Birthday 1985-12-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2003-08-01 Real Name I am Taimou Nami-chan, Hitsuyou no musume!!! But you can just call me Duo, or Nami-chan!
My Loves duorocks17
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
*sighs* Why did I even bother to save this guy in the first place? He's ani-social, thinks he's Evil Kennivel, and hardly speaks!!!
Thanks for all your comments again guys! *hugs everyone* Today wasn't as bad as yesterday, it actually was kinda fun. the little kids where okay, and work wasn't to bad. Our prayers worked sis! I didn't have to make garlic bread! And we didn't have any more bread, since our truck doesn't come till today, so I didn't have to make it, or put it out. So, i had enough time, I thought up a fun game! Here it is:
The Twists of Fate quotes game!
Match the quotes to the characters who say them! The person with the most correct will get something made for them, be it banner or avi, from the mastermind of Duo!
Your choices: a). Karen- the so called "lost princess" of the country of Acetoria. The main character of the story.
b). Brian- Karen's childhood friend who has secretly been in love with her for awhile now, afraid to confess his feelings for her.
c). Sarah- Karen and Brian's band mate and best friend.
d). Drew- a philosophical kid with few friends.
e). Roi- first prince of the country that starts with a "Z" that i have yet to make a name for. Enganged to the "lost princess" of Acetoria.
f). Rei- the only person Karen feels she can truely trust. Second prince of the "Z" country and Roi's twin brother.
Here we go!
1). "This is my destiny. Standing in front of you, protecting you Karen. It's where I belong."
2). "Fight me now! Brother! I will not let my bride be taken from me so easily!"
3). "It's time I reclaimed my past. This is it. This war my be starting because of me, but I won't let anything happen to them. I won't let anyone die!"
4). "I helpless. All I can do is sit here and cry, while my two best friends fight in this war! I have to do something, I have to!"
5). "I'm not going to let anything happen to her! She means everything to me!"
6). "So this is how it worked out. I'm going to fight my own people to protect someone. To protect her...that is my reason. She's this country, no, the world's future. I can't let her die!"
There you go! Just give a guess if you don't know for sure. Oh, the subject quote is for you Katie, just the one you wanted! I love that quote! *sighs* Duo....
Duo: What's up?
Nami-chan: Wait a second...what are you doing here?
Duo: What, I can't see my girl anytime I want?
Nami-chan: *blushes*
Relena: Heero! I'm right here so come and kill me!!
Duo: *shrugs and pulls out gun* Okay.
*Duo shoots Relena*
Heero: Thanks, she was really getting annoying.
Duo: *hugs Nami* That's whay I'm hear for!