Birthday • 1985-12-16 Gender •
Female Member Since • 2003-08-01 Real Name • I am Taimou Nami-chan, Hitsuyou no musume!!! But you can just call me Duo, or Nami-chan!
My Loves duorocks17
Monday, July 19, 2004
Hello everyone! It's around 11:30 p.m. here, and I figured i should post now, because I won't get a chance to tomarrow. I want to say sorry in advance, because I probably won't have enough time to visit your guys' sites. gomen.
Here's what happened Sunday. Well, I woke up and went to church. About half way through church, I felt myself getting dizzy, and sweating, #1 sign that your sugar level is dropping. (I have hypoglycemia) so I tried to stay to the end, but left around communion. I rushed home, and ate me a turkey sandwhich, drunk a pop, and ate a cookie. After all that, I forced myself to sit up, because I still felt like I was going to faint, but after a little while, my level went back to normal. After that, I watched Dectective Conan, and then got a call from Katie, so I went to her house. There we watched a couple episodes of "Outlaw Star" and watched "Time Bandits". We started watching it with Mark, but he got tired, and after the boys came home from the pool, they finished it with us. *hugs all the boys* I just love them all!
Then I get home and find out that my cousin, (who is preganant) isn't doing so good, and that I have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. to go watch her two little kids. Watching them isn't the hard part (little kids love me if you couldn't tell), it's the whole getting up at 7 a.m. when my body is not used to waking up till around noon. That, and I have to work 5-9 again that evening. *sighs*.
I'm once again truely sorry I can't stop by your sites, I shall try to make up for it somehow. *gives everyone plate of cookies* Oh! And BrokenWing! Here is teh code. Just stick it in your intro or whereever you want the banner to be, and I'm glad you liked the site. ^__^. < img src=>
You'll have to take out the spaces!