jennifer92 (10/19/05)
Hiya! Nice to meet you! My name is Jennifer but you can call me Kitsune. I like your site! The Avi is so cute.I hope you don't mind but I added you.I hope we can be good friends.Come by my site it Suxs but I try my best As You Already Saw it! .I am always here to support ya! If you want PM me sometimes I love to talk alot and I am always here to help anybody.I love Yu-Gi-Oh the most i like Kisara Bakura,Ryou,Yami,DMG,DM,Mana,
Mahadao,Seto,Joey,Marik,Yami Marik
,Valon,Mai and alot more! To many to list.I mostly like bakura!! i think he is hot! ^//^ Another thing is people call Me Kitsune Kisara.T_T' I have no idea why they call me that.Oh and the Avi it looks sad well my whole life is sad a depressing so it goes well with my life oh and it is Kisara YAY FOR KISARA!!! o.0' i am sorry i am just a bit hyper.I talk to much see what happens i am going to shut up now.well have a great day bye!
P.S. I am so so so so so so so so sorry about the Long GB signing! o.o' I tend to talk away to much i didn't mean to.....I suck at this.By the way i can't stop saying this...YOUR SITE ROCKS!! Thanks for the support I haven't been feeling well and I am trying to be hyper...PM me sometime. ^.^ Well Buh Bye now.