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Konohagakure: The Village Hidden in The Leaves
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Student and part time lazy mofo...
Real Name
My name's Duo - Duo Maxwell - who may run and hide, but never tells a lie! I'm not just a demon. I'm the God of Death!
not much...cause im still in school...
Anime Fan Since
around 7,8 years old
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Gundam Wing, Evangelion.....there is more but i dont feel like typing all of them..(-_-')
Graduate from high school and become a video game designer or anything thats not a hassle...
Video games, listening to music, making wallpapers for theotaku and sleeping i guess....
Im really, REALLY lazy...and im the best at slacking off in class...hahaha...
| DuoMaxwell2o6
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Itachi The Stoner
hahaha...this is from a FanFic...Itachi is in it and he is a has lots of bad words in it...soo..if you dont like bad words...dont read it...
Sweet Nice Hinata was now running down the sidewalk, breathlessly whispering to herself as she morphed into Big Bad Hinata: "Anko-san is right! Who cares what other people think??? I'm in the business of making myself feel better, not making other people feel better! I hate everyone! Well, except for my dear Narutokun, that is..."
She saw two tall cloak-clad men up ahead, and she said to herself, "Ok, Anko-san, this is it! I am about to punch these two guys in the face!"
Uchiha Itachi yawned as he fired up yet another grass joint. "Duuuude, Kisame, you were sooooo way lucky back there, dude!"
Fresh from his near death drowning experience, Hoshikigi Kisame was gingerly rubbing his throat. "What are you talking about, Itachi? I almost drowned!"
"Oh yeah, huh." Itachi scratched his head, then shrugged it off. "But still, like, Kisame bro, you got mouth to mouth resuscitation with that hot chick Kurenai, man! That musta been awesome, what did it feel like!"
"To be honest, I don't remember. I was unconscious at the time."
"Well, shoot, it looked pretty good from the sidelines, dude." Itachi grumbled as he kicked at the dirt. "Afterwards, I asked that Kurenai chick if she wanted do mouth to mouth with me, but she said sumthin like, no way, man, you're not hurt and stuff, you dont need resuscitation blah blah blah. So I was like, seriously babe, I gotta be unconscious for you to give me some lip? And she was like, yeah, that's correct. So I was like, ok babe, I'll just make myself unconscious or something."
Kisame gave Itachi a strange look. "Make yourself unconscious?"
"Yeah," said Itachi. "I tried to knock myself out by kicking myself in the head, but my foot couldn't quite reach up there, god damn it. And I was kinda tipsy at the time, so I just ended up falling down a lot. So I quit that, and then I rammed my head against a telephone pole a couple times. But that didn't work, so I - "
A stammering voice quavered from behind: "Um, ex-ex-ex-excuse me, but may I punch you in the face?"
Kisame and Itachi turned around to see a tiny little Hyuuga girl before them. And Kisame said, "Hey, haven't I seen you before somewhere - "
Pow! A little fist planted itself into the sharkman's nose.
Kisame was obviously not injured, but he was too shocked to respond in any shape or form. Meanwhile, Itachi was blinking at the blatant act of hostility. Then he started to laugh out loud. "Dude, Kisame, you just got hit by a kid, dude, hahaha - "
Pow! A little fist planted itself into the Uchiha's nose.
"Ow." Itachi grabbed his bruised nose. "That was so not cool, man."
Big Bad Hinata stood there with clenched fists, huffing and puffing, waiting while the two Akatsuki guys stood and contemplated the fact that a little puny Leaf genin had dared to punch them square in the face... Actually, Itachi didn't really care about Hinata or the bruise on his nose. He was more concerned about the fact that his weed had fallen to the ground, and the gusty breeze was blowing it farther and farther away from him with every passing moment.
With a face of palpable horror, the Uchiha ninja desperately chased after his airborne joint as he called out, "Shit! Come back here, my little baby! Come back to papa!" But the joint refused to obey its owner, and it floated off into the distance with the elder Uchiha in hot pursuit...
As Itachi's pleas faded away, Kisame and Hinata were now left alone in a stand off, glaring at each other. And Hinata was starting to sweat bullets, even though Hinata was now BIG BAD HINATA. She could not ignore the fact that this Kisame guy was twice her height, five times her body weight, and roughly 1,289,754,698,345,879 times more powerful than she was.
But she was not going to stand down! She was not going to run away! That was her ninja way!
Kisame growled, "I know you. You're the girl who pretended to be the shark back at the beach, and almost made me drown in fright!"
Big Bad Hinata refused to flinch, as she stammered, "Y-y-yeah, so w-w-what's it to y-y-you, poopy face???"
He informed her, "That wasn't very nice, you know."
"It's y-y-your fault, y-y-y-you were the one who almost cut off N-N-N-Narutokun's leg!"
"So, you like that Nine Tails kid, huh???" Kisame sneered now. "Too bad he barely even noticed you back there! And what's with your stammering, you little runt???" Kisame mocked her now with his own stammer. "Are y-y-y-you too s-s-s-scared to speak clearly???"
Hinata shouted back, "I'm not s-s-s-scared of y-y-you! Narutokun wasnt scared of y-y-you, and neither am I-I-I-I!"
Kisame laughed as he whipped out his trusty Samehada sword. "Ok, tell you what, kid! How about I cut off both your leg and his leg? That way, you two will have something in common, for once! Hahahaha!"
He held up the Samehada for her to see, as the blade started to wriggle to life. "See this here? This is my Samehada blade! This handy thing sucks up chakra like nobody's business, and in about five seconds, you're gonna be out of chakra and knocking on death's door, little girl!"
Hinata cringed in terror as Kisame lowered the Samehada towards her -
"Aaaahhhhh!" Kisame yelled in pain as he suddenly dropped to the ground, writhing in agony. "Nooo, what's going on??? I don't understand! Why!"
Hinata blinked in surprise. "Are you okay?"
Kisame shouted, "Damn it, this stupid Samehada is sucking up my chakra again! You dumbass sword, you're supposed to suck away HER chakra, not MY chakra - aaaaaargh! Oh, it burns! It burns!"
Hinata watched in a mixture of confusion and disbelief as the sharkman rolled about on the ground, wrestling with his own sword. Kisame was grinding his teeth in fury as he punched and kicked his own weapon repeatedly. "You little punk, I'll teach you to mess with your master! Fucking hell, I knew I should have included an on/off switch when I forged your lousy no-good ass! You're going down, you shitty chunk of steel! You hear me? You're going DOWN!"
