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Sunday, March 13, 2005
Ninja Chat Line
Konoha Ninjas would like to Chat
avenger13: sasuke
weaponmaster88: ten ten
dogsrule: kiba
blossoms9: sakura
sexygal-ino: ino (DUH)
lavendergirl: hinata
ramenhokage: naruto
gejimaiyuu: lee
Hyuuga7: neji
bugs: shino
troublesome: shikamaru
EaTiNg Is GoOd FoR yOu: chouji
On a rainy, boring day, Haruno Sakura was on her computer. Suddenly…
weaponmaster88 would like to chat.
Sakura smiled. She double-clicked on the name.
On the computer screen
weaponmaster88: Hi Sakura
blossoms9: Hi TenTen!
weaponmaster88: So whatcha doing?
blossoms9: nothing special…how about you?
weaponmaster88: Not much either…I’m just polishing one of my old kunais…
sexygal-ino has joined the conversation.
sexygal-ino: hi gals! Whatcha doin’?
blossoms9: we’re not doing much…
weaponmaster88: Ino, what’s with your screen name?
sexygal-ino: Like it? I think it’s cool!
weaponmaster88: and you DO know that “cool” means “constipated, over-weighted, over-hated, loser”, right?
blossoms9: Good one, TenTen! That’s a nice diss!
weaponmaster88: Dude, I didn’t mean it to be an insult!
sexygal-ino: …
blossoms9: Ino, what’s wrong?
sexygal-ino has signed out. (14:23:46)
blossoms9: whoops…I think we hurt her feelings…
weaponmaster88: What! How! That wasn’t even an insult or a diss! And plus, Ino doesn’t get hurt THAT easily…She usually comes up with a good comeback!
lavendergirl has signed in.
lavendergirl has joined the conversation.
lavendergirl: um…hi TenTen…hi Sakura…
weaponmaster88: Hi Hinata!
blossoms9: yeah, hi!
lavendergirl: so, um…what’s going on?
ramenhokage has signed in.
ramenhokage has joined the conversation.
ramenhokage: HI GIRLS!
blossoms9: Naruto!
weaponmaster88: What are you doing, joining in our chat! Go chat with the boyz instead!
blossoms9: yeah I agree
ramenhokage: well, you see…I WAS chatting with Sasuke, Neji, Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, Shino, and Lee, but…
blossoms9: but WHAT?
ramenhokage: they ordered me to go get some other people to join the chat, and so they blocked me! That’s why I’m here, so that I can ask you girls whether we boys can join the conversation!
weaponmaster88: hmm…if that’s the case, that’s okay with me…
blossoms9: well, Sasuke-kun is always welcome!
lavendergirl: um…I…I’m okay with it too…
ramenhokage: that’s GREAT! I’ll call the boys!
ramenhokage has signed out. (14:31:56)
ramenhokage has signed in.
ramenhokage has joined the conversation.
blossoms9: well? Are they joining or not?
ramenhokage: yeah, they are! Just wait a moment.
dogsrule has joined the conversation.
dogsrule: hi peoplez!
blossoms9: hi
lavendergirl: um…hi Kiba…
dogsrule: heya Hinata!
ramenhokage: hey mutt-face! When are the other boys coming?
dogsrule: MUTT-FACE! Who’re you calling MUTT-FACE, you f!cking #!
ramenhokage: just answer my freakin’ question DAMMIT!
dogsrule: hmph! They’re coming in a second, okay? Sheesh!
weaponmaster88: hey cut the argument guys!
gejimaiyuu has joined the conversation.
gejimaiyuu: HEY EVERYONE! It’s ME, the beautiful green beast of Konoha!
weaponmaster88: Lee, just shut-up and take a chill-pill.
blossoms9: um…0o
ramenhokage: Hi, GEJIMAIYUU! LOL that’s funny!
dogsrule: LMFAO!
lavendergirl: um…what does that mean?
ramenhokage: You don’t know Hinata? It means LAUGH MY F!CKING A$$ OFF!
lavendergirl: …
weaponmaster88: Lee, what’s with the name?
gejimaiyuu: oh, this? Well you see, the boys and I were playing online truth-or-dare, and I got dared to change my screen name to…to…
blossoms9: NARUTO! You’re so rude!
gejimaiyuu: don’t worry, Sakura-san! Even though my beautiful eyebrows of Gai-sensei have been mocked, I WILL STILL REMAIN AS THE BREAUTIFUL GREEN BEAST OF KONOHA!
ramenhokage: o0
dogsrule: o0
blossoms9: o0
lavendergirl: …
weaponmaster88: …
Hyuuga7 has joined the conversation.
