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myOtaku.com: Ebony

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My mother came to my bed, placed a cold towel upon my head...
Another verse to a kickass song XD

Got all muh textbooks today...and my classes are spread EVERYWHERE, and since my damn locker is on the top floor of the school, sometimes I have to go up 2 flights of stairs and all the way across the school just to get a single binder. So, I'm using my backpack instead. Muh poor locker is gonna be all by itself in it's lonesome orange-ness. And muh poor backpack has been totally gang-banged by various binders and thick, heavy textbooks.

Poor thing. I think it'll need counseling after all that T-T

Oh! If you guys wanna learn the Japanese I learn on the days I have Japanese, just tell meh and I'll post it daily. Woo, free language without the homework and having to sit in long classes XD

Mother of God! There is a SHITLOAD of people in symphonic band this year. It's overwhelming beyond all reason! I'm shoulder to shoulder, and the room is HUGE *dies*

There's probably 70+ people in there T-T

My cousin is moving out very soon. Therefore no more "Can I get on your computer, can I get on your computer, can I get on your computer...etc, etc..."

And WTF?! One of my tadpoles died while I was hunting! HOW the HELL did it die? It eats algae and bacteria, and believe me, that tank is FULL of it O___o

So now I only have one tadpole. I hope to whatever god that exists that it'll live and it's a girly girl for Greed. He needs a lover T-T

Omfg, something funny happened in English today XD

In order to get to know people better, the teacher passed out these little pieces of paper, and we had to write something about ourselves down on them and then hand them back. He then gave them to random people around the classroom. Then we had to go find the person that wrote the fact about them on the paper you were given (hope that makes sense O.o ) Then once you did, you had to sit down. Once everyone was done, the teacher went around the room, and we had to introduce ourselves and the person who wrote the card you got. It was really funny 'kuz mine said "My favorite viruses are ebola, marburg, leprosy, and HIV"

The people sitting around me scooted away and the classroom went silent. It amused me to no end XD

Random pics of DOOOOOM!

Sephiroth with a light saber...or however you spell it XD

A little boy suffering from the beginnings of leprosy T-T

A tattoo that I thought was cool 83

I love skeleton keys like pedophiles love children XD

Catfish are my second fav animal! 83

Kenshin during/before the Bakumatsu X3

Shin-Chan giving some peace XD

'Nuff of that...

...'nuff of everything.

TTFN, babes.

P.S. It only becomes complicated once you make it so.

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