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Friday, August 11, 2006
Skit: Mercenary of God. The Church's Hitman
[Storming into a chapel where Chruch Hitmen reside. Duo Kain, Rokoro Benard, Ray Malice, and Maya Turan asume formation for takedown.]
Rokoro: Get down...!
Duo Kain: Get the hell down!!
Malice: You'd better get the hell down!
Maya: Get on the ground!
[One of the hitmen rises from the fifth pew on the left and walks to the center]
Rokoro: Hold your ground or I will take you down.
Hitman: Why do you of little faith come and disturb our service.
Rokoro: We have hard evidence that one of your colleages has assassinated fifteen men, ten women, and three children. We come here for an arrest. Stay out of the way.
Hitman: I cannot allow it.
[Other 4 hitmen start a dash to the doors. Jon Skye, Jager, and Gordon Nail knock them down.]
Rokoro: We have the place surrounded. [Walks forward] If you yourself resist I cannot ensure that you'll...well you know what I mean.
Hitman: God has ensured me that you will not harm anyone of us.
[All stare and Duo Kain]
Duo Kain: BULL SHIT!
[Rokoro adjusts his glasses under his hair]
[Hitman kneels into a postion to strike with his sword]
Hitman: You lost minds have no idea of what we do. We kill the hopeless, the sinners, the insolent bastards who defile our Lord.
Hitman: My name's Joseph Korak I killed those men women and children.
[Rokoro is angered. He grips his fist tight.]
Korak: You're wondering why? No?
[Rokoro is now pissed off]
Korak: God told me to. Sinners of the extent where they go and disobey our teachings must be taken care of. The men were filthy peons wo drank and were violent. The women almost the same. The children..they ran around the town shooting firearms in the air. Such pity I give their cursed souls. As I do yours.
[Korak leaps at Rokoro and draws his sword for attack. Duo Kain dashes grabs Korak and thorws him into pews.]
Korak: GAACK! I..sense anger when you thew me. Does my motives enrage you?
Duo Kain: Not the motive of sin. The motive of a god telling you what to do.
Korak: ....You faith do you?
Duo Kain: FUCK faith There is no higher being! If it was out there it would make itself known! Strike me down you filith bastad in the sky!
Korak: Don't tempt our Lord..
Duo Kain: See... hehe thats you excuse! Don't tempt him cause you want to hold on to this dream of a higher entity.
Korak: Such blasphemy cannot be TOLERATED!
[Korak charges for attack]
[Malice flips out 3 knives and thows them around Korak. They miss but they make Korak stand his ground.]
[Duo Kain laughs in an almost sick an twisted way.]
[Everyone is shocked.]
Duo Kain: We humans are so damn ignorant that we make theories just to satisfy our damned curiosity!
Duo Kain: an excuse. For our fucking ignorance. If we don't know we panic and make up something. You take orders deep down from youself. That little piece of God you say is within you. Heh. It's merely you what you think that a figment of your created God would do. You fail to live up to it. You are pathetic.
Korak: Hm interesting prospect I shall elaborate on that with my own time. We saved this machine for our own little doomsday. I Will have fun with you pathetic whores.
[A mech suit forms around Korak]
[Fight Scene follows]
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