Hyuuga7: Lee, sensei is looking for you.
gejimaiyuu has signed out. (14:45:31)
weaponmaster88: Neji, is sensei really looking for Lee?
Hyuuga7: No, I just lied to make him go away.
dogsrule: YEAH! Nice idea, Hyuuga!
blossoms9: um…where are the others? Like Sasuke-kun…
Hyuuga7: They’re coming.
weaponmaster88: But WHEN?
Hyuuga7: Right now.
Avenger13 has joined the conversation.
bugs has joined the conversation.
troublesome has joined the conversation.
EaTiNg Is GoOd FoR yOu has joined the conversation.
ramenhokage: Hey Sasuke! You’re LATE!
Avenger13: Shut-up, dobe.
troublesome: man this sucks…
EaTiNg Is GoOd FoR yOu: Hi everyone!
bugs: …
dogsrule: looks like everyone is here!
weaponmaster88: whoa…just how many people are in this conversation! A million!
Hyuuga7: No, there are 10 people, not a million.
weaponmaster88: shut-up, you stuck-up obnoxious chauvinistic pig with an over-sized ego!
lavendergirl: wow…
blossoms9: I’ve never heard that much insults in one sentence for THE Hyuuga Neji…
Hyuuga7: …wench.
weaponmaster88: HA! Is that all you can come up with, Hyuuga Neji? You warthog!
Hyuuga7: …b!tch…
ramenhokage: whoa…break it up, peoplez!
dogsrule: what a weird couple. They’re perfect for each other!
weaponmaster88: !
Hyuuga7: …
bugs: …
EaTiNg Is GoOd FoR yOu: I can already feel the tension…
Avenger13: Hn.
troublesome: that was SO not wise…how troublesome…
ramenhokage: is it just me, or do I feel killer-intent?
lavendergirl: be careful, Kiba-kun…
blossoms9: not wise…not wise at all…
dogsrule: h…hey guys, help me out here!
Hyuuga7 has signed out. (14:56:47)
weaponmaster88 has signed out. (14:56:49)
ramenhokage: They’re out to get you!
blossoms9: sorry Kiba.
lavendergirl: I’m sorry…
blossoms9 has signed out. (14:58:34)
lavendergirl has signed out. (14:58:36)
dogsrule: w…would someone help me!
ramenhokage: sorry, you’re on your own, mutt-face!
dogsrule: H…Hey!
ramenhokage has signed out. (14:59:25)
dogsrule: Sh..Shino? We’re TEAMMATES, remember? Come on and help me!
bugs: …
bugs has signed out. (14:59:34)
dogsrule: NOOO! Shino, you BETRAYER!
EaTiNg Is GoOd FoR yOu: um…bye!
troublesome: figure out on your own what you have to do… dumbass...
dogsrule: NOO! DON’T LEAVE ME!
Avenger13: hn. Bye, loser.
Avenger13 has signed out. (15:00:14)
troublesome has signed out. (15:00:16)
EaTiNg Is GoOd FoR yOu has signed out. (15:00:19)
dogsrule: NOOOO! I’m too YOUNG to die!
dogsrule: I have to do something…
dogsrule: If I strike back, I might make it out alive…
dogsrule: But that TenTen girl isn’t as weak as she was 2 years ago…She has over 110 accuracy with weapons! I’ll get my throat slit! But I MIGHT be able to outrun her…if I TRY…
dogsrule: Wait! But even if I manage to escape from the girl, I’ll be KILLED by Hyuuga Neji! NOO!
dogsrule: …huh? I hear a crash downstairs…could it be…?
dogsrule has signed out. (15:02:11)
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Naruto and Ino Blond Jokes
"These were from I did not make this. It was so funny i had to put it one here! And if you are a blond dont read this."
Naruto and Ino were sitting down by the bridge waiting for both their teams to show up when Naruto saked
"Which is further, London or the Moon?"
"HELLOOOOO, can you see London from here?????!!!!!" Ino replied
Ino went to eletronics store and she asked, "How is much is this TV?"
The salesman said, "Sorry, we don''t sell to blondes."
