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myOtaku.com: DuoMaxwell2o6

Friday, May 6, 2005

   Naruto Personality Test
....ok it wasnt really a test that i took....but its answered the way naruto would answer it! i didnt make it soooo.....dont sue me!
ill post more when the other characters come out.....this is a fanfic....dont sue!

From: anonymous

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:48:36 PM

To: Naruto

do this personality test


What�s your christened name?: Uzumaki Naruto, the one and only ninja to be the next hokage after tsunade-bachan

Village: Konoha
Eyes: eh� blue!
Height: I know I�m short!
Siblings: nope

What time is it? 7:00

Are you bored? Yes�

Nicknames: HOKAGE-SAMA!

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10 october

Hair Color: Blond

What things make you most happy: when I�m with my friends

What things make you sad: when they ignore me

What things annoy you the most: sasuke

Name of person who sent this to you: his name is � anonymous!

Do you like him or her: how would I know.

What was the last thing you ate? Ramen

Who was the last person you talked to? Sasuke

What was the last thing you said? Shut up you idiot!

What�s your marital status? Eh�

Do you have a crush? Eh.. Sakura-chan desu

What�s the coolest thing you�ve ever done? Painting the stone figures of the previous Hokages. And I got caught by iruka-sensei� and he gave us a test adfter that, THEN I USED MY SEXY NO JUTSU TO DEFEAT IRUKA-SENSEI! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA�

Dumbest thing? When I tried to hug sakura-chan, and she gave me a punch in the face�

What do you spend most of your time doing? Eating ramen

Summer or Winter? Winter, that time I had a mission in a winter city

Spring or Fall? Spring! That�s the season of sakura

Coffee or Tea? Ramen soup

Hugs or Kisses? BOTH!

Hot or Cold? �

Black or White? �



Favorite Sport: mission!

Favorite Animal: Frog and toad. My wallet is a frog, kawaii!


Least Favorite food:

Favorite month: mission month

Favorite day of the week: mission day

Least Favorite day of the week: day when I have to see sasuke�

What�s your favorite type of weather?

Favorite things to do: go mission with my team, eat ramen with iruka-sensei, play pranks on the whole village!

Favorite type of music: NARUTO OST!

Favorite fast-food restaurant: is Ichiraku ramen counted?

Favorite place to go on vacation to: go visit the Kazekage! Ya and get buffeted by the sandy winds�

Shampoo: what�
Colour: ORANGE! If not why am I wearing orange?
Day or night: Day, so I can see when I play pranks on others
T.V Programme: � ME!
Cartoon Character(s): ME!
Cartoon: ME!
Advert: what�s this�
Ice Cream: �

Subject: YUCK!
Drink: �
Celebrity: ME!
Footballer: ME!� eh, I just realize I don�t play eh, football, what�s that?

RIGHT NOW-------

What�s the weather like now? (Looks out the window) ah I can see shikamaru there watching clouds!

What are you wearing now: my black t-shirt!

Your Hair now is: blond
what are you Eating now: RAMEN
what are you drinking now: RAMEN SOUP!
what are you listening to now: MY ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK III


Cried: no, I swore not to cry anymore.
Met Someone New: hmm. No, unless you consider Fuzzy eyebrows� new look, he cut his hair and trimmed his eyebrows�
Cleaned Your Room: (looked around the house) eh, no
Done laundry: (Looked around the house and saw a heap of clothes) eh, no
Drove A Car: eh, what�s a car?


Yourself: YES!
Friends: YESSS! I will protect those precious to me!

Tooth fairy: what�s that?
Destiny/Fate: NO! Neji believed in that, but all thanks to me he doesn�t now see how great i am now?
Angels:� is hokage-jichan considered? I just saw him last night, standing in front of my bed�
UFO's: eh� nanda kore?

have you ever------

Have you ever Been So Drunk You Blacked Out: how many times I have to say I�m still not of age to drink SAKE!
Have You Put A Body Part On Fire For Amusement: � I wish I could do it on Sasuke
Have You Been Hurt Emotionally: (sniff)
Kept A Secret From Everyone: DUH!
Had A Crush On A Teacher: No. all my sensei are male, ok a few females.
Ever Thought An Animated Character Was HOT: you�re talking about me?
Cut Your Own Hair: yes actually, when I was a little sad when Sakura-chan rejected me�


Who Have You Known The Longest Of Your Friends: Iruka-sensei, sakura-chan, sasuke, chouji, shikamaru, kiba, ino, hinata, shino�
Who is the dookiest: SASUKE
Who is the prettiest: Sakura-chan

Who Is The Loudest: ME! Eh, actually no, wait till you see Iruka-sensei and that closet pervert.
Whoz da fittest: ME!
Who is the weirdest: shino� I just don�t understand what�s the point of hiding half your face under the collar of your shirt and wearing black glasses. Oh yea, and also Kakashi-sensei. that mask...

Who do you go to for advice: do I need it?
What Is The Best Feeling In The World: TO BE THE HOKAGE!

The Worst Feeling In The World: when sasuke looks cooler than me...
Who Will Respond To This E-mail Fastest: hmmm� sasuke. He has nothing to do these days
Who Are You Going To Send This To: everyone I know!

Would you like your friends to write back? YES!

What would you like to let your friends know: I�ll protect you all!


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