Birthday 1985-12-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2003-08-01 Real Name I am Taimou Nami-chan, Hitsuyou no musume!!! But you can just call me Duo, or Nami-chan!
My Loves duorocks17
Friday, June 25, 2004
Got this quiz from Donnie....again..... All-Round Gamer
Today wasn't all that bad. I filled out an application at my brother's work, he's trying to get me a job there. I don't know about it though. I could make practicaly $8 an hour. Hopefully I'll get a call tomarrow. I just need a job.
My car has to be taken to the shop now, cuz dad can figure out what is REALLY wrong with the car. He thinks it's a relay wire. and he can't find where they are (>_<), so we'll have to call a tow truck, and all that junk. It sucks. I just want my car back.
Today was an allright day. I missed Red, which makes me sad. But I got to spend time with my "other" family. I had a great time with them, which I always do. Then i went to another friends house, and watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". A great movie. The three rolls of a Greek girl. "Marry Greek man. Make Greek babies. And feed people."
Such a great movie! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Sorry I haven't posted the last part of the chapter yet, but I'll do that on Sat. Bye for now!