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New England
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My friends convinced me to start reading manga, God knows when.
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Full Metal Alchemist, Pokemon
Video games, music
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Survey says...?
About Me
Name: Evan Birthdate: April 9th, 1993 Birthplace: Maine Time you Were Born: Daytime I think. Nicknames: E, Winkel, E-123 Eye color: Green Hair color: Brown Height: Six feet, almost. Left or Right Handed: Right. Heritage: Irish
Food: Pizza. I mean, who the fuck doesn't? Colour: Gray Number: 7 and 13 Letter: E, I guess. Season: Autumn. Not too bad. Type of Weather: Calm. Sports team: Portland Seadogs. FUCK YEEEAH. TV ad: Any videogame commercial. 'Cept for those licensed ones. >> Drink: Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb Alcoholic Drink: Don't drink, don't drive. Chocolate Bar: Reeses Cups Restaurant: Applebees Gum: Gum's overrated. Word: Oh, that's a toughie.
Bedtime: 10:00 on weekdays, any other time on any other day. Most Missed Memory: The ones that don't exist. =P Weakness: Female persuasion. Fears: Death. Particularly drowning. I hate deep waters... First Thought Waking Up: SHIT! I was supposed to DO that...? Goal For This Year: Pass the 9th grade, damn it. Most Overused Phrase on an instant messenger: Damn, fuck, shit...well, all that. Perfect Pizza: Cheese. Not to shabby, savvy?
This or That...
Orange or Apple juice: Apple Dog or Cat: Cat Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi Maccas or Burger Knig: The hell is a Macca? Scary Movie or Funny Movies: Both Chocolate or Vanilla: Both Black or White: Both go together perfectly. Truth or Dare: Neither Live Forever or Die Young: Live Forever PS2 or Xbox 360: Is there a competition? XBox 360. Snakes or Spiders: Snakes. Feh. Mud or Dirt: Dirt. Gold or Silver: Silver.
Have You Ever...
Drunk: Nope. Smoked: Noope. Done drugs: Nooope. Been beaten up: Noooope. Done the beating up: Broken the law: Nah. Been arrested: I'm still here. Shoplifted: I've tried. :< Cut your own hair: Once. Burnt stuff caus you were bored: Only if it was mandatory. =D Danced in the rain: No. Had a long distance relationship: Fuck those. Eaten something off the ground, ignoring the 10 second rule: M&Ms. Been stalked: Yeah. Skinny Dipped: Go die in a pit you father fucker. Broken a bone: No, suprisingly. Been in an Accident: Nono. Been in Love: Yes. Kissed opposite sex: No. Kissed same sex: No.
Do You...
Shower Daily: Weekly. Sing in the Shower: Occasionally. Sing Well: I IS THE BOMB, FOO Swear: Fuck yes. Believe in Yourself: Yeah, I guess. Want to go to College: Sure, why not? Want to Get Married: As long as she isn't psycho. Want to Have Kids: ...adopted? Well, it's a tough decision. Get Along With Your Parents: Mom. Dad, we never talk. Get Along With Your Siblings: All of 'em, often. Like Thunderstorms: Yah, 'cept for outages. Then I'm a sad panda. Play an Instrument: My VOICE is an instrument! Speak a Foreign Language: Por que? No. Sleep wIth Stuffed Animals: Nooo. Keep a Diary/Journal: I blog.
Can You...
Roll Your Tongue in a Circle: Er no. Both Ways: My tounge? Juggle: No. Do the Splits: Ow. Say the Alphabet Backwards: No. Write With Both Hands: Badly with the left. >>
In a Guy/Girl...
Favourite Eye Colour: Any color. I can live with that. Favourite Hair Colour: Brown Long or Short: Shoulder length I guess. Height: Not taller then me, I know that. Tall AS me would be a bit creepy, though. Weight: NOT overweight. Clothing Style: Casual. Drugs and/or Alcohol: No and no. Love or Money: Love.
What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done: Oh, that's just between me and myself. Who Would You Want to be Stuck in an Elevator With: One of my friends. If the elevator STOPPED, I'd kill someone when I get out. Is Your Window Open: For a fan. D: What Colour is Your Toothbrush: White.
Little Known Fact About You:
Who Is Your Longest Friend & How Long: Spencer, since I was in preschool. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight: I suppose. Did You Have Long Hair as a Kid: No. What Cell Phone Provider Do You Have: Cell phones give you brain cancer. BRAIN CANCER. Do You Know All The Words to the National Anthem: I forget sometimes. Have You Ever Smoked Peanut Shells: What the fuck are you smoking, peanut shells? Last Time You Swam in a Pool: A few weeks ago. If You Were a Crayon What Colour Would You Be: Gray. Been to the Mall Lately: No. Sadface. Ever caught a Fish: Yeah. How Do You Cure Hiccups: Chug a cupfull of water. Always works. What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done: You asked me that two seconds ago. Can You Stick Your Fist In Your Mouth: I'm not gonna try.
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