Two minutes later, a stupefied Hinata was staring down at an unconscious Kisame and a victorious Samehada. And the Hyuuga girl was taking great care to keep her distance from the blade, which seemed to be rippling in contentment inside its bandages -
"Yo, Kisame, whatcha doing?" Itachi was finally back, and he looked down at his face down partner, then he looked to Hinata. "Dude, what's going on here?"
"I-I-I'm not sure. I think his own s-s-s-sword beat him up."
"Huh. Figures. I warned the dude." Itachi shook his head. "I kept telling him, dude, you gotta stop whacking your sword against the ground all the time, man, you can't mistreat your swords like that, swords got feelings, too, you know."
Hinata gave Itachi a strange look. "They do?"
"Yeah, they do, they're always talking and complaining to me all the time, like, especially when I'm feeling high and stuff. Like, the other day, I was talking with one of my kunai, and it was telling me about these aliens from outer space which looked like really big cubes of strawberry jello - "
Hinata interrupted, "Um, I think I should be g-g-g-g-going now."
"Oh man, you do? Hey, before you go, you got any money I can borrow?"
"Why do you need money?"
"I need money to buy some more weed, man. I lost my joint in the wind, and that joint was my last one."
"Sorry, I don't think I should be giving you any money." Hinata shook a stern finger at Itachi. "Drugs are bad for you."
"No way, man, marijuana is harmless, man, it doesn't do bad stuff to your brain, it's got actual medicinal value, there's been actual clinical studies and stuff. And you can, like, make a lot of rope out of its plant leaves or something. Anyways, dude, come on, lemme have a couple bucks, that's all I'm asking."
"No! You and that shark guy were mean to Narutokun!"
"Dude." Itachi sadly shook his head. "I guess you leave me no choice..." He closed his eyes. "Hey kid, you know why the Uchiha clan is the strongest clan of them all?"
Hinata blinked in curiosity. "Um, no. Why?"
"Because of this!" Itachi's eyes flashed open, his Sharingan fully activated. "Tsukiyomi, dude!"
And with that, Hinata blacked out...
Hinata woke up to find herself sitting on a little wooden chair on a spooky inky black grass plain underneath a spooky bloody dark red sky. It was eerliy silent, and she had no idea what was happening as she wondered out loud, "Am I... am I dead?"
A negative-colored Itachi appeared in front of her, waving hello. "Nope, you not dead, kid, you still alive, kid."
"But... what is this place?"
"You're caught inside my ultimate genjutsu, Tsukiyomi, where you will now suffer 72 straight hours of unbearable and unspeakable torture. In other words, major bummer for you, dude."
Hinata swallowed hard at that. "72 hours??? Isn't that a bit much?"
"Hey, it would be over a lot quicker if you'd just give me your money."
"No, I'm not giving you any of my money!"
Itachi frowned, and he held out a hand. "Dude, I'm not playing, I'm serious. Give me your money."
Another Itachi appeared now, also holding out his hand. "Dude, give me your money."
Another Itachi appeared. And another. And another, as they all clamored with waiting outstretched hands: "Dude, give me your money."
Hinata screamed and thrashed about inside her chair as hundreds and hundreds of Itachis surrounded her, all holding out their hands as they endlessly bugged her for money, the word "dude" echoing back and forth between her ringing ears -
Suddenly it all stopped. And Hinata blinked as she realized that there was only one Itachi again.
Itachi said, "Man, you're a pretty tough nut to crack. But it's ok, I'll just read your mind, dredge up your deepest and darkest fear, and then bombard you with that fear. Then you'll have no choice but to give me your money."
Hinata was sweating as she panted, "No, you wouldn't, you couldn't - "
Naruto's voice filled the air: "Sakurachan, I love you so much!"
Sakura's voice filled the air: "Narutokun, I love you even more!"
Hinata spun in her chair to see Naruto and Sakura holding each other in a deep embrace, sucking hard on each others lips like a pair of vacuum cleaners stuck on overdrive. And the Hyuuga girl screamed, "Noooo! Stop it, Narutokun, stop it, get away from her - "
She was surrounded by hundreds of embracing Narutos and Sakuras, all of them making hundreds of loud smacking smooching sounds as they kissed each other. "Oh Narutokun, I love you!" "Oh Sakurachan, you're the only one for me!" "Oh dear, I need a backrub, would you please, my dear Narutokun!" "Of course I will, my darling Sakurachan!"
Poor Hinata screamed anguished gibberish while Itachi cackled like the evil bastard that he was. "Stop! Stop it! Please!" Hinata was openly crying now. "Please stop! Fine, fine, I'll give you my money, just make it stop!"
Back to the real world now. A crying Hinata suddenly snapped out of it and took her money pouch out of her jacket's pocket. "Here, you cruel heartless bastard, here! Take it all! Take all of my money!"
Itachi yawned as he took the pouch from her and peered inside. "Thanks, dude - damn, you got a hundred bucks in here??? Shoot, you Hyuugas are fricking loaded! Man, anyways, sorry about that, okay? No hard feelings, right?"
"Be quiet! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! Waaaah!"
Hinata turned away from him as she sobbed quietly to herself, and Itachi winced as he shifted uncomfortably in his shoes. He wasn't a totally heartless bastard, after all, even though he had killed his entire clan and stuff, and he kinda felt sorry for her. So he hesitantly said, "Hey, kid, you know what? How about I give you some tips on how to become stronger?"
Hinata screamed, "Don't talk to me! You're MEAN!"
"Hey kid, I really mean it, I'll help you out!"
Itachi really did sound like he meant it, so Hinata looked up from her hands. "Really?"
"Yeah, really. Ok, how about this? Tell me what jutsu you want to learn, and I'll teach it to you."
She immediately answered, "Hakkeshou 64 Palms!"
"Uh... Hakke 64?" Itachi grimaced. "Sorry, I seen that jutsu, but I can't do it. I can't close up them tenketsus if I can't see them, you know."
Hinata wailed in dismay, "I can't see the tenketsus either! That meanie Neji can see them, but I can't! Waaaah, it's just not fair!"
Itachi solemnly asked, "You can't see the tenketsus, huh?"
"No, I can't, and it's not fair! I try so hard, but no matter how hard I focus, I only see these little blurs all over the place!"
"You see little blurs, huh? Weird..." Itachi thought a little bit, then held up his hand. "Yo Hinata, how many fingers am I holding up?"
Hinata immediately said, "Three."