The next day Ino came back as a brunette. She asked the salesman how much the TV was. He said, "Sorry, we don''t sell to blondes."
The next day she came back as a red head and asked the salesman how much the TV was. He said, "Sorry we don''t sell to blondes."
Ino replied, " I came in here as a brunette and a red head. How do you know I am a blonde?"
"Because that is not a TV, it''s a microwave."
One day, Naruto was at home putting together a puzzle. He was really stumped and very frustrated, so he decided to ask his friend, Sasuke for help.
"It's supposed to be a tiger!" Naruto cried.
''Baka," said Sasuke, "Put the Frosted Flakes back in the box!"
Ino and Naruto were on opposite sides of a lake.
Ino yelled to Naruto, "How do you get to the other side?"
"You are on the other side," Naruto yelled back.
Naruto and Hinata were happily married and about to have a baby. One day, Hinata started having contractions, so Naruto rushed her to the hospital. He held her hand as she went through a trying birth. In the end, there were two little baby boys.
Naruto turned to his wife and angrily said, "All right, who's the other father!?!"
One day, Ino's neighbor, Sakura goes over to her house, sees her crying, and asks her what happened. Ino said that her mother had passed away. Sakura made her some coffee and calmed her down a little and then left. The next day Sakura went back over to the house and found the Ino crying again. She asked her why she was crying this time.
''I just got off of the phone with my sister, her mother died too!''
Sasuke took his girlfriend, Ino, to the movies. During the pre-views, she asked him if he would go and buy her some M & Ms.
When Sasuke returned with her candy, Ino opened the bag, picked out all the brown ones and threw them away.
"What did you do that for?" Sasuke asked her.
"I'm allergic to chocolate!" Ino replied.
Inu and Naruto were in the field one fine summer day. While following a game trail, they came across a pair of tracks. "Look! a pair of tracks" Naruto said while pointing to the ground.
"Those are deer tracks," Ino replied.
"Oh no," Naruto said, "Those are definitely moose tracks."
With this, they began to argue. In fact, they were still arguing when the train hit them.
Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are on a dangerous mission when they find an old barn to hide out in. The hunter-nins are close on their tails, so when they find three sacks, they immediately jump into them. About a minute later, a Hunter-nin comes into the barn and sees the suspicious-looking sacks. He kicks the first one.
"Meow," says Sakura.
"It must be a cat," thinks the hunter and he kicks the second sack.
"Woof," says Sasuke.
"Must be a dog," thinks the hunter and he kicks the third sack.
"Potatoes," says Naruto.
Naruto and Ino are walking down the street when one of them looks down and finds a mirror.
Ino picks it up, looks into it, and says, "WOW! I know this person. I've seen this person somewhere before..."
Naruto takes the mirror, looks into it, and says, "Duh, of course you have. That's me!"
Ino and her dad were walking, her dad pointed down and said "look a dead bird." Ino looked up and said, ''Where?''
- Ino was swerving all over the road and driving very badly, so she got pulled over by a cop.
Sasuke, the cop walked up to her window and asked, "Miss, why are you driving so recklessly?"
Ino said, "I'm sorry sir, but wherever I go, there's always a tree in front of me and I can't seem to get away from it!"
The cop looked at her and said, "Lady, that's your air freshener!"
- Ino goes into a laundry mat and asks to have her sweater cleaned. The laundromat attendant doesn’t hear her correctly and says, “Come again?” Ino blushes slightly and giggles, “Oh, no it’s just mustard this time.” (if you dint get it well to bad...)
---Ino was cooking dinner, when her kitchen caught on fire. So she called 911 and said, "My kitchen is on fire!"
They asked, "How do we get there?"
Ino said, "Well, DUH, the big red truck!"
---Naruto walked into the barbershop while wearing a head set wearing a headset and says he wants his hair dyed brown.
The barber asks him to take off the headphones. The blonde boy refuses, but the barber dyes it anyway.
Naruto fell asleep so the barber takes the headphones off and continued dying his hair.
Two minutes later he is shocked to find the blonde is dead. The barber puts on the headphones and there's a voice repeating, "Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out."
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Anime World
this idea popped into my mind...what would happen if someone gave you a choice to live in your favorite anime or stay in your regular just asking. for me i would travel between the two worlds when i feel like it...i mean living in an anime would be cool and fun but leaving my friends and family isnt cool. i would of course live in naruto. how about you guys? would you stay in the real world or live in your fav. anime or travel between the worlds? what anime would you live in? im doing this because im bored...
