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Goodrich, Michigan
Member Since
Sophmore - Highschool
Real Name
Christopher Easton
I really couldn't think of a noteable achievement I've made... except maybe that I'm not dead yet.
Anime Fan Since
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I don't really have a goal
Watching anime... and... sitting at my computer doing nothing... and... listening to music
Nothing. I'm completely devoid of talent
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/11/04:
Outcast... Loner... yup, that about sums me up.
 Half Force. Too peaceful for demons, too violent for humans, you're the outcast of both worlds. You've been a loner most of your life, filled with thoughts of sadness and the need to belong somewhere. It's too bad they can't see how truly strong you are.
Which Demon Force Rules You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/09/04:
Yup, sounds pretty right.
 A Letter to Elise - You're in love, but out of a relationship. You knew it was going to end, but you held on.'re in love but not loved in return.
Which Song By The Cure Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/08/04:
Yup, pretty random, dunno why I even did it.
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
 You are a loner...not that you don't like people, it's just that you like to spend time with yourself or you are an outsider...don't like talking too much and even going out...loneliness isn't healthy, but you like it...what can say?! Just live the way you want...u_u
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
I'm seeing a distant depressive theme in my quizzes... how about you guys?
 You're a Winter. You very much enjoy your time alone but do like other people's company sometimes. You just need your space. You have a few priviledged friends who saw past your colder exterior to find the true you. You can have pretty bad mood swings (though you hate to admit it) so you could be soft one second then storming around the next! But over all, you're a very pleasant person once people take the time to get to know you. You're a good friend for in-depth talks. You're very talanted when it comes to creative things.(If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
Yup, kinda sounds like me
 Aww...what's wrong? You seem to be feeling down. Hopefully it's only for today. You like to hide from people and just be away in your 'sarcophagus.' You would rather be left alone 'under your wraps' and not interact with anyone. You don't like to share your feelings with people. Who knows what causes this, but cheer least a little bit. There's no use in feeling bad all the time. You'll be missing all the good stuff while in the darkness. Have a Happy Halloween, my Wrapped Friend =)
What Halloween Figure Are You? (MANY RESULTS WITH SIX ALL NEW ONES!!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
Hhmm, this result got a little too personal... I'm gonna go be even more depressed now.
 F: size="2">You've come upon a Rough Stretch. Can
you make it through? You've come upon hard times. Things aren't looking so good
to you and your life has seem to collapse into a downward spiral. You've lost
your way and can't seem to find the right path to take. You are probably
depressed and feeling lonely as you've lost sight of those who love you. You may
wander through this road with a few others like you and are able to comfort them
as they comfort you, but it is not enough. You've lost something, maybe someone
close, and with it you lost your faith in life. You're probably confused and
unsure what to do next. But the way will become clear eventually. It always
does. This stretch that lies before you seems never-ending and not worth
traveling. But don't let yourself fall, you may have stumbled upon this,
but pick yourself up as best you can and hold on to that little bit of faith you
have. The road isn't as endless as it seems. All things, good and bad must come
to and end. This too shall pass and you'll be amazed at what good lay beyond it
if you just find the strength within yourself to try and make it.
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
I'm emo to the core, that's pretty deep.
 you're dashboard confessional! emo to the core, you're not afraid to show your feelings. you're so emo you make other people cry with stories of unfaithful partners and hard break-ups. congrats.
What Emo Band Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
Wow, I'm truly emo... who would have thought?
 You're Truly an Emo Kid. You go to as many shows as possible. You wear lots of striped shirts, sweaters, and cuffed jeans. You cry about how you don't have a signifigant other. You write meaningful lyrics or poetry. Cheer up, life doesn't suck that much.
What Kind of Emo Kid are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04: did they know i liked schoolgirls?
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