Itachi looked at the four fingers he was currently holding up. "Uh, you sure?"
She nodded zealously. "Absolutely sure!"
"Final answer?"
"Well..." Hinata fidgeted a bit now. "I'm pretty sure you're holding up three fingers... maybe four? Or five?"
"Dude, what the fuck, I'm holding up four fingers! Man, you can't see too good, can you?"
Hinata broke down and started to cry once again. "No, I can't! I can't see well at all! I'm the shame of the Hyuuga family, I don't have 20/20 vision, I am NEARSIGHTED! I am just a worthless little miserable monster that my father hates - "
Itachi interrupted, "Hey kid, you know what? I ain't gonna teach you a jutsu. Instead, I'm gonna help you see tenketsus, all right?"
Hinata stopped crying. "You will??"
"Yeah. Let's go take a walk." He turned to the unconscious Kisame. "Kisame, bro, we'll be right back, okay? Okay, good. Catch u later."
"Ugh," moaned Kisame.
Hinata and Itachi were now standing in front of the Konoha Optometrist office, and the Hyuuga girl was deathly pale in fright.
"No, no, no, no, I can't go in there, Itachisan!" Hinata feverishly shook her head. "My father forbids me from ever going in there, lest we become the laughingstock of the entire village!"
"Dude, fuck that. You always do what your father tells you?"
"Um. Yes?"
"Oh man, you serious? Man... hey kid, last time my father told me to go do something, you know what I did?"
"I killed him, my mother, and my entire clan."
Hinata didn't know what to say, other than: "Oh wow."
"Yeah, wow." Itachi nodded. "Anyway, you get the idea. You don't gotta kill your pops and clan and stuff, but someday, you gotta step up and shove it back into his face, you know? And today could be that day, man. Today, you could be deliberately disobeying his stuffy ass by walking into this optometrist office here and getting your eyes fixed and stuff."
"And then... if I get my eyes fixed... will I be able to see tenketsus???"
"Never know until you try, kid. How about it?"
Hinata brightened up into a brilliant smile as she started towards the front entrance. "Okay, I'll do it!"
A couple hours later. Itachi was sitting in the lobby of the optometrist office, his butt buried inside a comfy couch as he read the latest issue of Time Magazine. But now he could hear someone approaching, and he looked up from the periodical to see the eye doctor guy.
"Yo, how did the eye exam go, dude?"
"It went just fine, although I must admit, I was surprised that a Hyuuga would have such flawed eyesight." The eye doctor waved a couple elaborate printed out graphs in his hand. "Her eyesight is so bad, laser surgery is out of the question. But with her new pair of glasses, her vision should be just fine."
"She got new glasses now? Tight." Itachi looked around. "Where is she? I wanna check out the new frames."
"She'll come out soon enough. She's a bit embarrassed, you know, her being a Hyuuga who needs to wear glasses and all. Does her father know about this - "
"Fuck her father." Itachi stood up. "Dude, Hinata, get out here so I can check your frames."
A nervous wavering voice squeaked from the doctor's office: "Um... okay... I'm coming out..."
Hinata stumbled out of the office, trying to hide the shiny bright black horn rimmed glasses which now rested on her nose. "Please don't laugh at me, Itachisan! These frames were the only ones sturdy enough which could support the thickness of the lenses - "
"Hahahahahaha!" Itachi pointed a finger and laughed out loud in her face. "Dude, you look like a fucking nerd!"
Hinata shrieked in agony. "I do??? Waaah, I don't want to look like a nerd - "
Itachi stopped laughing. "But who fucking cares. Now you can see tenketsus and stuff, and that's all that counts."
"Can I see tenketsus now?" Hinata did a hand seal and said, "Byakugan!" Her eyes did that crazy bulging veins shit, and then she practically jumped for joy as she realized that she could see the tenketsus of both the eye doctor and Itachi. "You're right, Itachisan! I can see tenketsus now! I can see them!"
"Awesome." Itachi turned to the eye doctor. "Hey man, how much do those things cost, anyway?"
"One hundred dollars."
The elder Uchiha and the Hyuuga girl gagged at the astonishing price. Itachi exclaimed, "Oh crap! Those nerdy things cost a hundred bucks???"
"That's right. One hundred even."
"No fricking way," Itachi said. "You know how much weed (hahahaha) I could buy with a hundred bucks??? A whole fricking lot, that's how much - "
Hinata nervously asked, "Itachisan, um, could I have my money back?"
Itachi frowned down at her. "Huh?"
"I don't have any money left..."
"Really? Oh well. Tough. Guess you gotta return those glasses."
Hinata wailed, "But Itachisan, you promised! You promised you would help me see tenketsus!"
"Oh yeah, I did, huh? Man, this is tough. I wanna get me some more pot, but on the other hand, it'd be cool if you could have those glasses..." Itachi thought about it for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "I got it. I know how to solve this problem."
Hinata and the eye doctor both said, "How?"
Itachi grabbed the eye doctor by the neck and snapped his spinal cord in half, instantly killing the poor fella. "There. Now we don't got to pay the guy no more."
Hinata gasped, "Itachisan! You can't do that!"
"Yeah, I can. I'm a badass motherfucker, and badass motherfuckers can do whatever they want."
Hinata gazed sadly upon the fallen corpse. "But... but... the nice man didn't deserve to die..."
She started to sniffle, and Itachi groaned, "Man, I wouldn't have done it if I'd known that you were gonna cry about it so damned much. Come on, let's get out of here before the ANBU arrive. Those dudes smell freshly spilled blood from a mile away."
They were outside of the office now, and Itachi was handing back the hundred bucks to a surprised Hinata. "Hey, take this, kid. I don't want it anymore."
Hinata slowly took the crumpled bills from him, wondering out loud, "But Itachisan... what about... what about your drugs?"
"Don't worry, I raided five hundred from the eye doc's cash register. I'll still get mine."
"Oh." Hinata supposed that she should feel bad about the eye doctor's death and all, but curiously enough, she was feeling great, thanks to her new glasses! "Thanks, Itachisan, for everything! I feel like a new person now!"
hahaha...ill post more some other time...hahaha...good stuff...
Comments (1) |
Monday, April 25, 2005
Tests Suck.... my school were taking this test called ITED(i have no idea what it means...-_-') well we took a test today and it was writing....writing sucks...i think i guessed almost half my answers(-_-') was one of those days that i didnt feel like doing i guessed...anyway we dont have tests tomorrow but we have to do ssr...which is reading...for a hour and a half...(-_-')...i cant read that long without falling asleep....hahaha...well i think thats enough for today....soooo...yeah see you guys later....oh and pics for the people who get bored easily...