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
They would never say that!
Every Naruto character has a different personality and there are some things they would just never say.
Naruto: “Shut up, Sakura I don’t want to be Hokage today”
Naruto: "Ramen again?!?! Dont you have anything else to eat?!?!"
Sasuke: “I'm sorry Itachi I don’t feel like fighting today”
Sasuke:-looking in the mirror- "Okay, got to look good for my fan girls!"
Sasuke: "Sakura, i love you!"
Sasuke: "Hey...I am a pretty boy!"
Jiraiya: “Oh man not another naked chick.”
Jiraiya: “Do you guys think of anything besides women?”
Jiraiya: “Ahh the fourth was not anything special.”
Jiraiya: “That’s right I'm a virgin and proud of it.”
Jiraiya: “I Jiraiya solemnly swear never to look at another boob.”
Jiraiya: “I love big butts and I can not lie.”
Ino: “ Who cares about looks.”
Ino: “Eww I hate purple.”
Ino: "Sakura you win, i suck.."
Itachi: “I’m so weak I wish I wasn’t such a woman.”
Itachi: “Violence isn’t necessary can’t we all just get along.”
Itachi: “I want my mommy….”
Itachi: "I've missed you bro..."
Shino: “Oh my god, did you see the size of that bug?”
Shino: “Eww get that thing out of your mouth you don’t know were it has been.”
Shino: "EWWW! A BEETLE! KILL IT! KILL IT! (screams like a girl)
Tsunade: “I hate being young I wish I didn’t have this jutsu going.”
Tsunade: “Mmmmm grubs slimy yet satisfying.”
Gai: “That’s it I'm shaven these ugly eyebrows.”
Choji: “I lost 300 pounds on the subway diet.”
Choji: “Oooooh no not another bite.”
Choji: “No thanks Shino I'm not hungry.”
Gaara: “I hate sand I think I'm allergic to it.”
Gaara: "Temari, Kankurou do you love me?"
Gaara: "I dont feel like killing anyone today.."
Gaara: "Do we have to fight? Why cant we like play house or something?"
Orochimaru: “Ok lets pretend I'm straight for one minute…..”
Orochimaru: "I hate snakes..they are so creepy!"
Kankurou: “Hey Gaara, can I build a sand castle with your sand?"
Hinata: “I love you Neji.”
Hinata: "Come here and kiss me, Naruto you nine tailed bastard!"
Neji: “I love you too Hinata.”
Neji: "Lee is so much stronger than me"
Shikamaru: “I'm sooo hyper lets run laps around Kohana for a hour.”
Shikamaru: “Ino I hate you, your such a bitch. Yet you’re so hot marry me?”
Shikamaru: "Clouds suck."
Shikamaru: "I feel like doing something productive, that takes a lot of effort!"
Kakashi: “I think I'm going to show up for training early today.”
Kakashi: “Man my partners died.. oh well better them than me.”
Kakashi: "Why am I reading this book? It's so nasty!"
Sakura: “Screw this, this ninja thing ain't for me I just wanted to be near Naruto.”
Sakura: “Damn Sasuke you’re even uglier than I am.”
Sakura: “Damn Sasuke get a hair cut.”
Sakura: "Sasuke why are you so annoying? Why cant you be more like Naruto?!?!
Haku: “ I hate you Zabuza shove it.”
Haku: “Wow I make a pretty good looking girl… pass the lip stick please.”
The third: “This village sucks I'm moving to Hawaii.”
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
Addicted to Naruto?
