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Monday, July 30, 2007
Random survey #don'tgiveacrap
26 Facts and 13 Secrets
41 FACTS: Today
1. Talk to a boy or girl you like?: No. 2. Learn anything new? Not really. 3. Talk to an expert? Nobody's an expert, trust me. 4. Miss someone? My friends from school. Last time I saw them was at Jeff's party.
FACTS: Last Person Who
5. Laid in your bed other than you? My cat. ...what? He sleeps there. 6. Made you cry? My older brother. I didn't seriously CRY, he yelled at me because I was using the phone to call my mom and called me an ignorant little freak. (At least, I thought it was hurtful.) 7. You went to the movies with? My brother. I think we went to see Pirates 3. 8. Went to the mall with you? I never really go to the mall. 9. You showered with? What the fuck? That was unexpected. 10. Said they loved you? My mommy. (Seriously, anyone else besides her? Nobody.)
FACTS: General stuff
11. Wheres your favorite hangout? My office. 12. What are you most scared of this second? That's between me and myself. 13. Does anyone like you? I dunno. I don't mind, either. 14. Have you ever farted? What the hell do you think? 15. Are you lonely right now? Sort of. 16. Song stuck in your head right now? Haha, no song's stuck in my head. Sweet freedom. 17. Been on t.v or radio? I've been in the newspaper for a quote from 6th grade. 18. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap? I can't remember. 19. What color shirt do you have on now? White. 20. Name three things that you do every day? 1. Get on the computer. 2. Play on my DS. 3. Listen to music. 21. Whats your favorite show? Robot Chicken 22. Who got you to join Myspace? (MyOtaku, thank you) One of my friends who really isn't my friend anymore, but more of an aquantince. 23. Wish someone was next to you this morning when you woke up? No. I would like to be alone in my bed, thank you. 24. What web site do you visit the most? Usually some messageboard. 25. Do you have plants in your room? Nope. 26. Who was the last person to hug you? I forget.
1. WHAT IS YOUR DISPLAY NAME ABOUT? It just came outta nowhere. 2. WHERE WAS YOUR DISPLAY PICTURE TAKEN? It's Dr. Hobo. He does what he pleases. 3. WHATS YOUR HEADLINE MEAN? *no headline* 4. WHATS YOUR CURRENT MOOD? Drowsy. 5. WHATS YOUR MOST VALUED POSSESSION? My friendship, suprisingly. 6. HOW ARE THINGS IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP? I'm not IN a relationship. 7. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WOULD YOU? No, I couldn't deal with that shit. 8. IF YOU COULD BE AN ANIMAL FOR A DAY, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? Any bird. 'Cept for an ostrich/emu/flamingo. God, those things are weird. 9. EVER HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE? I almost fell off of a cliff around one-hundred feet. 10.WHO IS YOUR MOST RECENT EX? I've never been in a relationship. 11. HAVE YOU EVER SANG IN FRONT OF A LARGE AUDIENCE? I AM in the choir. 12. WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? The face. 13. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY ORDER FROM STARBUCKS? I never go to Starbucks, thank you.
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