hahaha...this doesnt really happen..someone just changed the words...

this picture is cool...
oh i looked at the top ten wallpaper makers today...and im number 9! weird right? i didnt even know i was on the top ten....hahaha...thats cool..
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Itachi Theme
yess...i decided to change my theme....again...and this time its Sasuke's brother Itachi! yesss....he is one of my favorite characters from naruto and now on to the Itachi pics!

first time he is introduced in the manga...

picture of Itachi when he was younger...after he killed his entire clan...

Itachi tortures Kakashi by using Tsukiyomi...he is stabbing him with a sword over and over..for 72 hours..thats crazy....
hahaha....yesss...good theme will be gaara...
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Sasuke Theme
yess....i wanted to change the theme of my site because im bored...and everybody else is changing their i wanted to try it out..i chose Sasuke because....well face it he's going to change my theme every week or now on to the Sasuke pics!

Sasuke and Naruto fight

Sasuke fights Itachi for the first time...
hahaha...i couldnt change the music because the stupid site where i get my music videos is going next theme might be gaara or yeah...
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Konoha Ninjas Would Like to Chat 2
i posted the next chapter of the ninja chat line because im bored...hahaha...yesss..oh and only 4 characters are on this one...
Avenger13: Sasuke
Hyuuga7: Neji
troublesome: Shikamaru
Gai-sensei RULES: Lee
The next day, Sasuke and Neji were chatting on MSN.
Avenger13: Hyuuga.
Hyuuga7: Uchiha.
Avenger13: Hyuuga.
Hyuuga7: Uchiha.
Avenger13: …Shut up.
Hyuuga7: You said something first.
Avenger13: …Shut up.
Hyuuga7: You shut up.
Avenger13: …You shut up.
Hyuuga7: Shut UP
Avenger13: Well why don’t YOU shut up
troublesome has joined the conversation.
troublesome: You two are troublesome. You’re saying “Shut up” at each other for no reason.
Avenger13: Shut up.
troublesome: your mom
Avenger13: I don’t have a mom
Hyuuga7: Me neither
troublesome: How troublesome…it was meant as a dis.
Avenger13: …I knew that.
Hyuuga7: No you didn’t.
Avenger13: Shut up.
troublesome: You know, this could go on forever
Hyuuga7: I think I know that, Shikamaru.
troublesome: How troublesome…
Avenger13: Your mom
troublesome: …you used it at a wrong time.
Hyuuga7: Hn. So I guess the Uchiha prodigy isn’t a genius, after all.
Avenger13: Shut up.
Gai-sensei RULES has joined the conversation.
troublesome: How troublesome…
Avenger13: Hn.
Hyuuga7: Lee, go away.
Gai-sensei RULES: No, I will not go away! I promised myself that I’d do 500 laps around Konoha if you three didn’t accept me!
troublesome: Just get your troublesome butt out of here.
Avenger13: Yeah.
Hyuuga7: Lee…I’ll count to ten. Go away.
Gai-sensei RULES: NO I WON’T! I’ll run 500 laps around Konoha if I quit!
Avenger13: Give up. We’re too cool for you.
Gai-sensei RULES: GASP! Cool? So Tenten was right! Constipated, Over-weighted, Over-hated Losers! Gai-sensei, I HAVE SUCCEEDED!
troublesome: …
Avenger13: …
Hyuuga7: …
Gai-sensei RULES: GASP! Gai-sensei, I’ve DONE IT! I’ve made the geniuses SPEECHLESS! I DID IT, GAI-SENSEI! BE PROUD OF ME!
Avenger13: WTF?
troublesome: Hey Neji…is he always like that?
Hyuuga7: Duh. Sometimes, he’s worse.
troublesome: Man, I feel sorry for you.
Avenger13: Your team is made up of nutcases.
troublesome: Hey, you forgot about that Tenten girl. She seems normal.
Hyuuga7: Yeah, Tenten and I are the only sane ones on our…team.
Avenger13: …
troublesome: Do you like her or something?
Hyuuga7: WHAT!
Avenger13: I agree. You’re always training with her.
Hyuuga7: Th…That’s because she’s the only sane one on our team besides me.
troublesome: You’re not that cold when you’re around her.
Hyuuga7: Duh, she’s my TEAMMATE.
Avenger13: Dunno, you always beat the crap out of Lee.
Hyuuga7: That’s because he gets on my nerves.
troublesome: Still, I think you like her.
Avenger13: Hn. So the stoic, obnoxious Hyuuga Neji loses his head over something so pathetic. Face it, Hyuuga. You LIKE her.
Hyuuga7: …
troublesome: Yo Sasuke, I wouldn’t be so cocky.
Avenger13: What do you mean?
troublesome: You’re soft towards Sakura lately. Do you care for her or something?
Avenger13: No I don’t.
troublesome: Suuuure.
Avenger13: Grr…What about YOU, Shikamaru? Don’t have feelings towards that crazy girl Ino?
troublesome: Hey, she’s not crazy.
Hyuuga7: Hmph. So you DO have some feelings.
troublesome: Troublesome…Tenten’s lover.
Hyuuga7: Grr…Ino-crazy.
Avenger13: HA! Ino-crazy.
troublesome: Sakura-fan boy.
Avenger13: …
Hyuuga7: …
troublesome: …
Hyuuga7: Fine, we might as well get over it. I think that Tenten isn’t like the other girls, and so I respect her greatly. There.
troublesome: How troublesome…Yeah, Ino is a troublesome girl, but I have some feelings towards her…Though I’ll never admit it.
Avenger13: …
Hyuuga7: It’s your turn, Uchiha.
Avenger13: …Hn. I care for Sakura a little bit. Who cares?
troublesome: Okay, problem solved. So we all like the girl in our team. Typical.
Hyuuga7: …
Avenger13: What’s the matter, Hyuuga? Are you regretting that you showed your true feelings? Hn.
Hyuuga7: No, it’s not that. I have a feeling that we forgot something…or someone…
troublesome: Oh my god…can it be…how troublesome.
Avenger13: …shit.
troublesome: how troublesome…
Hyuuga7: …
Avenger13: Hyuuga…Shikamaru…Shall we?
troublesome: It’s troublesome, but it has to be done. Especially since our deepest secrets have been revealed to one of the loudest and most talkative people of Konoha.
