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Monday, May 9, 2005

   Sasuke's Personality Test
...hahaha....you guys read the one with naruto answering the questions.....now its sasuke's turn...hahahaha...some of naruto's answers are still on here and sasuke comments about them.....naruto answers are in () those thing..(i know what their called...i just dont know how to spell it...-_-')

From: Naruto ( hokage ramenhotmail . com)

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:48:36 PM

To: Sasuke ( uchiha sharingan hotmail . com)

Naruto: do this personality test. It�s FUN!


What�s your christened name?: Uchiha Sasuke (Uzumaki Naruto, the one and only ninja to be the next hokage after tsunade-bachan) you don�t have to elaborate�

Village: Konoha
Eyes: black, unless it�s the sharingan, it�ll be red.
Height: taller than Naruto. (I know I�m short!) see what I mean?
Siblings: (flinch) no� he er, left.

What time is it?: 6:00 in the morning.

Are you bored?: Of course

Nicknames: none, no one gave me one. (HOKAGE!) sorry, no one called you that ever.

Gender: Male

Birthday: 23 july

Hair Color: black

What things make you most happy: none. All right, when I see naruto act stupid.

What things make you sad: � I REFUSE to answer this.

What things annoy you the most: NARUTO (sasuke) just as I thought, well, same goes for you, DOBE!

Name of person who sent this to you: naruto

Do you like him or her: no, he�s annoying.

What was the last thing you ate?: rice

Who was the last person you talked to?: Kakashi

What was the last thing you said?: I�m going home, and stop reading that book.

What�s your marital status?: single

Do you have a crush?: No.

What�s the coolest thing you�ve ever done?: I�m always cool standing beside Naruto, if you get what I mean. (Painting the stone figures of the previous Hokages. And I got caught by iruka-sensei� and he gave us a test after that, THEN I USED MY SEXY NO JUTSU TO DEFEAT IRUKA-SENSEI! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA�) that�s idiotic�

Dumbest thing?: Do I look dumb to you? (When I tried to hug sakura-chan, and she gave me a punch in the face�) serve you right

What do you spend most of your time doing?: Training, to get stronger, to kill that�

Summer or Winter?: Winter, it�s quiet

Spring or Fall?: No preference

Coffee or Tea?: tea (Ramen soup) is that suppose to be a drink?

Hugs or Kisses?: none

Hot or Cold?: �

Black or White?: black

Goal in life: to kill itachi. (TO BE THE HOKAGE AND SURPASS THE PREVIOUS ONES) dream on.


Favorite Sport: training

Favorite Animal: none (Frog and toad. My wallet is a frog, kawaii!) (sweat drop)


Least Favorite food: sweets

Favorite month: none now

Favorite day of the week: none

Least Favorite day of the week: day when I have to see naruto (day when I have to see sasuke�) haha, same goes to you

What�s your favorite type of weather?: stormy

Favorite things to do: training

Favorite type of music: none

Favorite fast-food restaurant: none (is Ichiraku ramen counted?) what do you think? Dobe?

Favorite place to go on vacation to: forest to train

Shampoo: that�s stupid�
Colour: dark ones (ORANGE! If not why am I wearing orange?) ya, which ninja would be so stupid to wear an orange jumper?
Day or night: both
T.V Programme: none
Cartoon Character(s): I don�t watch cartoon
Cartoon: see the above
Advert: none
Movie : none (ME! NARUTO-SAMA�s VERY OWN MOVIE!) right, like I wasn�t in it?
Ice Cream: I don�t eat ice cream

Subject: no preference
Drink: I�m not picky
Shop: I don�t shop
Place: forest to train
Celebrity: none
Footballer: we don�t have football here� (ME!� eh, I just realize I don�t play eh, football, what�s that?) that idiot�

RIGHT NOW-------

What�s the weather like now?: (Looks out the window) sunny

What are you wearing now: are you a pervert?

Your Hair now is: dry
what are you Eating now: air
what are you drinking now: water
what are you listening to now: silence


Cried: �
Met Someone New: ya, there was this guy on the streets who don�t look familiar. He was normal looking, but his eyes were somehow familiar, round and big�( hmm. No, unless you consider Fuzzy eyebrows� new look, he cut his hair and trimmed his eyebrows�)so that guy was Rock Lee�

Cleaned Your Room: (looked around the house) yes
Done laundry: (Looked around the house and saw a heap of clothes) yes
Drove A Car: I don�t have a licence


Yourself: yes
Friends: not really

Tooth fairy: I grew out of that age
Destiny/Fate: not really
Angels: what the� (� is hokage-jichan considered? I just saw him last night, standing in front of my bed� )hahaha, serve you right
UFO's: who the hell invented this survey�

have you ever------

Have you ever Been So Drunk You Blacked Out: (how many times I have to say I�m still not of age to drink SAKE!) Naruto has said what I wanted to
Have You Put A Body Part On Fire For Amusement: yes, my enemies (� I wish I could do it on Sasuke) Naruto�(eyes twitching)
Have You Been Hurt Emotionally: yes, actually
Kept A Secret From Everyone: of course
Had A Crush On A Teacher: you are nuts�
Ever Thought An Animated Character Was HOT: I take back what I said about you�re nuts, you are INSANE! (you�re talking about me?) sorry, you are a thousand miles from the border line of �HOT�.
Cut Your Own Hair: when I was training with Kakashi and didn�t have time to go for a cut. (yes actually, when I was a little sad when Sakura-chan rejected me�) hahaha


Who Have You Known The Longest Of Your Friends: friends?

Who is the dookiest: Naruto (SASUKE) I�m getting tired of being the opposite of you�
Who is the prettiest: none in my eyes

Who Is The Loudest: Naruto, there was a time when he was a few blocks away during a mission and he was caught in a net,
Whoz da fittest: �
Who is the weirdest: Kakashi-sensei. We have been trying hard to get that mask off�

Who do you go to for advice: do I need it?
What Is The Best Feeling In The World: to kill itachi

The Worst Feeling In The World: when naruto looks cooler than me� (when sasuke looks cooler than me...) (sweat drop) I think it�s time we stop this nonsence�
Who Will Respond To This E-mail Fastest: Sakura
Who Are You Going To Send This To: copy and paste the entire list of my contacts�

Would you like your friends to write back? Whatever

What would you like to let your friends know: this test is nuts


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