12yo
Colour: Flea bitten/Steelish grey
Disipline: DRESSAGE X3 well .. shall be.
Nicknames: Uhh .. dorkasaurus kyo..? oO


thats it :)


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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Well finally the thing has changed to Tuesday :)
Anyways, I woke up at 11am so half my day wasted and i spent most of today talking to Lal XD Lal and I have a great conversation and I am going to share it with you all :) Yeh, beware for this post shall be long O.o I'll only post the relevant stuff :P I'm sure you all dont wanna know about chilli and whatnot Oo

cate } says:
what would lal like for christmas from cate?

[ L a l ] says:
nooothing! what would cate like?! other than a horse

cate } says:
I would like .. you to kidnap either kyo or reita for me :]

cate } says:
annnd im gonna buy you the coolest thing EVER

[ L a l ] says:
lol! i will.. try?

[ L a l ] says:
whats that?

cate } says:
dean geyer ..

[ L a l ] says:
hahah good luck!

cate } says:
hehe i saw him forsale on ebay

[ L a l ] says:
i think you will find him in pieces located all over australia in millions of fan girls stockings

cate } says:
ahha naah i plan on getting him all in your stocking XD

[ L a l ] says:
well i spose i can try to squish both kyo and reita into your stocking

[ L a l ] says:
*finds big stick to poke them in*

cate } says:
yaya yay XD well kyo is ... [looks behind shoulder] .. uhh, [whispers]small .. o.o so you'd fit them

cate } says:
[drags dean into a your stocking] STAY

cate } says:
oh AND ... [drags a tied up cotton on guy in too the stocking too] .. >< .. [prods them in with a whale]

[ L a l ] says:
hahah true! but im sure with a little negotiation -glimpse of gun- kyo and reita will be happy to climb into your stocking

[ L a l ] says:
HAHA wooot!
cate } says:

cate } says:
yeesh, [eyes knife] im sure dean and the cotton on guy would love to be in your stocking too ..

cate } says:
WOULDNT YOU GUYS?! [watches them cower into stocking]

[ L a l ] says:
lmaooo!! and i VERY much doubt kyo and reita will be leaving your stocking at all through the night -sews the top of stocking closed-

(pic of dean and cotton on guy in stocking with me pointing knife at them XD - i drew it, woo)

[ L a l ] says:

cate } says:
hehehe >:3

cate } says:
yuush, i doubt dean and the cotton on guy shall be leaving anytime soon either [gets a couple of feral dobermans to guard stocking]

[ L a l ] says:

cate } says:
>:3 and just incase of a fangirl attack .. [gets a gun]

(pic done by lal of me shooting all the dean fangirls XD)

cate } says:

[ L a l ] says:
wow that took a while haha

cate } says:

cate } says:

cate } says:
i cant stop laughing XDD

[ L a l ] says:
hahah i am glad! lol really, teheh

cate } says:

(lalabelle has rahd drawing skills)

cate } says:
lmao XDD

cate } says:
you have mad drawing skills ^-^

[ L a l ] says:
buaha thank you! u are better!


cate } says:
hehehe awweh x3

and then we say stuff about this layout someone made me and chilli

(ahaha omgfzz i suck x3)

[ L a l ] says:

cate } says:
ehehe XDD

cate } says:
pheer muh bad drawing skillz

and then we rant on about our drawing skillz.

(not saying dir en grey and gazette dont have any fans, its just - i dont think they're very popular here. actually i couldnt even find any of their albums or singles and they've never toured here so they'd be loners here in ausseh if i kidnapped them XD)

cate } says:
well its more of a pole but their is a pole inside the stocking .. <.< there is now

[ L a l ] says:
HAHHA! ohh i see

cate } says:
ehehe and well cause dean had all these fan girls .. but those two dont have any in ausseh x3

(more of lal's mad skills XD)

cate } says:
ehhe XD

[ L a l ] says:
oh yeahh poor little dudes. but im sure their fans will swim across the sea from japan

cate } says:
and from america and germany and canada and france and all those other places ..

[ L a l ] says:
well there you go! an army of fans!

cate } says:
from all over the world o.o [scared]

[ L a l ] says:

cate } says:

cate } says:
haha, the band members will probably come after us

(mwehehe more of my crud drawings XD dir en grey are yelling for their singer (kyo) back and gazette are yelling for their guitarist .. bassist (reita) ..erhm, whatever he is, i dont care XD - well, i do, but yeh, he is the bassist. rawrz)

[ L a l ] says:
HAHAHA nice drawing lol!

cate } says:

cate } says:

AND YEH THATS IT. haha sorry for boring you to death but I had nothing else to post ><
well, yeh have a nice day everyone! XD

(p.s - all the drawings were done over msn XD)

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