Hyuuga7: Be careful though. Lee has fast legs. He may outrun us easily.
Avenger13: That can be handled. Shikamaru, what’s the plan?
troublesome: …surround him and attack with your fastest and most powerful moves. Give him amnesia, if possible.
Hyuuga7: Good plan. It’s no wonder that you have 200 IQ, Shikamaru.
Gai-sensei RULES: Um…guys? What are you three talking about?
Hyuuga7: Lee…DIE!
Hyuuga7 has signed out. (15:30:12)
Avenger13: You’ll pay.
Avenger13 has signed out. (15:30:15)
troublesome: How troublesome…
troublesome has signed out. (15:30:17)
Gai-sensei RULES: Gai-sensei…WHAT HAVE I DONE!
hahaha....there was more...but it was stupid..hahaha...
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 17, 2005
how troublesome....
...spring break ends school starts again tomorrow...*sigh*..i have to wake up early...go to school and be bored to death...greaaaat...i think i have homewrok...that i forgot to do over spring break...niiiccee...*sigh*..whatever im done....oh and here are some pics...its exactly what i do in school...
can you tell which one is me?
*sigh* great...another D...
this quiz was from Saku's site...
Comments (4) |
Friday, April 15, 2005
Naruto FanFic
thanks Saku for telling me about Naruto Primer..its a good fanfic..ok the story below is from Naruto Primer: the lost chapters...its about the boys from naruto playing laser tag...its long..but its funny...
Naruto Primer Lost Chapter: The Men
Manly Laser Tag
Lee, Sasuke and Neji told all the other men about their experiences with laser tag while they had been in the hospital. This made the other men a little sad for a little while and then they realized that they also wanted to play some laser tag. Sasuke agreed to go back just so he could prove to Neji and Lee that he didn't deserve that horrible score he received last time. Lee agreed to go back because he loved laser tag and loved being alive and loved the world. Neji agreed to go back because he wanted to make sure no one took his title away from him, namely Sasuke.
"How did you guys pick teams last time?" Naruto asked.
"We picked names out of a hat." Lee answered.
With that, everyone wrote down their names and dropped the papers in a hat that they just so happened to find. Four names were pulled out and those four names were; Neji, Shikamaru, Kiba and Naruto. This meant that Sasuke, Shino, Lee and Chouji were on the other team.
There wasn't any argumentation so they went up to the jounin behind the counter and gave him their crazy nicknames that I'm sure you all remember from before and got guns and backpacks. Mind you, not REAL guns! Just laser tag guns. You know, just so that all the more unstable people wouldn't actually end up killing everyone else.
They went into the dark shooting area and split up into teams.
With the Blue Team…
"All right, Neji, don't mess this up like you mess everything else up." Naruto warned.
"I'm actually good at laser tag." Neji said. "I won last time."
"Sure you did." Said Kiba.
Neji brought the scorecard from last time because he knew he would need it just in case he didn't end up on the same team as Lee or Sasuke. Naruto and Kiba looked it over curiously.
"This is a complete fake." Naruto said finally.
"Fine." Said Neji, taking it back. "I'll just prove it to you then."
Neji decided not to let them in on the little fact that shooting your own teammate subtracted five hundred points from your score.
"All right, let me make a plan." Said Shikamaru, going into his thinking pose.
And the Red Team…
"Okay, our strategy is…BEAT THE OTHER TEAM!!!" screamed Lee.
"Lee, be quiet." Sasuke instructed.
"Oh right, we must have stealth." Lee nodded.
"We have to think of a plan." Sasuke continued since he was the self appointed leader of his group. "Does anyone have any ideas?"
"We should split up." Shino said. "We can cover more ground that way."
"No, we should stick together!" said Chouji.
But the rest of his team diving on him promptly silenced him.
Then sound went off that signaled them to start the shooting and killing. But not REALLY killing. Just pretend killing that temporarily put you out of the game for like…three seconds.
Neji didn't waste any time ditching the rest of his team that SO did not believe in him. As much as he wanted to shoot them each a million times, he couldn't because he didn't want to senselessly lose all those points. This time around, he would have to play a little harder since he didn't have Hinata to senselessly pick on like last time.
It didn't take him long to find his sniping position that he and Tenten hung out for the entire game when they were playing before. He waited around there, checking his back and his sides and underneath him and above him at all times so there was no way anyone would be able to sneak up on him.
Unless they were in his blind angle.
Like Sasuke. Sasuke had managed to get in Neji's blind angle once again. He complimented himself on being so great, knowing that he was already off to a good start. After quickly making sure he was on a different team as Neji, he raised the gun and went to fire.
But, before he could, his backpack exploded with lights and noises. He looked at the screen on his gun to see that he had been shot by someone named 'Chuunin'. In the process of moving only a slight bit, Sasuke had gotten out of Neji's blind angle and now Neji spun around and fired at Sasuke without even batting an eye. This caused Sasuke's backpack to explode again.
A little frustrated, Sasuke quickly ran off, trying to dodge behind walls but was shot two more times by Neji who is quite good at following a moving target. Sasuke was quite angry and swore he would get his revenge on this one called 'Chuunin'. It was pretty obvious to him that this player was Shikamaru too, since Shikamaru WAS the only chuunin in the group as much as Sasuke hated to admit it. And, after remembering that Shikamaru was fortunately on a different team as him, Sasuke decided to make it his mission to hit Shikamaru as many times as possible.
Shikamaru, meanwhile, was walking along with his gun raised. His team had run off by the time he had awoken from his trance so they didn't even get to hear his marvelous plan. He let out a loud yawn and leaned against a wall so he was wedged in a corner.
Suddenly, his backpack started going off. He looked at the screen to see he had been hit by 'Lotus'. He sighed. "How troublesome." He commented.
Shikamaru was just about to sigh again and whine some more, wondering WHY he was even there in the first place when, all of a sudden, Chouji came out of nowhere. Shikamaru was surprised and raised his gun, shooting Chouji once.
"There you are, Shikamaru!" said Chouji, not even flinching at his crazy reacting backpack.
"Chouji, we're on different teams." Shikamaru reminded him.
"Oh, I could never shoot you, Shikamaru!" laughed Chouji.
"Uh…okay." Said Shikamaru with a shrug.
Both their backpacks simultaneously went off and they could distinctly see Naruto running by while laughing manically. Shikamaru was, at first, going to let Naruto go but he decided instead to just give him one shot and he did.
