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• Albino_Yaoi
• 1990-12-08
• Alaska
Member Since
• 2004-03-19
• Student...rawr X3
Real Name
• Haley
• Picking my nose on a rainy day.
Anime Fan Since
• Back to the days when Escaflowne first came out and Pokemon XD
Favorite Anime
• Advent Children, FLCL, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X , FMA, Angel Sanctuary, Inuyasha, Naruto, Vampire Hunter D, and Yugioh.
• Get better at drawing, baby. And...finish all of my hopeless stories that I abandoned *cries*
• Drawing, reading, writing, painting, sleeping, attempting to locate anyone with albinism (found 2! yay!)
• SCARING people! >8D
Saturday, October 28, 2006
O...M...F...G! I'm...I'm...I'm ALIVE! Holy fuck...I can't believe I survived night after night of bookoo homework! GOD sometimes I hate advanced classes X___x Fuckin' teachers think their students don't have LIVES! GAH! DX
And...I'm soooooo sorry I haven't been to your sites and such! I promise I'll make up for it! I will! I'll get to all your sites tomorrow and the day after, etc...
Hopefully I'll be able to draw like the psychopathical maniac I used to be before teachers decided they hated my existence and tried to kill me by piling homework on my desk. Gaaaaaaaaah...*kills self*
OMFG, sleep sounds so godly right now and it's only 9 PM...X___x
Random pics of DOOOOM!!!!

Random fact of the day:
In olden days, barbers also performed as surgeons. Blood-letting, a remedy of the time believed to cure diseases, was one of their main tasks. The red-and-white striped barber pole originally symbolized a bleeding arm swathed in bandages.
I'm sleep. And when I get up...clean my room homework *sob*
TTFN, babes.
P.S. ( Sick joke, courtesy of a friend ~ You might have to think about it in order to get it XP )
This 16 year old girl run up to her dad and excitedly asks, "Dad!!! Dad!!! Can I use the car?"
Dad: Well I don't know��.
Girl: Oh, Come On, Dad, Pleeeease?
Dad: Well, let me think about it��..
Girl: Come On, Dad, I need to go right, now!!!!
Dad: Alright, but first, you have to go down on me��..
Girl: (angry) Dad!!! I'm not gonna do that!!! How Disgusting �� That's sick!!!
Dad: Well, if you really want the car that badly��. Then must do what you must��
Girl: I can't believe this��..( stands there in the middle of the tapping her foot with impatience, wait for her dad to come to his senses��.5minutes roll by��and finally)��..Alright!!!! Fine then!!!! I'll do it!!!
So she gets the first taste of it and shouts, "Yuck your dick tastes like Shit!!!!"
Dad: Oh yeah, I forgot, your brother has got the car already��.
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