Female Member Since 2006-09-27 Real Name Kei
Favorite Anime YUGiOH DULCIFY
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
How is everyone?
Good I hope :]
I'm going to get back into posting more frequently now.. try to anyway. I probably update more on livejournal though but even then I don't post there much either! I'm so slack...
Well~~~ I went back to school on monday and that was sad =[[ I liked being on holidays, though I didn't do anything. I kind of got sick and so yeh I really couldn't except sit around and do nothing. I'm always getting sick on holidays ..~~
Ohwell. Today was the athletics carnival where the whole school goes to Llamberris and our house groups compete against each other in different sports! FUNSTUFF~ though its optional and I didn't participate because I did homework instead.
And then I was sad when we got back to school because everyone got to go except for me because I had to stay back and do a supplementary lesson where I have to complete some task I missed because I was at the royal melbourne horse competition! which was really FUN. though I wish i had of took my horse. I was away from tuesday until saturday... but i'll tell that another time for my hand is very sore right now and its actually cramping and typing is painful x.x mylegalsohurtsandsodoesmyback rofl <.< ~ yeey. I also got a new horse and kyo my other horse is doing good! he is putting on a lot of weight and I should go outside and feed him nowwwww~~
I can't wait until the 23rd of April because my international politics class is going to melbourne for the whole day! ^^ YAY. and then the walkathon is the day after that and I think i shall dress up as a fairy .. and then we have the day off on i only have monday and tuesday as working school days! funfun ^^ makes me feel like I have a life to be honest..
I'm also doing my debutante..
and I'm in year eleven this year
and thats about all for the moment.
imnotveryexciting XD