Naruto was so sure he had gotten away and was quite distraught to find that he had been shot once during his escape. "No matter." Naruto said as he hid behind a wall. "It's only one shot. I'm safe here."
Lee was running around crazily, trying to find someone to shoot. Then he found Naruto. So he pointed his gun directly at Naruto and fired it.
"Hey!" said Naruto angrily.
"Victory!" Lee announced. Naruto was about to shoot Lee back when Lee's backpack went off before he could. Lee looked at the screen. "Sunlight?" he said, looking confused.
"Geez, what fruit named himself 'Sunlight'?" Naruto said.
But Lee continued to be shot by Sunlight so he had to make a quick getaway. Even as he started to run, his backpack continued to go off. Finally, he managed to dive under an overhang, a place where Sunlight was apparently unable to get him. HOW IRONIC! So, after hiding out there for a few moments, he was pretty sure that Sunlight had gone away. He crawled timidly out just a bit, but his backpack immediately went off. Attack of the killer Sunlight!! AHHH!!
So Lee quickly hid back underneath it.
"I'm going to have to spend the rest of the game under here!" complained Lee just as he saw a pair of feet in front of him. He looked up to see Shino standing there. "Are you Sunlight?"
"No, I'm Shino." Shino answered.
"I meant in the game!" Lee said.
"No, I'm not Sunlight." Shino said. "What are you doing under there?"
"Hiding from Sunlight!!" Lee answered. Shino thought about this. It did sound rather silly when taken out of context. "He was constantly attacking me for no reason!"
"Well, I guess he's gone now." Shino said.
Lee got out from underneath the overhang and stood up. "So he is!" he commented. "Thanks Shino, you scared Sunlight away!"
Shino raised an eyebrow and then raised his gun towards Lee. Lee slapped his cheeks and gasped, thinking Shino had betrayed him. "Duck." Shino said. Lee ducked and Shino shot Kiba who was standing there looking like he was about to shoot.
"Aw man!" Kiba said as he waited for his backpack to calm down.
"Kiba, if you don't leave now, I'm going to shoot you again." Shino warned.
"RIGHT!" said Kiba as he quickly ran in the other direction. The last thing he heard was Lee calling after him, asking if he was Sunlight.
Kiba ran as fast he could, looking for someplace to hide even though Shino wasn't even chasing him. Finally, he ran up a few levels to find Neji hunched in a corner with his gun pointed out of a little opening.
"Found you!" Kiba said, raising his gun and shooting.
Neji knew Kiba was there the whole time and actually sort of expected him to shoot him so he was ready to dodge. He landed in front of Kiba and put his hand over the front of the gun.
"I'm on your team." Neji said, glaring at Kiba.
"Oh right!" said Kiba. "Teams! I forgot about those. I don't think they matter, though."
"Then why don't you go shoot Shikamaru or Naruto just not me?" Neji suggested, going back to his position.
"I'll do just that!" Kiba said, giving Neji the thumbs up as he jumped off the ledge and went in search of someone to kill. Neji shook his head and rolled his eyes and then spotted Lee and Shino standing in an opening just talking.
"Got you both." Neji said smugly to himself as he shot both of them.
"AHHHH!!" Lee yelled. "I can't handle the sound of my backpack going off anymore!"
"Come on." Shino said, grabbing Lee and pulling him around a corner where they would be safe from an attack.
"Where are Sasuke and Chouji anyway?" Lee asked.
"I'm right here." Sasuke said, coming around the corner.
"Hi Sasuke." Said Lee. "We're on the same team, right?"
"Yes." Said Sasuke. "We have to find Shikamaru."
"Is Shikamaru Sunlight?" Lee asked.
Sasuke looked at Lee as if he was stupid. "No." he said. "We have to go after him because he shot me and ruined my perfect opportunity to shoot Neji when he wasn't paying attention."
"Sounds like a plan." Shino said.
The three of them started creeping along, searching for Shikamaru. But they were all interrupted because their backpacks exploded with lights and sirens one right after another. All three looked at their screens at the same time to see they had just been shot by someone by the name of 'Matthews'.
"Who is THAT?!" demanded Lee.
Just then, Naruto jumped out from behind a wall and opened fire on all three of them standing there like fools. He laughed heartily at their expense and then remembered that they could now shoot him so he quickly ran away while they shot at him.
"So was Naruto Matthews?" Shino wondered.
"No, I don't think so." Said Sasuke. "From where he was standing before he hit us, he was not in a good position to shoot us. They've got all their players split up around the entire place. No matter where we go, there's always someone watching us."
"That's for sure." Neji said to himself as he looked directly down at the three standing there. He couldn't reach their backpacks at that particular angle. He just needed them to move forward just a little bit. Thanks to the mentioned Matthews, they stopped dead just before he had the chance to take care of them himself and, just when they were going to start walking again, Naruto jumped out. Gosh darn!
Speaking of Naruto, he had just come up behind Neji.
"HAHA!" laughed Naruto as he went to shoot Neji but Neji only spun around and knocked the gun out of Naruto's hand. Since the gun was attached to the backpack, it really only went a few feet and then smashed to the ground.
"I'm on your team you moron!" Neji said, sounding annoyed.
"Oh right…" Naruto said sheepishly. He picked up the gun. Neji shook his head and looked over the ledge again to see that Shino, Sasuke and Lee had already continued walking and were now out of range of the gun.
"Great job, Naruto." Said Neji with a sigh.
"Have you just been sitting here the whole time?" Naruto asked.
"TAKE THIS!!" came Kiba's voice as he appeared out of nowhere and shot Naruto.
"HEY!!" yelled Naruto as he shot Kiba back.
"HEY!!" Kiba yelled as he shot Naruto again.
The two of them continued to shoot each other foolishly as Neji laughed slightly under his breath, only imagining what this act was doing to their score. But then, using his Byakugan, realized that Sasuke was now pointing in his direction. He heard Naruto and Kiba!
"Be quiet you two!" Neji hushed them.
"What?" they both said as they looked at Neji but still continued to shoot each other.
Neji gave an exasperated sigh and realized that he would have to, for the first time in all two of his laser tag experiences, RUN!
So, leaving Naruto and Kiba there, he took off.
Meanwhile, Shikamaru and Chouji were sitting in their little hang out area.
"Have you shot anyone yet, Shikamaru?" Chouji asked, trying to start small talk.
"I've shot you." Shikamaru said.
"I meant BESIDES that!" laughed Chouji.
"There you are!" said Lee, jumping out. He gasped when he saw Shikamaru and started wildly shooting him. "Come on, Chouji, we have to run!!"