The 35 reasons to find out if you are addicted to Naruto. From Naruto
01. Dye your hair blonde and try to walk up a tree.
02. Live by a strict diet of only ramen.
03. Call your semester examine a chuunin exam.
04. Trade in your favorite hat for a forehead protector.
05. Roll your eyes back in your head and shout “byakugan”.
06. Copy every thing a person does and claim it’s your bloodline.
07. Stay up all night waiting for the release of the next manga chapter.
08. Start adding the words chan and kan on the end of your friends names.
09. Paste a piece of paper that says come come paradise on the front of adult books.
10. Jump off a cliff and attempt to use Kuchiyose No Jutsu to summon the toad king.
11. Keep all your money in a frog shaped wallet.
12. Memorize the 64 points of Ninpou.
13. Stick your hand in a electric box and scream “chidori” as you pass out.
14. Join a website and use the name Neji as your s/n.
15. Start to call your teachers Sennin.
16. Claim your going to kill your best friend so you can have a better Sharigan.
17. Sit in your local book store and read the manga all day.
18. When someone ask you who your dream girl is and you say Ino.
19. Agree to stay up and write this list so you can be added to the staff of Naruto Central.
20. Spend your week searching down Naruto sites.
21. Refuse a date because your saving yourself for Sakura.
22. Graduate high school and proclaim yourself as an Anbu.
23. Cry at the flash back scenes of Sasuke’s family.
24. Try to hit Itachi through the screen when he tortures Sasuke.
25. Put a picture of Hinata in your wallet and tell your friends it’s your girlfriend.
26. List Anbu as current occupation on a job application.
27. Can spout out a random character quote on command.
28. Draw symbols on a scroll and try to seal a whole in a wall with it
29. Sneak around and try to beat your grand father.
30. Wake up in the middle of the night and scream “Ttachi why?!?!”
31. Eat all day and all night, and then try to roll into a ball and run someone down.
32. Get bit by a snake and decide stabbing the wound is a good idea.
33. Eead manga 24 hrs non stop just so u can read more.
34. Decide that if u can’t hit a tree 1500 times then You’ll jump rope 1500 times.
35. Decide to call your moral code your “ninja way”.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Quotes from Naruto
Kankuro: "You're an interesting guy, I like you."
Naruto: "You're not interesting, I don't like you."
Kankuro: *thinking* This brat...I'm going to kill him.
Gai: "Youth is sweet and sour and sometimes strict Kakashi"
Kakashi: "Did you say something"
Gai: "Oh my god!!! That was pretty good rival Kakashi. That reaction is somewhat 'modern' and it pisses me off."
Gai: "Lee!!"
Lee: "Sensei!!"
Gai: "Lee!!"
Lee: "Sensei!!" (hugs and sunset and beautiful waves)
Quotes from Jiraiya :
- "Shut up you flat-chested bitch Tsunade!"
- " Die! Just Die! You have no talent at all!!"
Quotes from Naruto :
- "My name is Uzumaki Naruto! I'm not going to lose to any of you!"
- "Uhh..I got to take a leak.
- "Sasuke! Sasuke! Its all about Sasuke! Bleah!
Quotes from Sasuke :
- "There are tons of things I dislike and I don't really like anything."
- "Why do this two always wake up feeling dramatic?!?"
- "If your so tired of being in my debt, why dont you get better than me?"
- "I am an AVENGER"
Quotes from Kakashi :
- "Hmm how shall I say this... My first impression is... I don't like you guys."
- "I have no desire to tell you guys about my likes and dislikes"
- "Sorry guys, I'm afraid I got lost on the way here...
Quotes from Sakura :
- "You're too unique for my tastes!"
- "Sasuke-kun!!"
- "I can fight too!" (yea right)
- "It's your turn to watch my back!"
Quotes from Shikamaru :
- "How troublesome"
- "Why am I always the only one who has to fight girls?"
- "What a pain in the butt!"
- "Survival eh? Another pain-in-the-neck-exam! BLEAH!
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Duo Maxwell Quotes from:
"Great. How come I end up as the bad guy here?"
"He just goes and puts a broken bone back! That just totally grosses me out just thinking about it!"
"If I had his personality, I'd kill myself." ~ about Heero
"Just you wait! The God of Death will ride again!! But RIGHT NOW.......I need some sleep."
"The God of Death is back from Hell!"
"In that case...tag along on my journey to Hell!"
"If you're joking, that's cruel. But if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse!"
"Names are things other people give you - there's no sense worrying about it. What's important is that we have a home to go back to."
"Don't go gettin' me mad!"
"Wellllll, excuuuuuse me for being a mere mortal!"
"My mommy told me that real men don't scream..."
"Man. This time, try to use your head a bit, will ya?"
"They all used to hate war just the other day! Why go start another one? If you want a war so much...then why don't you jerks all go fight each other?!"
"I'm only alive through luck anyway. If someone's gonna do the dirty work, it should be me."
"I'm no kid! My name's Duo - Duo Maxwell - who may run and hide, but never tells a lie! I'm not just a demon. I'm the God of Death!"
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Sleep the best thing in the world next to anime.......
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Me and my Shadow

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Duo and Deathscythe
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