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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

   Sakura's Personality Test
....uhhhh....yeah....this is sakura's personality test....its the same as sasuke's and naruto's...it has some os sasuke's answers on here and some of narutos...they are in () this things that i still cant spell.......(-_-')...oh and inner sakura are in (( )) those....

everyone: hahaha you cant spell!
me: SHUT UP!
everyone: hahahaha
me: .....*sigh*..

From: Sasuke(uchiha_sharingan@hotmail.com)

Sent: Monday, May 9, 2005 9:48:36 PM

To: Sakura (cherryblossoms@hotmail . com)

Sasuke: do this if you want, it's none of my business


What�s your christened name?: Haruno Sakura

Village: Konoha
Eyes: Emerald
Height: Taller than Naruto but shorter than Sasuke-kun
Siblings: none

What time is it?: 9 in the morning

Are you bored?: Of course, and my mom is yelling at me downstairs...

Nicknames: that ino-pig called me big forhead... ((inner sakura: hell!))(none, no one gave me one.) oh Sasuke-kun, let me give you one, PRINCE CHARMING!

Gender: female

Birthday: 28 march

Hair Color: PINK!

What things make you most happy: when i see sasuke-kun, when i'm on mission with sasuke-kun, when I"M SAVED BY SASUKE-KUN! ((inner sakura: HELL YEAH!))

What things make you sad: when i can't see sasuke-kun, when sasuke-kun is in hospital...

What things annoy you the most: NARUTO (Naruto) Me too, sasuke-kun!

Name of person who sent this to you: Sasuke-kun

Do you like him or her: YES! NO! I LOVE HIM!

What was the last thing you ate?: sweets

Who was the last person you talked to?: Naruto

What was the last thing you said?: Baka!

What�s your marital status?: single, but soon i'm going to be Mrs Uchiha!

Do you have a crush?: Duh, and guess who, on SASUKE-KUN!

What�s the coolest thing you�ve ever done?: When i protected sasuke-kun, ((inner sakura: HELL YEAH!)) (i always look cool beside Naruto, if you get what i mean) you'll always look cool in front of me, Sasuke-kun!

Dumbest thing?: When i tried to cover my forehead with my hair, i ended up like Sadako...

What do you spend most of your time doing?: Picking flowers, dreaming of Sasuke...

Summer or Winter?: Summer

Spring or Fall?: Spring!

Coffee or Tea?: tea, oh i just love the time i'm at tea with sasuke-kun...

Hugs or Kisses?: Both, from Sasuke-kun...

Hot or Cold?: hm...

Black or White?: white

Goal in life: to become Mrs Uchiha!


Favorite Sport: beating up Naruto

Favorite Animal: i like flowers though...

Food: sweets

Least Favorite food: none(sweets) ((inner sakura: DAMN YOU! *tears*)) WHY! Sasuke-kun! why don't you like sweets!

Favorite month: month where i get to see sasuke-kun most

Favorite day of the week: day when i get to see sasuke-kun

Least Favorite day of the week: day when I have to seeino-pig...

What�s your favorite type of weather?: Sunny!

Favorite things to do: daydream about Sasuke-kun! i thought i answered that already?

Favorite type of music: Naruto OST!

Favorite fast-food restaurant: none

Favorite place to go on vacation to: anywhere with Sasuke-kun!

Shampoo: those with flower fragrance
Colour: Bright colours
Day or night: day!
T.V Programme: Naruto Anime!
Cartoon Character(s): Sasuke-kun!
Cartoon: Naruto, parts on Sasuke-kun!
Advert: none
Movie: Naruto first movie. Sasuke-kun was soo cool!
Ice Cream: not really like the taste of it

Subject: genjutsu
Drink: no preference
Shop: unfortunally, where i can get flowers...
Place: grassland with lots of flowers, and also where Sasuke-kun is!
Celebrity: sasuke-kun!
Footballer: we don�t have football here, but if there is, i bet Sasuke-kun is still the coolest! ((inner sakura: SASUKE-KUN!))

RIGHT NOW-------

What�s the weather like now?: *Looks out the window* a little cloudy

What are you wearing now: my red outfit?

Your Hair now is: wet, just came out of the bathroom...
what are you Eating now: nothing(air) oh my god, sasuke-kun, you don't have anything to eat!
what are you drinking now: nothing
what are you listening to now: Sakura Season from NARUTO OST III!


Cried: NO !
Met Someone New: actually yes, there was this new guy in the village, he was kinda cute, and he asked me out! but of course, my heart is always with you Sasuke-kun!

Cleaned Your Room: *looked around the house* yes
Done laundry: sorry, my mom does them
Drove A Car: nah


Yourself: yes
Friends: yes

Tooth fairy: eh... do we have that in konoha legend?
Destiny/Fate: not really
Angels: ME?
UFO's:... ((inner sakura: WHAT THE HELL!))

have you ever------

Have you ever Been So Drunk You Blacked Out: we are still not allowed to drink Sake
Have You Put A Body Part On Fire For Amusement: no(yes, my enemies) (� I wish I could do it on Sasuke) Naruto�(eyes twitching))
Have You Been Hurt Emotionally: yes, actually, sniff, when sasuke-kun said something about me...
Kept A Secret From Everyone: of course, like how i hug sasuke-kun's photo before bed? OOPS! Now that's not a secret anymore!
Had A Crush On A Teacher: Eweeee
Ever Thought An Animated Character Was HOT: SASUKE-KUN! ((inner sakura: YEAAAAHHH!))
Cut Your Own Hair: during the chuunin exam... sniff, MY HAIR!


Who Have You Known The Longest Of Your Friends: everyone? and unfortunally that ino-pig...

Who is the dookiest: Naruto!

Who is the prettiest: me!(none in my eyes) oh no! sasuke-kun! Aren't i pretty!

Who Is The Loudest: Naruto a.k.a Noisy ninja
Whoz da fittest: Sasuke-kun!
Who is the weirdest: Kakashi-sensei. (We have been trying hard to get that mask off�) yea... naruto says he has thick lips, or buck teeth...*shivers*

Who do you go to for advice: Tsunade-sama!
What Is The Best Feeling In The World: to be cool in front od Sasuke-kun! ((inner sakura: HELL YEAH!))

The Worst Feeling In The World: when sasuke-kun rejects me... Wahhhhh!

Who Will Respond To This E-mail Fastest: perhaps Kakashi-sensei. heard that he's glued to the computer lately, something about Icha Icha Paradise anime episodes...
Who Are You Going To Send This To: everybody!

Would you like your friends to write back?: of course!

What would you like to let your friends know: sasuke-kun is the coolest! and hands off INO-PIG!

...did anyone else got a little annoyed with all the sasuke answers?....i sure did...


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