Lee grabbed Chouji's arm and attempted to pull him up but Chouji wouldn't budge. As Lee continued to struggle with Chouji's weight, Shikamaru took that opportunity to fire at Lee numerous times.
"Stop, stop, stop!" said Lee, throwing a temper tantrum.
Finally, Lee knew when he was beat, so he left.
"We almost had to be separated, Shikamaru!" said Chouji.
"This is true, Chouji." Said Shikamaru. Of in the distance, he caught sight of a figure…
Naruto was frolicking about, happy as can be. For a moment there, he had forgotten all about the laser tag game and was jerked back into reality when his backpack went off. His first reaction was, instead of running, to look at the screen. "Avenger?!" he gasped. But then the name changed. "Chuunin?! Ahh!! Avenger again!!"
The name kept switching back from Avenger to Chuunin to Avenger to Chuunin again. Then suddenly, the name 'Player Two' came up.
"Player Two?" Naruto said with a raised eyebrow.
He couldn't be confused for very much longer because he was still continuously being bombarded by Avenger and Chuunin. So, instead of standing there for anymore precious minutes, he zoomed off faster than Lee without his weights on to find a place to hide.
"Kiba…I see you…" Naruto said under his breath after the sirens had died down and it was quiet again as he caught sight of Kiba way off in the distance. Kiba's back was turned, almost as if he was in the middle of shooting someone else, so Naruto knew he would never know what hit him.
He shot him and heard the sirens. It was strange, how could he hear the sirens from all the way over here? Then he looked down to see that his backpack was the one emitting the sirens. So he instead looked up to see Sasuke standing over him.
"Hi dead last." Said Sasuke.
"Hey!" said Naruto, standing up. "I was in the middle of something very important!!"
"What was that?" Sasuke said, raising his gun and shooting Naruto again.
"Stop!" said Naruto, shooting Sasuke.
"I don't have any beef with YOU, Naruto." Said Sasuke, putting his hand over Naruto's gun so he would stop shooting. "Just tell me where Shikamaru is and I'll leave you alone for now."
"Why do you want to find Shikamaru?" Naruto asked.
"Because he ruined my chances of having a game where I didn't get hit once in the whole thing." Sasuke answered. "And I want to get back at him."
"I don't know where he is!" said Naruto. "Let go of my gun!"
"Fine." Said Sasuke as he let go and then jumped into the air, landing gracefully on an upper level. Naruto shook his fist at Sasuke, so Sasuke turned around and shot him again.
Sasuke turned around and then he saw it. Sasuke and Chouji sitting right in front of him. He gaped for a moment or so and went to shoot Shikamaru to get his revenge but his backpack began to react. He looked at the screen. "Beast?" he said, sounding angry. "You're next…"
When his backpack finally calmed down, he looked back at Shikamaru; ready to shoot him dead only to find that Shikamaru already had his gun raised and had shot him instead.
"I just want to get my revenge!!" Sasuke said, sounding annoyed.
"Whatever." Said Shikamaru since he didn't really care. So Sasuke slowly and dramatically raised his weapon to shoot Shikamaru but, as fate would have it, his backpack blew up again.
"Who is it this time?!" Sasuke demanded, looking at the screen with utter disgust in his face and tone. "SUNLIGHT?! Who in their right mind would name himself SUNLIGHT?" But he didn't have time to insult Sunlight any further because Sunlight currently was sniping him out like there was no tomorrow. Sasuke knew that his score now was pretty much gone since he hadn't really shot all that many people and had got shot more times than he could count just trying to get his revenge on Shikamaru… Chuunin…
So he dove behind a wall so he was pretty much staring Shikamaru and Chouji in the face.
"Now's my chance." He observed, raising his gun. He shot directly at Shikamaru who looked like he couldn't possibly care less even if he TRIED but nothing happened. Sasuke looked at his gun to see the screen read, "Game Over". "Game Over? Who is that?!"
"It means the game is over." Shikamaru said, standing up.
"WHAT?!" Sasuke demanded.
But it was only a matter of time before everyone eventually made it back to the main area where they would learn their scores.
"The winning team is the Red Team!" announced the jounin behind the counter.
"YAY!!" cheered the Red Team.
"Now, as you know, getting hit is –100 points." The jounin explained as he stacked all the individual scorecards up. "Hitting someone is 100 points. Hitting your own teammate is –500."
"WHAT?!" yelled Kiba and Naruto. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US, NEJI?!"
"All right," said the jounin behind the counter. "Even though the Red Team won, the individual winner for the game was on the Blue Team who managed not to get hit a single time! Sunlight with 3400!"
"I'll take that." Neji said, stepping forward and taking the card.
"NEJI?!" gasped Lee. "YOU were Sunlight?! I should have recognized your familiar style of play from before!"
"Why would you name yourself Sunlight?" said Naruto, looking slightly offended.
"Because I'm a Hyuuga." Neji said. "Hyuuga means sunlight."
"Oh." Said Naruto. "I thought you were just a pansy."
"I'm not a pansy." Said Neji, just realizing that it must have seemed like he was since it was kind of a silly name to pick for himself. "Now you all have to admit that I'm not bad at EVERYTHING."
"Okay, okay!" said Kiba. "You're not bad at EVERYTHING. You can fight, do the Macarena and play laser tag."
Neji only glared in response. He looked at his scorecard. He was actually a little disappointed with his score because his previous one had been almost triple the one he had now. But he couldn't argue because it's not like any of the people he was trying to prove himself knew that.
"ANYWAY!" said the jounin. "In second place is 'Chuunin'!"
"You HAD to name yourself Chuunin and continue to rub it in our faces, didn't you?" Sasuke said to Shikamaru. Shikamaru only looked at him weird as Shino took the card from the man.
"Shino, why did you name yourself Chuunin?" asked Kiba. "You're not a Chuunin! You're a Genin!"
"I know." Said Shino, gripping the scorecard so tightly that he crumbled it.
"Third place is 'Player Two' with 200 points!" said the jounin.
"THAT one is me, I believe." Shikamaru said, taking the card.
"Shikamaru, why did you name yourself Player Two?" Chouji asked.
"I didn't put a name in for myself." Shikamaru shrugged. "And I guess I was the second person in line."
"All right, all right, settle down everyone!" said Naruto. "I'm next!"
"The rest of the scores are in the negative numbers, just so you know." The jounin said. Sasuke snapped his fingers and swore under his breath. "And next is someone who didn't even fire once! Chouji with –100 points!"
