After years of seperation, I hae returned to my loving otaku, and my loving sibling-friends. YAY!
Well, nothing much has happened, save for my new boyfriend.
He's so sweet. At first, though, it was unsteady on my end. But after speaking with a friend, I found out it was just me being unsure because I was too afriad to get hurt. Now that I've let go, me and Christian are much happier. He's my ookami (wolf) and I'm his tanuki(raccoon). he even brought me a raccoon when we went out friday. *hugs beanie baby*
well, for halloween, I'm little red riding hood. It's a short outfit though. I'll have to wear either so footless stockings,or some shorts and knee-highs.
well, I've decided to write two fanfics and post them on One will be flcl, and the other is a type of fullmetal alchemist.
I'll let you know when their posted.
over and out..