"I'm glad you're the only one who shot me, Shikamaru!" said Chouji, looking at the scorecard.
"You're supposed to think up a nickname for yourself." Said Kiba.
"I thought we were just putting our regular names in." Chouji admitted.
"Fifth place is Lotus with –1300!" said the jounin behind the counter.
"Wow, that was really bad." Said Lee with a sigh as he took the card. "Neji! You shot me eleven times!"
"So?" Neji said.
Sasuke was realizing that maybe he shouldn't have come to prove to everyone that he was cooler than they originally thought. Because he was only succeeding in proving that he was less cool than everyone originally thought.
"Avenger is in sixth place with –1500 points!" said the jounin.
"Damn." Said Sasuke, tearing the card out of the jounin's hand and inspecting it. "I thought Chuunin was Shikamaru so I was trying to find him the whole time instead of shooting other people. That reminds me. Shino, we were on the same team, why did you shoot me?"
"I just saw a figure and I shot it." Shino admitted.
"You can use that as your excuse, Sasuke, but you know you're just lying to yourself!" Naruto said.
"You're one to talk." Said Sasuke. "You're coming in a lower place than me."
"Not by much!" said Naruto. "I'm next!"
"Not unless you're Matthews with –8400 points!" said the jounin.
"YAHOO!" cheered Kiba, taking the card. "Wait a second, that's bad."
"Matthews?" said Shino. "What is Matthews?"
"It's from a show I like." Kiba said in that none-of-your-business tone.
"And that means, in last place is Beast with –12300 points!" said the jounin, handing the last card to Naruto.
"Ahh!" Naruto said, looking at the card. "Neji shot me fifteen times, Sasuke shot me eight times and Shino shot me six times and Lee shot me twice!! And Kiba shot me a zillion times!! This is unbelievable!"
"Dead last once again, Naruto." Said Sasuke but then he regretted it a second later. Why, you ask? Well, read on friend.
"But Sasuke, if memory serves correctly you got –13900 points in the first time around!" said Lee. "That is over ten thousand less points than Naruto!"
"Didn't the scorekeeper also say that that was the lowest score ever recorded at this place?" Neji felt he needed to add even though he wasn't sticking up for Naruto, he was just proving his was better than Sasuke.
It was one of those times that Sasuke wished some girls were there to stick up for him as he watched everyone slowly start to make fun of him. But he kept telling himself that at least he bettered himself from last time. He had gone up by 12400 points even though he was still in the negative numbers. At least his increase was more points than Naruto had total! Oh geez… we better leave before Sasuke makes himself think that he deserves first place just because he improved so much.
hahaha..good stuff...heres the site if you wanna read the rest of the chapters...
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
hey hows it goin'? yeah i haven't posted in awhile...i think you all know by now that i am lazy...i am also sick right now...i have a HUGE throat is sore..and my nose is stuffy...why do i get sick when i have no school?!?! damn it...i should get sick when there is school...*sigh*...well i guess ill see you guys around..and i wiil now end with quotes from different animes...
Inu Yasha:
Girl 1: Hey, where did you run off to? I even promised to bear your child!
Girl 2: What are you talking about! I'm gonna have his child. m~e!
Miroku: Ah, is that so? Well then, if you would form a line over here...
Miroku: The demons will surely attack again. The princess would undoubtedly be safer if she were to stay here with in the same room sharing the same bedding.
Inuyasha: He's at it again! and I suppose you need to search her robes while your at it ya pervert!
Yu Yu Hakusho:
Kuwabara: If he's trying to win the guy over, I don't think it's going to work
Yusuke: Well, everything's coming up roses
Kuwabara: It smells girly...I don't think I like it
Yusuke: Oh, so I guess he should be a tough guy like you and be obsessed with kittens?
Yusuke: Look all I'm saying is that I could REALLY use your help on this one. Kuwabara could really use your help on this one.
Hiei: But I hate Kuwabara.
Sasuke: It seems pointless to talk about dreams, thats just a word... but what I do have is determination. I plan to restore my clan. And there is someone I have kill.
Sakura: He is so cool¢¾
Naruto: Sure hope it's not me...
Sasuke: *inside Haku's mirrors* I have to trust Naruto to set me free from the outside..
Naruto: *inside Haku's mirrors* Yo! Sasuke! Im here to rescue you!
Sasuke: You dumbass! No stealth...No caution...and you call yourself a ninja?!?! Now that you've gotten yourself trapped in here with me...just do what you want. I dont really care.
Naruto: Oh, fine!!! I went through hell to rescue you, and this is the thanks i get?!?!
Rurouni Kenshin:
Kaoru: Yahiko, you'll never get popular with girls if you have that kind of attitude.
Yahiko: Well, how do you think you'll ever get a boyfriend if you have a face like that?
Kenshin: Oro?!
Kenshin: Hmm... How old was I again? *counts on fingers* One - two - three...
Yahiko: That lady was really pretty, wasn't she? So much better than some girl's around here.
Kaoru: What's that supposed to mean?!
Sano: Yahiko, please tell me you got her name?
Yahiko: But of course!
Sano: Good boy!
Kaoru: You're both idiots!
Kaoru: Hey, how come your only eating her side of the food? My side hasn't been touched!
Yahiko: No one wants to die!
Yahiko: you mean, if a man gives a girl a ring, he's asking her to marry him?
Sano: That's unfair. Kenshin doesnt know anything about this western tradition.
Kenshin: I...I thought I'm just giving her a gift for her birthday...O_O;;
Yahiko: So that's why Kaoru's been so happy lately. she thinks she and Kenshin are getting hitched!
Sano: We must get that ring back! Right, Kenshin?...Oh no! He fainted!
hahahaha....good stuff...
-DuoMaxwell2o6 -_-'
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
100th wallpaper!

yes i just turned in my 100th wallpaper! its shikamaru(duh). i cant beleive ive done 100 wallpapers...thats amazing...well..thanks to the people that liked my wallpapers..and i will be making more! well...i guess ill see you guys around...hahaha
-duo the lazy one-
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Spring Break...
YEAHHHH!!! TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING BREAK!!!! I HAVE ONE WEEK OF NO SCHOOL, NO TEACHERS, AND NO WAKING UP EARLY!!!! yes i finally get to sleep in!! here are some things i will do over the week:
1.sleep (very long time) t.v.
3.go on computer video games
5.sleep some more
hahahahaha....yes...well im done and now for pics!

-duo the lazy one-
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